CRANBERRY - Uses, Side Effects, and More

08 Jul.,2024


CRANBERRY - Uses, Side Effects, and More

Allison, D. G., Cronin, M. A., Hawker, J., and Freeman, S. Influence of cranberry juice on attachment of Escherichia coli to glass. J Basic Microbiol. ;40(1):3-6. View abstract.

For more information, please visit powdered cranberry juice North American.

Ariga, T. The antioxidative function, preventive action on disease and utilization of proanthocyanidins. Biofactors ;21(1-4):197-201. View abstract.

Avorn J, Monane M, Gurwitz J, Glynn R I, Choodnovskiy I, and Lipsitz L A. Reduction of bacteriuria and pyuria using cranberry juice. JAMA ;272(8):588-590.

Bailey, D. T., Dalton, C., Joseph, Daugherty F., and Tempesta, M. S. Can a concentrated cranberry extract prevent recurrent urinary tract infections in women? A pilot study. Phytomedicine ;14(4):237-241. View abstract.

Basu, A., Betts, N. M., Ortiz, J., Simmons, B., Wu, M., and Lyons, T. J. Low-energy cranberry juice decreases lipid oxidation and increases plasma antioxidant capacity in women with metabolic syndrome. Nutr Res ;31(3):190-196. View abstract.

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Bianco, L., Perrelli, E., Towle, V., Van Ness, P. H., and Juthani-Mehta, M. Pilot randomized controlled dosing study of cranberry capsules for reduction of bacteriuria plus pyuria in female nursing home residents. J Am.Geriatr Soc ;60(6):-. View abstract.

Blatherwick NR and Long ML. Studies of urinary acidity II: The increased acidity produced by eating prunes and cranberries. J Biol Chem ;57:815.

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Bodet, C., Chandad, F., and Grenier, D. Anti-inflammatory activity of a high-molecular-weight cranberry fraction on macrophages stimulated by lipopolysaccharides from periodontopathogens. J Dent Res ;85(3):235-239. View abstract.

Bodet, C., Chandad, F., and Grenier, D. Cranberry components inhibit interleukin-6, interleukin-8, and prostaglandin E production by lipopolysaccharide-activated gingival fibroblasts. Eur J Oral Sci ;115(1):64-70. View abstract.

Bodet, C., Chandad, F., and Grenier, D. Inhibition of host extracellular matrix destructive enzyme production and activity by a high-molecular-weight cranberry fraction. J Periodontal Res ;42(2):159-168. View abstract.

Bodet, C., Grenier, D., Chandad, F., Ofek, I., Steinberg, D., and Weiss, E. I. Potential oral health benefits of cranberry. Crit Rev.Food Sci Nutr ;48(7):672-680. View abstract.

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Cadkova, I., Doudova, L., Novackova, M., Huvar, I., and Chmel, R. [Effect of cranberry extract capsules taken during the perioperative period upon the post-surgical urinary infection in gynecology]. Ceska.Gynekol. ;74(6):454-458. View abstract.

Campbell, G., Pickles, T., and D'yachkova, Y. A randomised trial of cranberry versus apple juice in the management of urinary symptoms during external beam radiation therapy for prostate cancer. Clin Oncol.(R.Coll Radiol.) ;15(6):322-328. View abstract.

Chu, Y. F. and Liu, R. H. Cranberries inhibit LDL oxidation and induce LDL receptor expression in hepatocytes. Life Sci 8-26-;77(15):-. View abstract.

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Cowan, C. C., Hutchison, C., Cole, T., Barry, S. J., Paul, J., Reed, N. S., and Russell, J. M. A randomised double-blind placebo-controlled trial to determine the effect of cranberry juice on decreasing the incidence of urinary symptoms and urinary tract infections in patients undergoing radiotherapy for cancer of the bladder or cervix. Clin.Oncol.(R.Coll.Radiol.) ;24(2):e31-e38. View abstract.

Cravotto, G., Boffa, L., Genzini, L., and Garella, D. Phytotherapeutics: an evaluation of the potential of plants. J Clin Pharm Ther ;35(1):11-48. View abstract.

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Di Martino, P., Agniel, R., David, K., Templer, C., Gaillard, J. L., Denys, P., and Botto, H. Reduction of Escherichia coli adherence to uroepithelial bladder cells after consumption of cranberry juice: a double-blind randomized placebo-controlled cross-over trial. World J Urol ;24(1):21-27. View abstract.

Dignam R, Ahmed M, Denman S, and et al. The effect of cranberry juice on UTI rates in a long-term care facility. J Amer Geriat Soc ;45(9):S53.

