Unlocking the Mystery of CAS 29420-49-3: Benefits, Uses & Safety

22 Jul.,2024


Unlocking the Mystery of CAS 29420-49-3: Benefits, Uses & Safety.

CAS 29420-49-3 is a code for a chemical compound known as 2-(Dimethylamino)Ethyl Chloride Hydrochloride. It has numerous benefits and uses in various industries, including pharmaceutical, cosmetic, agricultural, and research. However, its safety profile is also crucial to evaluate before handling or using it. In this article, we will discuss the benefits, uses, and safety aspects of CAS 29420-49-3.

Benefits of CAS 29420-49-3 .

CAS 29420-49-3 is a versatile compound that has several benefits in different industries. It is a source of the dimethylaminoethyl (DEAE) group, which is an essential building block for many chemical reactions. Some of the benefits of CAS 29420-49-3 are:

1. Pharmaceutical: CAS 29420-49-3 has been used in various pharmaceutical applications, such as in the production of local anesthetics, antihistamines, and antidepressants. It acts as a stabilizer for these drugs, enhancing their potency and efficacy.

2. Cosmetic: CAS 29420-49-3 is widely used in the production of cosmetics, especially hair care products. It is added as a conditioning agent to improve the texture, smoothness, and shine of hair.

3. Agricultural: CAS 29420-49-3 is used in the production of pesticides and herbicides. It acts as a surfactant, helping to spread and disperse the active ingredients evenly on the crops.

Uses of CAS 29420-49-3.

CAS 29420-49-3 has several uses in different industries, as mentioned earlier. Some of its specific uses are:

1. In the production of local anesthetics such as Lidocaine, Cocaine, and Procaine. .

2. In the manufacture of antihistamines such as Chlorpheniramine and Brompheniramine.

3. In the production of hair care products, such as conditioners and shampoos.

4. In the formulation of herbicides and pesticides, such as Glyphosate and Imazethapyr.

Safety aspects of CAS 29420-49-3.

CAS 29420-49-3 is a stable compound, but it can be hazardous if not handled or used with care. It is essential to follow proper safety protocols during its handling and use to prevent any accidents or health hazards. Some of the safety aspects to consider are:

1. Physical Hazards: CAS 29420-49-3 is a flammable liquid that can form explosive mixtures with air. It can also cause eye and skin irritation and burns on contact.

2. Health Hazards: CAS 29420-49-3 can be harmful if ingested or inhaled. It can cause respiratory problems, headaches, dizziness, and nausea.

3. Environmental Hazards: CAS 29420-49-3 can be toxic to aquatic life and can pollute water sources if released into the environment.


CAS 29420-49-3 is a versatile compound that has multiple benefits and uses in different industries, making it an important chemical for various applications. However, its safety profile is also crucial to consider before using it to prevent any accidents, health hazards, or environmental pollution. It is advisable to follow the proper safety protocols and labeling instructions while handling or using this chemical.

Contact us .

If you have any questions regarding the safe handling and use of CAS 29420-49-3, please reach out to us. Our team of experts is always ready to provide you with the necessary guidance and support.

So, contact us to get the best advice on the safe handling and use of CAS 29420-49-3.

If you are looking for more details, kindly visit cas 29420 49 3, pharmaceutical chemicals suppliers, chemical auxiliaries.