EWG's Food Scores | Ingredient: Sodium Phosphates

08 Jul.,2024


EWG's Food Scores | Ingredient: Sodium Phosphates

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Sodium triphosphate

Not to be confused with Trisodium phosphate

Chemical compound

Sodium triphosphate (STP), also sodium tripolyphosphate (STPP), or tripolyphosphate (TPP),[1]) is an inorganic compound with formula Na5P3O10. It is the sodium salt of the polyphosphate penta-anion, which is the conjugate base of triphosphoric acid. It is produced on a large scale as a component of many domestic and industrial products, especially detergents. Environmental problems associated with eutrophication are attributed to its widespread use.[2]

Preparation and properties




Sodium tripolyphosphate is produced by heating a stoichiometric mixture of disodium phosphate, Na2HPO4, and monosodium phosphate, NaH2PO4, under carefully controlled conditions.[2]

2 Na2HPO4 + NaH2PO4 &#; Na5P3O10 + 2 H2O

In this way, approximately 2 million tons are produced annually.[3]

STPP is a colourless salt, which exists both in anhydrous form and as the hexahydrate. The anion can be described as the pentanionic chain [O3POP(O)2OPO3]5&#;.[4][5] Many related di-, tri-, and polyphosphates are known including the cyclic triphosphate (e.g. sodium trimetaphosphate). It binds strongly to metal cations as both a bidentate and tridentate chelating agent.

Chelation of a metal cation by triphosphate.









The majority of STPP is consumed as a component of commercial detergents. It serves as a "builder", industrial jargon for a water softener. In hard water (water that contains high concentrations of Mg2+ and Ca2+), detergents are deactivated. Being a highly charged chelating agent, TPP5&#; binds to dications tightly and prevents them from interfering with the sulfonate detergent.[3]





STPP is a preservative for seafood, meats, poultry, and animal feeds.[3] It is common in food production as E number E451. In foods, STPP is used as an emulsifier and to retain moisture. Many governments regulate the quantities allowed in foods, as it can substantially increase the sale weight of seafood in particular. The United States Food and Drug Administration lists STPP as Generally recognized as safe.[6]

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Other uses (hundreds of thousands of tons/year) include ceramics (decrease the viscosity of glazes up to a certain limit), leather tanning (as masking agent and synthetic tanning agent - SYNTAN), anticaking agents, setting retarders, flame retardants, paper, anticorrosion pigments, textiles, rubber manufacture, fermentation, antifreeze."[3] TPP is used as a polyanion crosslinker in polysaccharide based drug delivery.[7] Toothpaste may contain sodium triphosphate.[8][9][10][11][12][13][14]

Health effects




High serum phosphate concentration has been identified as a predictor of cardiovascular events and mortality. Whilst phosphate is present in the body and food in organic forms, inorganic forms of phosphate such as sodium triphosphate are readily adsorbed and can result in elevated phosphate levels in serum.[15] Salts of polyphosphate anions are moderately irritating to skin and mucous membranes because they are mildly alkaline.[1]

Environmental effects




Because it is very water-soluble, STPP is not significantly removed by waste water treatment. STPP hydrolyses to phosphate, which is assimilated into the natural phosphorus cycle. Detergents containing phosphorus contribute to the eutrophication of many fresh waters.[1]

The eutrophication of the Potomac River, caused from phosphate run-off, is evident from the bright green bloom of algae.

See also




  • Sodium trimetaphosphate, a cyclic triphosphate





For more information, please visit Triisopropanolamine.