Dohadwala, M. M., Holbrook, M., Hamburg, N. M., Shenouda, S. M., Chung, W. B., Titas, M., Kluge, M. A., Wang, N., Palmisano, J., Milbury, P. E., Blumberg, J. B., and Vita, J. A. Effects of cranberry juice consumption on vascular function in patients with coronary artery disease. Am.J Clin.Nutr ;93(5):934-940. View abstract.

Duarte, S., Gregoire, S., Singh, A. P., Vorsa, N., Schaich, K., Bowen, W. H., and Koo, H. Inhibitory effects of cranberry polyphenols on formation and acidogenicity of Streptococcus mutans biofilms. FEMS Microbiol.Lett ;257(1):50-56. View abstract.

DuGan C and Cardaciotto P. Reduction of ammoniacal urinary odors by the sustained feeding of cranberry juice. J Psych Nurs ;4:467-470.

Duthie, S. J., Jenkinson, A. M., Crozier, A., Mullen, W., Pirie, L., Kyle, J., Yap, L. S., Christen, P., and Duthie, G. G. The effects of cranberry juice consumption on antioxidant status and biomarkers relating to heart disease and cancer in healthy human volunteers. Eur.J Nutr ;45(2):113-122. View abstract.

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Ferguson, P. J., Kurowska, E. M., Freeman, D. J., Chambers, A. F., and Koropatnick, J. In vivo inhibition of growth of human tumor lines by flavonoid fractions from cranberry extract. Nutr Cancer ;56(1):86-94. View abstract.

Ferguson, P. J., Kurowska, E., Freeman, D. J., Chambers, A. F., and Koropatnick, D. J. A flavonoid fraction from cranberry extract inhibits proliferation of human tumor cell lines. J Nutr. ;134(6):-. View abstract.

Ferrara, P., Romaniello, L., Vitelli, O., Gatto, A., Serva, M., and Cataldi, L. Cranberry juice for the prevention of recurrent urinary tract infections: a randomized controlled trial in children. Scand.J Urol.Nephrol. ;43(5):369-372. View abstract.

Foda M, Middlebrook PF, Gatfield CT, and et al. Efficacy of cranberry in prevention of urinary tract infection in a susceptible pediatric population. Canadian J Urology ;2(1):98-102.

Foxman, B., Geiger, A. M., Palin, K., Gillespie, B., and Koopman, J. S. First-time urinary tract infection and sexual behavior. Epidemiology ;6(2):162-168. View abstract.

Garcia-Calatayud, S., Larreina Cordoba, J. J., and Lozano De La Torre MJ. [Severe cranberry juice poisoning]. An.Esp.Pediatr. ;56(1):72-73. View abstract.

Gettman, M. T., Ogan, K., Brinkley, L. J., Adams-Huet, B., Pak, C. Y., and Pearle, M. S. Effect of cranberry juice consumption on urinary stone risk factors. J Urol ;174(2):590-594. View abstract.

Gibson L, Pike L, and Kilbourne J. Effectiveness of cranberry juice in preventing urinary tract infections in long-term care facility patients. J Naturopath Med ;2(1):45-47.

Goodfriend, R. Reduction of bacteriuria and pyuria using cranberry juice. JAMA 8-24-;272(8):588-590. View abstract.

Gotteland, M., Andrews, M., Toledo, M., Munoz, L., Caceres, P., Anziani, A., Wittig, E., Speisky, H., and Salazar, G. Modulation of Helicobacter pylori colonization with cranberry juice and Lactobacillus johnsonii La1 in children. Nutrition ;24(5):421-426. View abstract.

Greenlee, H., White, E., Patterson, R. E., and Kristal, A. R. Supplement use among cancer survivors in the Vitamins and Lifestyle (VITAL) study cohort. J Altern.Complement Med ;10(4):660-666. View abstract.

He, X. and Liu, R. H. Cranberry phytochemicals: Isolation, structure elucidation, and their antiproliferative and antioxidant activities. J Agric Food Chem 9-20-;54(19):-. View abstract.

Hess, M. J., Hess, P. E., Sullivan, M. R., Nee, M., and Yalla, S. V. Evaluation of cranberry tablets for the prevention of urinary tract infections in spinal cord injured patients with neurogenic bladder. Spinal Cord. ;46(9):622-626. View abstract.

Hopkins, W. J., Heisey, D. M., Jonler, M., and Uehling, D. T. Reduction of bacteriuria and pyuria using cranberry juice. JAMA 8-24-;272(8):588-589. View abstract.

