Cellulose ether - CAMEO

06 Aug.,2024


Cellulose ether - CAMEO


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A class of water-soluble polymers with a cellulose backbone and ether containing substituents. In general, cellulose ethers are white bulky solids that form clear, hygroscopic films. They were first produced commercially in the s in Germany and the s in the United States. Cellulose ethers are made by treating Cellulose with concentrated Sodium hydroxide followed by etherification with one or more reagents such as methyl chloride, ethyl chloride, ethylene oxide or propylene oxide. They are used as adhesives, poultices, consolidants and coatings. Aging studies indicate that Methyl cellulose (MC), Hydroxypropylmethyl cellulose (HPMC) and Carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) polymers have very good stability with negligible discoloration or weight loss (Feller and Wilt ). Ethyl cellulose (EC), organic soluble Ethylhydroxyethyl cellulose (OS-EHEC) and Hydroxypropyl cellulose (HPC) are not recommended for long-term use (Feller and Wilt ).

See also Hydroxyethyl cellulose and Methylhydroxyethyl cellulose

éteres de celulosa (Esp.); éther de cellulose (Fr.); etere di cellulosa (It.); éter de celulose (Port.)

Examples include: methyl cellulose (MC); sodium carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC); hydroxypropyl cellulose (HPC); ethyl hydroxyethyl cellulose (EHEC); hydroxyethyl cellulose (HEC); methyl hydroxypropyl cellulose (MHPC); Klucel® [Aqualon]; Glutolin [Kalle]; CMC7HC [Hercules]; Methocel A [Dow]; Cellosize® [Union Carbide];


  • Adhesive


  • Can attract pests
  • Susceptible to heat degradation, UV oxidation and microbial attack.
  • Protect from sunlight, heat, and moisture.

Physical and Chemical Properties

  • Most are soluble in cold water.
  • Most are insoluble in hot water.

Resources and Citations

  • R.Feller, M.Wilt, Evaluation of Cellulose Ethers for Conservation, in Research in Conservation Series, Getty Conservation Institute, .
  • A Glossary of Paper Conservation Terms, Margaret Ellis (ed.), Conservation Center of the Institute of Fine Arts, New York City,
  • Hermann Kuhn, Conservation and Restoration of Works of Art and Antiquities, Butterworths, London,
  • Art and Architecture Thesaurus Online, http://www.getty.edu/research/tools/vocabulary/aat/, J. Paul Getty Trust, Los Angeles,

What Are the Properties of Cellulose Ethers? Anxin ...

What Are the Properties of Cellulose Ethers? Anxin Cellulose co.,Ltd

Anxin Cellulose Co.,Ltd



2 min read


If you are looking for more details, kindly visit general cellulose ethers.

Jan 5,


Cellulose ethers exhibit a range of properties that make them versatile and valuable in various industrial applications. The specific properties depend on the type of cellulose ether and its degree of substitution or modification. Here are some general properties associated with cellulose ethers:

  1. **Water Solubility:**
    &#; Many cellulose ethers are water-soluble, allowing for easy incorporation into aqueous formulations. The degree of solubility can vary among different derivatives.
anxin cellulose

2. **Film Formation:**
&#; Certain cellulose ethers, such as ethyl cellulose, can form films. This property is utilized in coatings, pharmaceuticals, and other applications where a thin, protective film is desirable.

3. **Thickening and Rheology Modification:**
&#; Cellulose ethers are effective thickeners and rheology modifiers in liquid formulations. They contribute to the viscosity and consistency of products like paints, adhesives, and personal care items.

4. **Improved Workability:**
&#; In construction applications, cellulose ethers like hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC) and methyl hydroxyethyl cellulose (MHEC) are known for enhancing the workability of mortars and adhesives.

5. **Water Retention:**
&#; Cellulose ethers have the ability to retain water, which is beneficial in construction materials. This property helps prevent premature drying, ensuring proper curing and adhesion.

6. **Adhesion:**
&#; Cellulose ethers contribute to improved adhesion in products like tile adhesives and grouts. They enhance the bond between materials, providing better overall performance.

7. **Stabilization:**
&#; In food products and certain formulations, cellulose ethers act as stabilizers, preventing phase separation and maintaining the homogeneity of the mixture.

8. **Binder Properties:**
&#; In pharmaceutical tablets, cellulose ethers serve as binders, helping to hold the tablet ingredients together and improve the integrity of the dosage form.

9. **Controlled Release:**
&#; Some cellulose ethers, like ethyl cellulose, are used in pharmaceutical coatings for controlled-release formulations. This allows for a gradual release of the active ingredient.

10. **Compatibility:**
&#; Cellulose ethers are generally compatible with a wide range of other ingredients used in formulations, making them versatile additives in various industries.

11. **Non-Toxic and Biodegradable:**
&#; Cellulose ethers are often considered safe for use in many applications, and they are biodegradable, contributing to their environmental acceptability.

It&#;s important to note that the specific properties of cellulose ethers can vary based on factors such as the type of ether, degree of substitution, and the intended application. Manufacturers provide detailed information about the properties of their cellulose ether products in technical data sheets and product specifications.

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