Sulfur hexafluoride gas - Australia's Science Forum - Chemtalk

26 Aug.,2024


Sulfur hexafluoride gas - Australia's Science Forum - Chemtalk

Post by sunray18 » 21 Aug , 07:50

Link to TYHJ

and why? yes it is a greenhouse gas, and yes it is used in medical field and see other uses . but why on earth would a school need to do it?
Other uses
The United States Navy's Mark 50 torpedo closed Rankine-cycle propulsion system is powered by sulfur hexafluoride in an exothermic reaction with solid lithium.[13]
SF 6 plasma is also used in the semiconductor industry as an etchant. SF 6 breaks down in the plasma into sulfur and fluorine, the fluorine plasma performing the etching.[14]
The magnesium industry uses large amounts of SF 6 as inert gas to fill casting forms.[15]
Pressurize waveguides in high power microwave systems. The gas insulates the waveguide preventing internal arcing.
Has been used in electrostatic loudspeakers because of its high dielectric strength and high molecular weight.[16]
Was used to fill Nike Air bags in all of their shoes from -.[17] Used as a filler gas in tennis balls[18]
Feedstock for production of the chemical weapon disulfur decafluoride

Sulfur hexafluoride calibration gas cylinder – SF6



Sulfur hexafluoride &#; SF6 calibration gas cylinder CAS -62-4 for bump testing, calibrating and periodically checking SF6 Sulfur hexafluoride gas detectors. These disposable calibration gas cylinders come with an analysis certificate and expiration date.


SF6 - Sulfur hexafluoride - mixture in the air gravimetrically mixed according to the principles of the ISO standard. These cylinders ensure accuracy, maximal shelf life and optimal stability.


> Concentration tolerability: NA

The company is the world’s best buy sulphur hexafluoride supplier. We are your one-stop shop for all needs. Our staff are highly-specialized and will help you find the product you need.

> Gaseous mixture stability: 60 months


Many accessories are available like flow regulators made of stainless steel or brass, recycling tools, carrying cases&#;


other specifications


WARNING: Regulated product transport extra cost: +28.00 &#; excl. taxes per order


REF. gaz-étalon-SF6

If you want to learn more, please visit our website Sulfur Hexafluoride Specialty Gas.