Howell, A. B. and Foxman, B. Cranberry juice and adhesion of antibiotic-resistant uropathogens. JAMA 6-19-;287(23):-. View abstract.

Howell, A. B., Botto, H., Combescure, C., Blanc-Potard, A. B., Gausa, L., Matsumoto, T., Tenke, P., Sotto, A., and Lavigne, J. P. Dosage effect on uropathogenic Escherichia coli anti-adhesion activity in urine following consumption of cranberry powder standardized for proanthocyanidin content: a multicentric randomized double blind study. BMC.Infect.Dis. ;10:94. View abstract.

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Jepson, R. G., Mihaljevic, L., and Craig, J. Cranberries for preventing urinary tract infections. Cochrane.Database.Syst.Rev. ;(2):CD. View abstract.

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Kahn, H. D., Panariello, V. A., Saeli, J., Sampson, J. R., and Schwartz, E. Effect of cranberry juice on urine. J Am Diet.Assoc ;51(3):251-254. View abstract.

Kemper, K. J. Cranberry therapy for children's urinary tract infections. Arch Pediatr Adolesc.Med ;160(4):451-452. View abstract.

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Kontiokari, T., Salo, J., Eerola, E., and Uhari, M. Cranberry juice and bacterial colonization in children--a placebo-controlled randomized trial. Clin Nutr ;24(6):-. View abstract.

Kushnerova, N. F., Merzliakov, V. I., Fomenko, S. E., Sprygin, V. G., Momot, T. V., and Bogdanovich, L. N. [Prevention of stress-related disorders in medical personnel]. Med Tr.Prom Ekol. ;(6):44-48. View abstract.

Labrecque, J., Bodet, C., Chandad, F., and Grenier, D. Effects of a high-molecular-weight cranberry fraction on growth, biofilm formation and adherence of Porphyromonas gingivalis. J Antimicrob.Chemother. ;58(2):439-443. View abstract.

Leaver, R. B. Cranberry juice. Prof.Nurse ;11(8):525-526. View abstract.

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Light, I., Gursel, E., and Zinnser, H. H. Urinary ionized calcium in urolithiasis. Effect of cranberry juice. Urology ;1(1):67-70. View abstract.

Lin, Y. T., Kwon, Y. I., Labbe, R. G., and Shetty, K. Inhibition of Helicobacter pylori and Associated Urease by Oregano and Cranberry Phytochemical Synergies. Appl.Environ.Microbiol. ;71(12):-. View abstract.

Linsenmeyer, T. A., Harrison, B., Oakley, A., Kirshblum, S., Stock, J. A., and Millis, S. R. Evaluation of cranberry supplement for reduction of urinary tract infections in individuals with neurogenic bladders secondary to spinal cord injury. A prospective, double-blinded, placebo-controlled, crossover study. J Spinal Cord.Med ;27(1):29-34. View abstract.

Lynch, D. M. Cranberry for prevention of urinary tract infections. Am Fam.Physician 12-1-;70(11):-. View abstract.

McGuinness SD, Krone R, and Metz LM. A double blind randomized, placebo-controlled trial of cranberry supplements in multiple sclerosis. J NeurosciNurs ;34(1):4-7.

McHarg, T., Rodgers, A., and Charlton, K. Influence of cranberry juice on the urinary risk factors for calcium oxalate kidney stone formation. BJU.Int ;92(7):765-768. View abstract.

McMurdo, M. E., Bissett, L. Y., Price, R. J., Phillips, G., and Crombie, I. K. Does ingestion of cranberry juice reduce symptomatic urinary tract infections in older people in hospital? A double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Age Ageing ;34(3):256-261. View abstract.

Milbury, P. E., Vita, J. A., and Blumberg, J. B. Anthocyanins are bioavailable in humans following an acute dose of cranberry juice. J Nutr ;140(6):-. View abstract.

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Salo, J., Uhari, M., Helminen, M., Korppi, M., Nieminen, T., Pokka, T., and Kontiokari, T. Cranberry juice for the prevention of recurrences of urinary tract infections in children: a randomized placebo-controlled trial. Clin.Infect.Dis. 2-1-;54(3):340-346. View abstract.

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Benefits of Cranberry: The Science

Small, but Mighty: the original Super Fruit

Every year, a new &#;superfood&#; seems to dominate the conversation. But, cranberries, dubbed the &#;original super fruit&#; have been on center stage since before the days of the pilgrims. From reducing your risk of everything from cavities to urinary tract infections (UTIs), cranberries have long been lauded for their medicinal properties. But research shows that not all cranberry supplements are created equal.

