How to Pick Best Air Purifier for You: Buying Guide

06 Aug.,2024


How to Pick Best Air Purifier for You: Buying Guide

CADR? CFM? ACH? The alphabet soup of terms doesn&#;t make it easy to make a decision.

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To simplify things, start by determining your room size in square feet.

 Next think about your air quality issues. Are you concerned with general wellness or ongoing health issues such as allergies and asthma? Worried about environmental pollution infiltrating your home? Or more acute concerns like wildfires or viruses? The more significant the concern (and this can vary from day to day) the more quickly you will want the air to circulate through the air purifier. For general wellness, every 30 minutes might be fine. For allergies and asthma or other acute issues you may want to circulate the air three, four or five times an hour. The number of times the air circulates through the air purifier in an hour is known as the ACH (for air changes per hour)

Air quality experts recommend a minimum of 3 air changes per hour &#; or a full air recirculation at least every 20 minutes for typical homes. The higher the ACH, the faster an air purifier can clean the room and the more effective it will be in keeping the room clean.

It&#;s important to understand, however, that if you want a higher number of air circulations per hour, this will reduce the size of the room that can be cleaned for any air purifier.

Along with room size and desired air changes per hour the third thing to consider is CADR, which stands for clean air delivery rate. CADR measures the initial effectiveness of a new air purifier in reducing particle concentration in a room. CADR gives you a way to compare new air purifiers (with new filters) and is used to determine the maximum size room any tested air purifier will clean. CADR can be thought of as the initial cleaning power of an air purifier.

There's more to selecting an air purifier than just CADR (specifically effectiveness over time), but it is a good starting point.

Once you have determined the room dimensions, and that you want to keep the air changes per hour (ACH) at 3 (every 20 minutes) for example, you can use a simple rule of thumb to determine the clean air delivery rate (CADR) needed to get the job done well.

You can multiply the room size by 0.4&#;to get to the minimum CADR needed for your space.&#; Looking at it the other way around, you can multiply the published CADR for any air purifier by 2.5 to determine the maximum room size that can be effectively cleaned every 20 minutes.

So, for example. If you have a room that is 325 square feet, you will need an air purifier with a CADR of 130 or higher. Or if you were evaluating a specific air purifier you could multiply the published CADR by 2.5 to determine what size room it cleans every 20 minutes.

Another example: If the CADR is 200, multiply this by 2.5 to get 500 square feet, the maximum room size that can be cleaned effectively.

Dracaena Plants for Sale Including Care & Buying Guide

Dracaena Plants: Buying & Care Guide

Celebrate the versatility of Dracaena plants and explore our carefully curated collection! These popular and adaptable indoor plants are a great addition to any living space and come in various patterns and sizes. Furthermore, they offer a myriad of benefits.

Dracaena: Benefits

  • Some of the top

    air-purifying plants

    that remove toxins like formaldehyde from the air

  • Control and balance indoor humidity

  • Dracaenas are


    , low-maintenance plants

  • Boost productivity and improve mood

  • Enhance properties&#; curb appeal with their tropical elegance

Whether you want a small centerpiece, like the neat Janet Craig Dragon Plant (Dracaena 'Janet Craig'), or a hand-picked selection of vibrant Dracaenas (Dragon trees), like our Black Leaf Dragon Tree Collection, there is a plethora of options to enchant any plant lover! 

Explore Our Dracaena Collection & Find the Right Plant for You

Dracaena plants are easy to care for and ideal for novice and seasoned plant enthusiasts. When selecting the perfect plant for your needs, consider the light conditions and the size of your space. For instance, Dracaena marginata can reach 6 ft and is ideal for larger rooms, while smaller varieties can be quickly grown on shelves and office desks. These spectacular tropical plants can also grow outdoors as porch plants in warmer climates. Remember, however, that Dracaenas are toxic to pets. 

There are different types of Dracaena plants, such as Dragon trees that grow upright stems crowned with leaves, Lucky Bamboo with its slender stalks &#; a popular Feng Shui plant, and even snake plants, scientifically known as Dracaena trifasciata and Sansevieria. 

