Tapeworm Experience by Al Sabetta

10 Jun.,2024 Tapeworm Experience by Al Sabetta

I recently bought enough Praziquantel to treat all my fish in the fishroom. I have not done this before, except when I first get the fish in or if they are sick. I was interested to see how many of my fish had tapeworms or other worms they would pass. 12 - 24 hours later, out of about 30 adults and many more fry, I was surprised to only have one adult female pass worms. This one surprised me because she's passed six large tapeworms so far, and is still passing them. Though I know this single case doesn't prove anything, I've always believed tapeworms would take away from spawning activity. This female spawns weekly! Interestingly I got her less than a year ago and she did not pass any worms in quarantine with treatment.


These are the directions that came with my Praziquantel:
Prazi, an effective and safe medication for the treatment of gill and body flukes, tapeworms, and other cestodes and tremotodes in ornamental aquarium fish. May be effective against capillaria when administered in the food.

100mg/10 gallons (1/4 teaspoon/20 gallons). Allow medication to remain in the tank for 48 hours. Mechanical filter may be running - no carbon or other chemical media. On the third day, begin daily water changes of 10 to 30% for the next five days. On the seventh day repeat the entire process. On day 14 a third treatment may begin. This would be prudent for tanks with gravel substrate , and no undergravel filter.

Fast bath:
1/2 teaspoon/10 gallons Prazi to a small medical tank. Insert affected fish for 2.5 hours.

Mix 1/2 teaspoon Prazi to 1/4 pound of food. Typically used is beefheart or beefliver ground in a blender and frozen for future use. Two to three feedings every other day should be sufficient.

Prep in water (it doesn't go in well) -- shake or mix vigorously. In acetone, mix three parts acetone to one part Prazi, then pour chalky substance over the tank water. Be careful as too much acetone will cause oxygen depletion. Use only pure acetone.

Most people seem to use warm water. I used it with the acetone and had no problem. I used just enough acetone to make it slushy, then added water to the container. If you use acetone, don't mix it in plastic, only glass! Oh, I also did long term baths (whole tank treatments) 2x for bare glass, and 3x for planted tank.

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Praziquantel - Treatment of Parasites in Ornamental fish - Aqion

Praziquantel and the Treatment of Parasites in Koi, Goldfish and Aquarium Fish Species.

Contact us to discuss your requirements of Praziquantel Treatment Discus Fish. Our experienced sales team can help you identify the options that best suit your needs.

What It Treats &#; Most external and internal parasites, including Flukes
(Monogeneans), Black Ich (Turbellarians), (Planaria), flatworms, and intestinal worms such as tapeworms.


Praziquantel is the safest most effective medication on the market for treating
flukes; it does not stress your pond fish or set back your pond filter. Plus,
Praziquantel is an excellent treatment for internal worms in goldfish, koi,
and tropical fish. All it takes is just one treatment of Praziquantel and no
water changes. We suggest treating with Praziquantel every spring to get
your pond fish off to a great year!

More Information:
Praziquantel (Prazi) is an anthelmintic (an-thel-MIN-tik) or anti-worm medication. It is a medication used to treat a number of types of parasitic worm infections in mammals, birds, amphibians, reptiles, and fish. Developed in the mid &#;s it began use in the ornamental fish industry in the following decade.

Prazi treats schistosoma (an infection of worm that lives in the bloodstream), liver flukes (infection of worm that lives in or near the liver), and gill fluke (infection of worms that live on the gills). It also treats skin flukes, flat worm, tape worms, and turbellarians (sub-division of flat worm). Praziquantel does NOT treat pinworms or roundworms.

The method of action for Prazi is not completely understood, but it does create paralysis in the parasite and there is indication that it changes the surface of the parasite allowing it to be recognized by the host&#;s immune system allowing it to combat and expel the parasite. Further research is ongoing.

Prazi is an exceptional medication in that not only is it effective but it is also very gentle to most all aquatic ornamental species (the exception being snails and decorative worms???) further it is not toxic to plants and does not impact filtration or require water changes. It is not surprising that Prazi is the &#;go to&#; medication for treating worms and flukes.

The application rate of Praziquantel is quite straightforward:
1 gram of Prazi per 100 gallons of water.

However, getting the product into solution is generally the most difficult part of treatment. Praziquantel is barely soluble in water. It requires making a stock solution of tank water and the required dosage.

Vigorus mixing is then required and it takes a good amount of time and elbow grease to the Prazi into the stock solution and then evenly distributed through the pond or tank water. Most treatment disappointment occurs when the product is not sufficiently dissolved and not evenly distributed.

Over the years, hobbyists have come up with ingenious methods to get Prazi into solution more easily. Two if the more commonly mentioned is the &#;Vodka&#; method. Prazi is easily soluble in alcohol.

First mixing the Prazi in sufficient quantity of alcohol will get it into solution which in turn is mixed with the tank water to make the stock solution for application.

Are you interested in learning more about Praziquantel Dosage for Discus Fish? Contact us today to secure an expert consultation!

The second is the &#;panty hose&#; method, first mentioned to my knowledge by Chris Dohl.

His methodology for dissolving Praziquantel:

Measure the desired amount of praziquantel and place it into a nylon stocking or pantyhose. First, tie off the top of the stocking, so that the Prazi doesn&#;t escape.

Simply immerse the stocking in the pond or aquarium, and gently roll the stocking between your fingers. (remember to always wear gloves when working with medications)

You will notice that the Prazi immediately comes out of the stocking as a white cloud in the water. It willquickly disperse in the pond or aquarium.

Continue rolling the stocking until there is no Prazi left inside. This usually takes 3-5 minutes, depending on how much Prazi you are adding.

Either method seems to reduce or eliminate the Prazi dissolving dilemma and gets the focus back on getting our fish back to a healthy state.

Here is the link to our product - Prazi Cura - please get in touch with us if you have any questions about your particular situation.


 Click here to see our product Prazi Cura -


For more information, please visit Praziquantel Treatment for Discus.