Ivermectin: Where did it come from?

08 Jul.,2024


Ivermectin: Where did it come from?

From July through mid-August, U.S. retail pharmacies handed out more than 88,000 prescriptions of ivermectin per week, according to the CDC.

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The medicine known as ivermectin has become a confusing topic of conversation in connection to the COVID-19 virus.

The North Texas Poison Center recently reported they&#;ve received 52 poisoning calls for ivermectin this year, compared to six through August of last year. Sixteen of the 52 calls from this year have been in August.

So where did this drug come from and why have people been using it to try and treat COVID-19?

How it was created

In the s, Japanese biochemist Satoshi Ōmura discovered the avermectin family of compounds, which are a series of drugs used to treat parasites and insect pests. Ivermectin is one of these drugs.

Ivermectin has a mixture of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. It was modified and first introduced as medicine in .

It soon became registered around the world to treat parasitic worms in cattle, sheep, and other animals.

It can be taken as a pill or applied to the skin depending on why it's needed.

From animals to humans

By , ivermectin was approved as a medical treatment in humans.

This "wonder drug," as many called it, was prescribed to treat illnesses, which include head lice, scabies, river blindness (onchocerciasis), strongyloidiasis, trichuriasis, ascariasis, and lymphatic filariasis.

Since its discovery, ivermectin has been used by more than 700 million people in the world specifically to treat river blindness and lymphatic filariasis, according to a National Institutes of Health study.

Connection to COVID-19

A medical study led by Dr. Ahmed Elgazzar in Egypt was published in November . It said that hospitalized patients with COVID-19 who received this antiparasitic drug improved more quickly and had a better chance of staying alive.

It was retracted in July.

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Multiple medical agencies - including the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and National Institutes of Health (NIH) - have been unable to find any evidence this drug helps with COVID-19.

The CDC put out a press release in August, making clear that ivermectin is not authorized or approved by the FDA for the prevention or treatment of COVID-19.

Dangers of dosing errors

In that same CDC press release, health experts also warned about the dangers that can come from taking ivermectin incorrectly.

In mid-August this year, U.S. retail pharmacies handed out more than 88,000 prescriptions in one week, according to the CDC.

That is nearly 25 times more than the average before the pandemic.

If someone's dosage of ivermectin is too much or at a level meant for a larger animal, it could have a toxic result.

In some cases, people have ingested ivermectin-containing products purchased without a prescription and intended for animals such as horses, sheep and cattle, the CDC said. This can be highly concentrated and result in overdoses when used by humans. 

Animal products may also contain inactive ingredients that have not been evaluated for use in humans, according to the CDC. People who take inappropriately high doses of ivermectin above FDA-recommended dosing may experience toxic effects.

Medicine Nobel Recognizes Fights against Malaria and ...

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The ancient roots of Chinese medicine briefly took center stage when half a share in the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine was given to Youyou Tu, who consulted traditional texts on herbs to help isolate and purify the malaria drug artemisinin. The medication saves some 100,000 lives each year in Africa as well as restoring the health of countless others around the world. The other half of the Nobel prize was awarded to William C. Campbell and Satoshi Omura for their discovery of Avermectin, whose many derivatives were first used as veterinary treatments before being developed into a drug that has stopped the spread of river blindness in many parts of western Africa.

Working in the s at what was then known as the China Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tu consulted many traditional doctors from southern China and read through recipes of herbal remedies for fever before narrowing her search to 380 extracts from 200 herbs. Only one of these worked against the malaria parasite&#;an extract derived from a plant known as Qinghao in Chinese, Artemisia annua in Latin or sweet wormwood in colloquial English.

"Using the Qinghao to treat malaria was in fact recorded in the Manual of Clinical Practice and Emegency Remedies by Ge Hong of the East Jin Dynasty in 340 C.E.," Tu said in a video interview in after she won the Lasker-DeBakey Clinical Medical Research Award (often called the American Nobels). But Tu's research proved that the active ingredient she had isolated would work against malarial parasites that had become resistant to chloroquine, which was then the first-line treatment against the disease.

Satoshi Omura is a Japanese microbiologist and "expert in isolating natural products," according to the Nobel committee. He isolated 50 new strains of the Streptomyces microbe found in the soil (the same bug that gave us the streptomycin antibiotic) that showed potential for creating new drugs.

The next chapter of the story takes place in the U.S. Working at Merck, William C. Campbell acquired Omura's strains and isolated avermectin, which worked especially well against a group of parasitic worms, known as helminths, in animals. The company then developed one of avermectin's chemical derivatives into a veterinary drug called ivermectin for deworming dogs, cattle and other animals. In , Campbell suggested using ivermectin to try to control river blindness in western Africa. The cause was taken up by both the company and former President Jimmy Carter and their efforts have since greatly reduced the spread of this scourge. The once common site of seeing a young child leading a group of four or five blind older relatives single file through eastern Nigeria and neighboring regions has now almost disappeared. Ivermectin kills the larvae of the worm that causes river blindness. The parasite is spread through the bite of flies that live close to fast-flowing water, hence the name river blindness. 


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