White Stripe Dragon Tree

  • Distinct characteristics

    : The

    White Stripe Dragon Tree


    Dracaena warneckii

    ) has bushy, dark green glossy leaves, edged by white stripes, and can grow to about 4 ft. tall.

  • Requirements

    : This plant is adaptable to different light conditions (although it thrives in bright, indirect light) and loves warm temperatures and high humidity.

  • Level of care

    : Easy

  • Pet toxicity

    : Toxic if ingested

Lemon Lime Dragon Tree Plant

  • Distinct characteristics

    : With dark green and lime-yellow stripes on its leaves, the

    Lemon Lime Dragon Tree Plant


    Are you interested in learning more about formaldehyde plant? Contact us today to secure an expert consultation!

    Dracaena warneckii

    ) is an eye-catching Dracaena plant for sale that grows up to 5-7 ft tall.    



    : Prefers bright,

    indirect light

    and high humidity, and it grows best in warm temperatures with no cold drafts.

  • Level of care

    : Easy

  • Pet toxicity

    : Toxic if ingested

Hawaiian Sunshine Dragon Tree

  • Distinct characteristics

    : A beautiful Dragon tree with dramatic dark-green foliage marked with a central lime-green stripe, the

    Hawaiian Sunshine Dragon Tree


    Dracaena warneckii "Hawaiian Sunshine"

    ) starts as a bushy and compact plant that can eventually reach 5 ft in height.    

  • Requirements

    : Adaptable to various humidity levels, this Dragon Tree plant needs bright, indirect light and warm temperatures from 60&#; to 77&#;.

  • Level of care

    : Easy

  • Pet toxicity

    : Toxic if ingested

Magenta Cane Dragon Tree

  • Distinct characteristics


    The long, ribbon-like foliage of the

    Magenta Cane Dragon Tree


    Dracaena marginata &#;Magenta&#;


    grows in lush, bushy rosettes from the stout stalks of this unusual plant.

  • Requirements

    : Adaptable to various humidity levels, this Dragon Tree plant needs bright, indirect light and warm temperatures from 60&#; to 77&#;.

  • Level of care

    : Easy

  • Pet toxicity

    : Toxic if ingested

Dracaena Plant Care: Growing & Maintenance Tips  

Dracaena Tree plant care is simple, making these fantastic plants suitable even for beginners. Follow these Dracaena plant care tips to keep them flourishing:

Watering and Humidity

Water your Dracaena well and let the soil dry before repeated watering. For the best Dracaena plant indoor care, increase the humidity by placing your plant on a pebble tray or grouping it with other plants. That said, Dragon Trees will typically also adapt to lower humidity levels.

Light and Temperature

Bright, indirect light is best for your Dracaena, but these undemanding plants can also adapt to lower light conditions. Keep the temperatures warm, from 65&#; to 90&#;, and protect your plant from cold drafts.

Soil, Fertilizing, and Repotting

Dragon Trees require well-draining soil that won&#;t retain too much moisture. Mix some perlite with the potting soil to enhance drainage. Dilute a liquid fertilizer by half strength and feed once a month during the growing season. Let your plant rest during winter. When it outgrows its current container, repot it into a 2-inch larger pot filled with fresh soil. Water thoroughly and let the water drain.

Pruning and Common Issues

Prune any yellowing or dried leaves as part of your regular Dragon Tree care. Discolored leaves can be a sign of accumulated salts in the soil. Flush the soil with water to eliminate mineral buildup. Yellowing, soft leaves indicate overwatering. Crisp brown leaf edges, on the other hand, are the result of underwatering your Dracaena.

Order Dracaena Plant for Sale From Lively Root Today

Add tropical elegance to your indoor or outdoor spaces and enjoy the vibrant patterned foliage and unusual shape of Dracaena plants! These exotic plants can help you boost your property&#;s curb appeal as front door plants or introduce them as a one-of-a-kind decorative element in your office or living room. Their unique beauty and air-cleansing properties can make Dragon Trees a lovely and thoughtful gift!

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