How Red Light Therapy Can Support People Living With ...

26 Aug.,2024


How Red Light Therapy Can Support People Living With ...

Red light and near-infrared (NIR) light for diabetic care

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Diabetes can interfere with the body&#;s production of nitric oxide and ultimately can disrupt normal blood flow. This is one of the explanations why diabetics are more likely to develop peripheral artery disease, a cardiovascular illness in which restricted blood vessels decrease blood flow to the limbs. Diabetic neuropathy is a peripheral nervous system condition that causes loss of sensation in the extremities, usually in the feet.

Diabetic foot ulcers (DFUs) are a disabling and common complication of diabetes that has a negative influence on one's quality of life and can lead to amputation and even premature death. Red light therapy (RLT), also known as low-level laser therapy (LLLT), has been shown to treat DFU. The evidence from this randomized double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trial, &#;demonstrated an increase in skin microcirculation that was due to athermic laser irradiation in patients with diabetic microangiopathy,&#; (Schindl A, et al.,). The intention of the study was to address the diabetic foot problems that were a result of angiopathy and neuropathy that accounted for 50% of all diabetic-related non-traumatic amputations. This study found that the low-level laser irradiation, in the patients with diabetic microangiopathy, resulted in &#;a statistically significant rise in skin temperature, whereas in the sham-irradiated control group, a slight but significant drop in temperature was found,&#; (Schindl A, et al.,). The increase in circulation was able to accelerate healing. This confirms the effects of LLLT increasing blood flow in areas of the body to which it is applied. Subsequently, having a profound implication for the treatment of slow-healing wounds found in diabetic patients.

In clinical studies, Red and NIR light therapy was found to help relieve discomfort associated with diabetic-related ailments such as supporting patients with dire diabetic neuropathy (DDN), a common complication of diabetes. LLLT was found to improve nerve function and &#;skin microcirculation in diabetic persons,&#;(Zang K, et al., ). Healing foot ulcers is one of the most promising outcomes of the benefits of red and near-infrared light treatment for diabetics.

In this pilot study, prior to regular care and dressing, laser treatment was administered once a week to the participants in the study. Patients with similar DFUs and clinical features were treated with conventional therapy as a control group. The purpose of the selected pilot study was to &#;investigate the efficacy of an advanced class IV laser (emitting four wavelengths) on Wagner stage 1 and 2 neuroischemic DFUs of five patients with type 2 diabetes who were unresponsive to conventional treatment for at least 12 weeks,&#; (Maltese G, et al., ). Despite the limitations of this proof-of-concept investigation, the findings suggest that laser therapy provided by a class IV laser can have a considerable impact on the healing process of neuroischemic DFUs that have been resistant to normal treatment.

In terms of tissue regeneration and increased blood circulation, the following effects were assumed to be the mechanism of laser action:

The effects of diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN) on both type 1 and type 2 diabetes were investigated in this study. The effects of LLLT on, &#;motor and sensory nerve conduction velocity (NCV), and foot skin microcirculation," (Yamany, A & Sayed H, ) was examined amongst the 30 participants involved, . It was concluded that "in the laser group, the microcirculation at the three points was increased significantly with no significant change in the control group; post-treatment measurement comparison between groups found a highly significant difference in favor of the laser group,&#; (Yamany, A & Sayed H, ) ). DPN treatment focused on improving microcirculation and strengthening nerve regeneration with red/NIR light therapy as the wound-healing biological effects would promote blood flow and reduce inflammation. Ultimately, light therapy will improve blood circulation by supporting the growth of small capillaries in the targeted treatment areas.

In the research cited; it was hypothesized that the increase in cutaneous blood flow is reflected by a comparable impact at the endoneurial level, implying that an increase in nerve blood flow is a mechanism by which a laser produces peripheral nerve function improvement. An intriguing finding to regenerate nerves!

Nerve regeneration, blood circulation&#; What more can Red Light Therapy do for diabetic health?  

According to the research, red light therapy has been known to restore diabetic patients' normal healing potential by stimulating mitochondria and improving ATP generation. By addressing mitochondrial dysfunction, you have the opportunity to energize cells and trigger a cascade of positive biological processes and increased health.

When there is a chronic blood sugar imbalance, cells can become stressed, unable to function correctly, and unable to repair themselves. Blood sugar imbalances are known to produce oxidative stress, which can lead to inflammation. According to these findings, near-infrared light serves as an antioxidant and decreases inflammation. One of the main reasons for diabetic neuropathy is a lack of cellular energy, often known as mitochondrial dysfunction, therefore restoring normal mitochondrial activity is important.

