Kale: Discover Superfood Secrets

06 May.,2024


Kale: Discover Superfood Secrets

Although it may seem like it, kale isn't a new vegetable. Thomas Jefferson experimented with several varieties of kale at his Monticello estate in the early 1800s. It's long been popular in northern Europe and now throughout the U.S. Before becoming a popular salad green, kale was often used in restaurants as a decorative garnish on plates.

For more information, please visit benefits of kale powder.

But over the past 10 years, the popularity of kale has skyrocketed. You've probably heard it referred to as a superfood. Here's more about its not-so-secret powers.

Types of kale include:

  • Curly kale is of one the most common types with its pungent, peppery flavor. The bright-green leaves look like ruffles.
  • Dinosaur kale is also common. Its narrow, green leaves are wrinkly like dinosaur skin, which are attached to a firm stem that should be removed.
  • Redbor kale has ruffled leaves ranging in color from a deep red to purple.
  • Russian kale is harder to find. It has flat, fringed leaves ranging in color from green to red to purple. Its flavor is more sweet and peppery.

Kale is available at local farmers markets and grocery stores. You can buy it in fresh bunches or prewashed and trimmed in bags. Local gardeners also plant kale for their own use on the dinner table.

How do you pick out the best bunch of kale? The leaves and stalks should be dark green with small- to medium-sized leaves free of any yellowing or browning. Kale leaves should be firm and dry, not wilted and mushy.

To store kale, wrap it loosely and store in the fridge for up to five days. If kept longer, the leaves tend to toughen.

Nutrition superstar

Kale is a nutrition superstar due to the amounts of vitamins A, B6, C, K, folate, fiber, carotenoids and manganese it contains. One cup of raw kale has just 20 calories. The Department of Agriculture's MyPlate recommends any child and adult who is over the age of 9 eat at least 1.5–2 cups of dark-green vegetables every week.

Kale is a member of the cruciferous vegetable family, along with cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, broccoli, collard greens, kohlrabi, rutabaga, turnips and bok choy. These vegetables offer health benefits, including supporting the immune system, regulating blood pressure and potentially reducing the risk of various types of cancer.

People who may need to avoid or limit kale intake are those who form oxalate-containing kidney stones or take the blood thinners Coumadin or warfarin. Be sure to check with your health care professional or dietitian if you have questions.

Adding kale to your meals

Kale holds its texture well when cooked, and it can be steamed, stir-fried, roasted or eaten raw. You can blend it into smoothies, roast it to make kale chips, wilt it into soup, mash it with potatoes or turn it into pesto. You may want to remove the middle rib by hand or with kitchen shears because it can be tough, fibrous and taste bitter.

A good goal is to fill half your plate with fruits and vegetables every day. Here's where kale can work its superpower. Tear leaves and blend them into your morning smoothie, or use the whole kale leaf as a replacement for tortillas or bread when making a sandwich. For extra crunch, replace your regular potato chips with some roasted kale chips. For dinner, make a hearty bean soup with kale.

Try this meatless version of a Midwestern favorite made with kale:

Cream of wild rice soup

Serves 4

  • 1/2 tablespoon canola oil
  • 1 1/2 cups diced yellow onion
  • 1 cup diced carrot
  • 1 cup diced celery
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 1/2 cups chopped kale
  • 1 tablespoon minced parsley
  • 2 cups low-sodium vegetable stock
  • 1 teaspoon fennel seeds, crushed
  • 1 teaspoon ground black pepper
  • 1 cup unsalted prepared white beans (or about half of a 15.5 ounce can of white beans, rinsed and drained)
  • 2 cups 1% milk
  • 1/2 cup wild rice, cooked

In a soup pot over medium heat, add canola oil, and saute onion, carrot, celery and garlic until lightly brown. Stir in kale, parsley, stock and spices. Bring to a boil. In a blender, puree beans with milk. Add bean mixture to soup, bring to simmer and add rice. Cook for 30 minutes. Serve in warmed bowls.

