Account restricted: Medical Devices Policy; eBay c...

13 Aug.,2024


Account restricted: Medical Devices Policy; eBay c...

My account has been repeatedly restricted because certain listings "didn't follow the eBay Medical devices policy". However, these items are laparoscope obturators and other commonly listed reusable surgical instruments. They are not Rx only prescription-required items, implants, or anything else listed in the official eBay medical devices policy... What recourse do I have???!!!

Goto lookmed to know more.


When I first appealed to customer service, they agreed that the item could be appealed and that my account would likely be restored within 72hrs (longer than the restriction itself, and I never heard back anyway). Today, with 3+ listings being removed, customer service chat admitted that even though the listings were not in violation of the eBay policy, I was still having my account restricted because:  "We have reviewed your listings and we understand that you have listed surgical instruments that are used in medical procedures. We understand that this instruments needs to be operated by trained and certified medical professionals and since on the platform we are unable to identity if the person the purchasing the instrument is a trained medical professional we do not allow the listing of such surgical instruments."


How on earth can I elevate this to a competent eBay employee? I feel like I'm being targeted by a competitor who is reporting my listings, or by a rogue bot... either way, I don't understand why customer service won't fix it, and then they have the gall to make-up the fake policy that instruments which require 'trained and certified professionals' are not allowed (that would include virtually all surgical instruments, and practically everything in the Business and Industrial categories).


Consider These 5 Benefits of Laparoscopy

No one likes the thought of surgery. But sometimes, it&#;s the best option to treat pain and other symptoms &#; especially if those symptoms are disrupting your health.

Gynecologic surgery is a common treatment option for conditions like endometriosis, fibroids, and even infertility. If you&#;re bothered by pelvic pain or other symptoms, surgery could provide relief and improve your well-being.

At OB-GYN Associates of Marietta in Marietta and Woodstock, Georgia, our team strives to empower women in their health care decisions. We specialize in the latest gynecology surgical technologies, including minimally invasive laparoscopy to treat your condition and get you back to your life as quickly as possible.

1. Versatile procedure

Laparoscopy is a customizable procedure to diagnose and treat a range of common gynecologic conditions. Our doctors may recommend laparoscopy to diagnose the cause of certain symptoms, like pelvic pain or infertility. If you already have a diagnosis, laparoscopy may be an option to treat your condition. 

We regularly perform laparoscopic surgery for gynecologic conditions, including:

  • Endometriosis

  • Fibroids

  • Ovarian cysts

    Contact us to discuss your requirements of Laparoscopic Instrument. Our experienced sales team can help you identify the options that best suit your needs.

  • Hysterectomy

  • Tubal ligation

If laparoscopy is a good option for you, our team discusses your recommended treatment plan and the benefits of laparoscopy to help you make your decision.

2. Smaller incisions

Laparoscopy is a surgical technique that uses a small scope and specialized surgical tools instead of traditional open surgery. These tools allow our doctors to operate in a small surgery site, and large incisions aren&#;t needed.

In fact, laparoscopic incisions are about the size of a buttonhole. You may have several of these small incisions depending on your procedure, but their small size means you&#;ll have fewer stitches and less noticeable scarring once you recover.

3. Lower risk of complications

Using small incisions and the laparoscope, our doctors can perform complex procedures with precision. Laparoscopic procedures generally result in less trauma to surrounding healthy tissue, which reduces your risk of complications during and after surgery.

Less blood loss during surgery, lower risk of infection, and lower risk of swelling are just a few of the benefits patients enjoy when they opt for laparoscopy over traditional open surgery.

4. Less pain

All surgeries are considered major medical events. It&#;s normal to feel pain, swelling, and bruising as you recover from surgery, but minimally invasive surgery doesn&#;t cause as much trauma to surrounding tissue as traditional options.

Laparoscopy is minimally invasive, so it reduces postsurgical pain for many patients. Less trauma means you&#;re likely to experience less pain immediately following surgery and throughout your recovery.

5. Faster recovery

Laparoscopy is considered minimally invasive surgery, and at OB-GYN Associates of Marietta, most of our procedures are done on an outpatient basis. We monitor you for some time following surgery, but then you&#;re free to go home.

Our team gives you instructions for recovery at home. In general, you can expect to recover more quickly after laparoscopic surgery than traditional surgery. Laparoscopy typically leads to fewer complications, less pain, and the ability to return to your usual daily activities after a shorter recovery period.

If you need a diagnostic procedure or gynecologic surgery, laparoscopy could be a good option for you. Talk to our team to learn more about the benefits of laparoscopy. Contact us for an appointment.

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