In this randomized controlled trial, comparing before and after LLLT treatments, diabetic patients who received laser therapy had better neuropathy outcomes than diabetic patients who received the placebo. To acquire repeatable outcomes, more research is needed to evaluate different types of lasers, as well as variable dosage and exposure levels required in different phases of diabetic neuropathic care. Overall, LLLT and wound healing are an intricate part of diabetic care. It is aimed at reversing the loss of tissue integrity in diabetic patients.

Red Light Therapy can be looked at as a valuable adjunct treatment for addressing the issues caused by diabetes; whether it is to manage symptoms or help prevent further damage, or speed up healing. The growth of healthy tissue can be supported with light therapy as the mitochondrial activity gets restored and then may assists to repair skin ulcers and relieve neuropathic discomfort, as well as keep the peripheral nervous system running smoothly. Red light therapy is a natural and safe treatment that can help your body's natural healing systems work more effectively. Always check with your healthcare provider before using any new treatment regimen for diabetes.

Read more about red light therapy and diabetic retinopathy and wound healing and improving the appearance of scars on our blog page.

Are you ready to take charge of your health? Today is the day to get a Rouge red light therapy device!


Andreas Schindl, Martin Schindl, Heidemarie Schön, Robert Knobler, Liselotte Havelec, Liesbeth Schindl; Low-Intensity Laser Irradiation Improves Skin Circulation in Patients With Diabetic Microangiopathy. Diabetes Care 1 April ; 21 (4): 580&#;584.

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Bashiri H. Evaluation of low level laser therapy in reducing diabetic polyneuropathy related pain and sensorimotor disorders. Acta Med Iran. ;51(8):543-547. Published Sep 9.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. National diabetes statistics report, . Centers for Disease Control and Prevention link (PDF, 1.3 MB) . Updated July, 18 . Accessed August 1, 201

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Lorne H. Zinman, Mylan Ngo, Eduardo T. Ng, Khin T. Nwe, Sven Gogov, Vera Bril; Low-Intensity Laser Therapy for Painful Symptoms of Diabetic Sensorimotor Polyneuropathy: A controlled trial. Diabetes Care 1 April ; 27 (4): 921&#;924.

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CGM l Pros and Cons of Continuous Glucose Monitors ...

Presenting a full picture of this technology helps the user make smart decisions

Continuous Glucose Monitors, like all technology options, have advantages and disadvantages. When working with a person with diabetes, presenting a full picture of a technology allows for them to make an informed decision. Below is a list of advantages and disadvantages of using CGM to help manage diabetes that need to be presented for consideration in a shared decision-making environment.

For the person living with diabetes

  • Shows a more accurate picture of glucose levels through the day 
  • Shows current glucose level and predicts direction that glucose is heading and rate of change 
  • Allows patient to assess glycemic patterns and glycemic variability 
  • Can potentially prevent hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia 
  • Provides alerts when glucose level is too low or too high 
  • Shows how lifestyle choices and other factors affect glucose 
  • Ability to share glucose levels with a family member and/or healthcare team 
  • Provides information about what is happening with glucose levels overnight 
  • Ability to adjust insulin dosing based on numbers and trend arrows 
  • If integrated with an insulin pump, may be able to pause or adjust insulin delivery in response to changes in glucose levels
  • Cost, especially if not covered by insurance 
  • Insurance coverage or qualifications for coverage may be an issue 
  • May require calibration with fingerstick glucose 
  • Need to remember to scan an intermittently-scanned device 
  • Can be complicated to learn, up front learning curve 
  • Information overload 
  • Alarm fatigue &#; the condition in which device users are repeatedly bothered by frequent and/or false alarms 
  • Constant presence of sensor on/in the body 
  • Skin irritation 

There are also many benefits to the healthcare team of the person living with diabetes: 

  • Offers detailed glucose metrics including time in range, time above/below range, and glycemic variability 
  • Shows 24-hour-a-day glucose values, including times when the patient may not have checked, such as while sleeping, post-prandial, etc. 
  • Data can be viewed remotely which allows for therapy changes between traditional clinic visits 
  • Allows for intensification in treatment program based on real-time glucose results 
  • Reduction in hypoglycemia events 
  • Potentially avoid hospitalizations via reduction in extremes of glucose levels 
  • Potentially decrease long-term complications of diabetes via improved glucose control

A Continuous Glucose Monitor is a useful tool to help manage diabetes in the hands of someone who wants to use it. Educating a person with diabetes about a CGM allows them to become familiar with it as an option to help them improve their diabetes management throughout their diabetes journey.  Sharing the advantages and disadvantages allows for informed conversations and educated decisions at every step of the way which leads to improved outcomes. 

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