Research shows that not all cranberry is equal. 

Health Benefits of Cranberry

Cranberries are more than a delicious accompaniment to Thanksgiving dinner or your favorite cocktail. Research has linked these little red berries to a staggering number of health benefits, including:

  • Help cleanse the urinary tract, which could lower risk of UTIs and bladder infections
  • Improving immune function4
  • Decreasing blood pressure4
  • Preventing certain types of cancer 4
  • Offering a good source of Vitamins C, E, K and Fiber4
  • Providing high levels of flavonoids and phytonutrients&#;naturally occurring compounds with powerful antioxidant and antimicrobial properties4

Cranberry & UTIs

Despite a host of health benefits, cranberries are most often associated with urinary health and UTI protection. Once more of a home remedy, recent research has helped boost cranberry&#;s credibility in modern science. A Rutgers University study credited proanthocyanidins (PACs), a flavonoid abundant in cranberries, with preventing E. coli, the bacteria responsible for 90% of UTIs, from attaching to the walls of the urinary tract. Instead, the bacteria are flushed from the tract, preventing urinary tract infections.2 And most recently, a study through Boston University found cranberries to reduce symptomatic UTIs by nearly 40% in women with recurrent UTIs.3

Straight from the Source. Watch the AZO team explore one of their cranberry bogs and the source of AZO Cranberry®.

Not all Cranberry is Created Equal

It&#;s true, cranberries contain antioxidants that can add a layer of protection from UTI. But, researchers are quick to point out that not all cranberry sources pack the same punch. And that there are ways to incorporate cranberry into your diet beyond just drinking cranberry juice. Researchers at the Texas A&M Health Science Center College of Medicine and House contend that while cranberry supplements pack the potency to prevent bacteria from attaching to the urinary tract, drinking cranberry juice alone isn&#;t enough.1

&#;Cranberry juice, especially the juice concentrates you find at the grocery store, will not treat a UTI or bladder infection. It can offer more hydration and possibly wash bacteria from your body more effectively, but the active ingredient in cranberry is long gone by the time it reaches your bladder.&#;

&#;Dr. Timothy Boone, PhD, vice dean of the Texas A&M Health Science Center College of Medicine in Houston

The same study indicated that cranberry pills, can reduce the risk of a UTI up to 50%.1 What makes cranberry pills like AZO Cranberry® a better choice than other cranberry sources? AZO Cranberry® products are backed by science. They are made with clinically-proven, Pacran®, a super-concentrated whole fruit cranberry powder and includes early black cranberries, rich in bacteria blocking PACs.4  Unlike other cranberry supplements, Pacran® pulls from the entire fruit&#;the seeds, the skin, the pulp and the juice to tap every last bit of the superfood&#;s benefits. Their high concentration lets you reap the powerful benefits of antioxidant-rich cranberries with a fraction of the sugar and calories of cranberry juice. It&#;s a safe and convenient way to get your daily cranberry.

Plus, AZO Cranberry® offers a second line of defense. It contains a probiotic, which helps nurture your body&#;s &#;good&#; bacteria and protect against UTI-causing bacteria.  

Cranberry in the News. Top researchers speak out in defense of cranberries. 


In the spirit of the cranberry, here are 10 things you might not know about this superfood!

  1. Cranberries are one of three berries native to North America1
  2. Fresh cranberries, when sealed in a tightly closed plastic bag and refrigerated, can last two months1
  3. Fresh cranberries have only 45 calories per cup1
  4. One cup of whole cranberries has 8,983 total antioxidant capacity1
  5. Cranberries contain more antioxidants than strawberries, spinach, broccoli, red grapes, apples, raspberries, and cherries
  6. AZO Cranberry® products contain a super-concentrated form of whole fruit cranberry (one serving is equal to 25,000mg of fresh cranberry)&#;
  7. Just two AZO Cranberry® gummies, caplets or softgels contain the same health benefits of 8oz of cranberry juice*&#;&#;
  8. Native Americans have been using cranberries since the s for nutritional and medicinal purposes2
  9. Cranberries do not grow in water, but in dry fields that are flooded for harvesting2
  10. AZO packs the power of cranberry into AZO Cranberry® products so urinary tract health maintenance can be easily incorporated into your lifestyle*

After a study cast a negative light on cranberry, top medical professionals and cranberry researches were quick to point out the many fallacies of the study rendering its methodology questionable and any findings unreliable. Read more about the study.

Interested in tips to help reduce your risk of a UTI? Check out our do&#;s and don&#;ts.


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