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Nutrition for 1 serving (2 cups): 236 calories, 4 grams total fat, 1 gram saturated fat, 0 grams trans fat, 2 grams monounsaturated fat, 6 milligrams cholesterol, 180 milligrams sodium, 38 grams total carbohydrates, 7 grams fiber, 12 grams total sugars, 0 grams added sugars, 12 grams protein.

Caitlin Terpstra is a dietitian in Nutrition in Owatonna, Minnesota.

What Are Powdered Greens, and Are They Good for You?

How Much Do Powdered Greens Cost?

It depends on the brand. Nonsubscription prices for a 30-serving bundle tend to range from about $39.99 (Amazing Grass) to $79 (Athletic Greens).

What Do Registered Dietitian-Nutritionists Think of Powdered Greens?

Although green powders may be pricier than fresh whole produce, they may have some merit. Sharon Palmer, RD, who is based in Ojai, California, says powdered greens can be a healthy supplement to a daily diet. “They can provide some of the nutrients found in greens, such as phytochemicals, vitamins, and minerals,” she says, adding that nutrients like vitamin C and vitamin E may fight inflammation and lower cholesterol. Kale, a common greens powder ingredient, contains 19 milligrams (mg) of vitamin C per cup, per data from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), an amount that is more than 20 percent of the daily value, according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Another greens powder favorite, broccoli, may help lower cholesterol, maintain healthy blood pressure, and improve cardiovascular function when eaten as a whole food, according to a research review published in 2023 in the journal Antibiotics (Basel).

Not a lot of robust research has been done on powdered greens specifically. One small study of 18 people found that fruit and vegetable powder taken daily over eight weeks led to an increase in antioxidants in the blood. Additional research is needed, however. For now, registered dietitians generally encourage their patients to get vitamins and minerals from whole foods rather than supplements. “Greens powders may not have all the nutrients found in a serving of leafy greens,” Palmer says.

It is also possible to “overdose” on fat-soluble vitamins such as vitamins A, D, E, and K, if your body is getting these nutrients from the foods you’re already eating and you add a powdered green product, says Abby Grimm, RDN, a registered dietitian at FWDfuel in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. Grimm says they may also create gut imbalances. “For powders containing probiotics or other digestive support, it may not be the right strains or amounts for you personally,” she says.

Who Should Try (and Avoid) Powdered Greens?

Powdered greens may seem like an inventive way to get your daily dose of vitamins. But not everyone needs to take this kind of supplement, and in general, whole foods are preferable. Grimm recommends daily powder green juice for just a handful of groups, including people who struggle to eat enough veggies and drink enough water, and athletes with high calorie demands.

If you already feel good, you eat three to five servings of vegetables per day, or you are sensitive to supplements, Grimm says to steer clear of the green juice. Supplements are supposed to be tailored to your needs, and not everyone needs them. Plus, it is possible to get too much of certain nutrients, and if you already take vitamins or mineral supplements, adding powdered greens may put you over the daily limit of some nutrients. As with any supplement, you should check with your healthcare provider before taking anything new to make sure it won’t interact with any current medications or supplements you may be taking.

Grimm explains that while supplements may be effective for some people, “it’s important to undergo necessary testing or be evaluated by a nutrition expert to get a personalized supplement protocol for you.”


Generally, greens powder is good for you. The real question is whether it’s necessary. Palmer notes that people shouldn’t use greens powder to replace a nutrient-dense diet rich in whole foods. “A healthy diet [is] filled with a variety of vegetables and fruits,” she says. “If you refuse to eat greens, this is going to be better than nothing,”

Grimm notes that greens powder does not replace all the value you get from the actual green foods themselves. The bottom line: If you eat a wide range of fresh vegetables and have an overall dynamic whole-foods diet, you likely do not need to add powdered greens to your daily diet.

Additional reporting by Ashley Welch.

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