Anti Wrinkle Patches: Do They Really Work?

06 May.,2024


Anti Wrinkle Patches: Do They Really Work?

Technological advancements and innovative dermatological research have significantly impacted the cosmetology industry in the past decade, providing a range of accessible and affordable skin therapy treatments for people who won’t consider the expense or invasion of cosmetic surgeries. The most common in-office, non-surgical skin rejuvenation procedures are laser resurfacing, Botox, and filler treatments. 

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But skincare companies have also joined the anti-aging revolution. Consumers can now choose from a variety of over-the-counter anti-wrinkle patches that claim to reduce fine lines and wrinkles that inevitably come with maturing skin. 


  • Wrinkles develop over time as our skin produces less of the important substances that maintain resiliency, like elastin and collagen. As we age, our skin produces new cells more slowly, too.

  • Anti-wrinkle patches can contain a variety of ingredients, including retinoids like retinol or retinal, Vitamin C, and hyaluronic acid. All of these ingredients have shown an ability to help with skin health on their own.

But what are anti-wrinkle patches made of, and do they work? Continue reading as we consider the facts and fallacies of anti-wrinkle patches and, according to the experts, list some of the top-selling products for 2022.  

What Causes Wrinkles?

Before deciding on the best treatment for your wrinkles, it's important to understand the causes of wrinkling and fine lines. 

Most people develop smile lines around the eyes, known as "crow's feet," and around the mouth. These are fine natural lines that form over time, resulting from smiling, laughing, and other repetitive facial movements. 

Your skin structure consists of two proteins, collagen and elastin, that are key to maintaining your skin's firmness and elasticity. But your body produces less collagen over time, which causes your skin to become thinner and less thoroughly hydrated, losing its fresh, youthful appearance. Genetics also come into play, determining how well your skin ages.

Other factors such as harmful sun exposure, smoking, dehydration, poor diet, and some medications can further contribute to premature aging.

In this case, prevention is always better than cure. 

When Do Wrinkles Appear?

Wrinkles might feel like they appear overnight, but how you treat your body and skin from an early age ultimately determines the outcome and occurrence of deep wrinkles.

Knowing the age timeline for specific facial wrinkle formation can help you plan your anti wrinkle treatment. 

Wrinkles In Your 20's

During your 20's, you'll start losing the "baby fat" associated with your teen years, and your face will become more defined. According to dermatologists at Nava MD, it's during this time that lines and creases related to movement first start to appear, usually around your brow. This decade also may mark the first appearance of "crow's feet" around the eyes.

Wrinkles In Your 30's

For many people, from the age of 30 and growing older, your skin begins to looks less radiant and more "tired." The "crow's feet" that had just begun around your eyes begin to become more noticeable and you'll see the first signs of a pair of lines forming between your brows called glabellar lines (or “elevens”). Meanwhile, nasolabial lines or nasolabial folds may start appearing around your mouth.

Wrinkles In Your 40's

Not surprisingly, more lines are forming during your 40s, oftentimes around your upper lip. You'll notice more wrinkles on your forehead and around your eyes, and smile lines will deepen.

Wrinkles In Your 50's and Beyond

From your 50's and beyond, all will be revealed, and your lifestyle habits will increasingly catch up with you. A rapid breakdown of collagen and elastin contributes to the slight and increasing drooping of your face with looser skin. Wrinkles deepen and your skin begins to look more papery. 

What Are Anti-Wrinkle Patches?

Even though you've taken every measure to protect your health and appearance, aging skin is inevitable. 

Anti-wrinkle patches are a newer, non-invasive solution that are intended to stimulate skin and boost collagen production. Depending on their ingredients, wrinkle patches are intended to do a variety of things, like improving moisture retention, increasing blood flow, and accelerating the healing process.These myriad patches sometimes seal the affected area, preventing air from penetrating and drying out your skin. 

Types of Anti-Wrinkle Patches

There are four primary types of wrinkle patches, and they each work a little differently. In short, they are:

Silicone Wrinkle Patches

Silicone wrinkle patches are intended to hydrate your skin's top layer by drawing water from deeper layers of the skin. An advantage is that they are often reusable and won't break the bank in the long run.

Microneedling Patches

Microneedle patches combine wrinkle-reducing active ingredients like retinol or retinal with microneedle technology. These miniscule needles penetrate the skin, paving the way for delivering the active components more deeply to work more effectively.

Sheet Patches

Sheet patches are made of adhesive paper and can generally be worn overnight; however, you don't need to cover the whole sheet with the active ingredients; instead, you can apply it only to the area you want treated.

Gel Masks

Gel masks are usually made for the more sensitive eye area and soaked in serums. Gel masks aren't reusable — your skin absorbs the serum, after which the gel patch dries and shrivels.   

What Ingredients are in Anti-Wrinkle Patches?

According to the dermatologists at Nava MD, you want to look for any or all of the following top skin-healthy ingredients when you shop for anti wrinkle patches:

  • Retinol is one of the most common retinoids, all of which are derived from vitamin A, and is one of the more common (and effective) ingredients in anti-wrinkle patches. Retinol and other retinoids like retinal, retinaldehyde, and tretinoin stimulate collagen and elastin production. Retinoids are some of the most effective science-backed ingredients proven to significantly improve fine wrinkles and healing. They promote even skin texture, smoother pigmentation, and tone, making your skin look bright and radiant. [

    Read our deep-dive guide on retinoids here


  • Vitamin C and ferulic acid are powerful antioxidants that work well independently or together. Vitamin C helps build collagen, and ferulic acid helps preserve existing collagen production.

  • Epidermal growth factors are large proteins that stimulate collagen and elastin production. 

    For more Face Patch Factoryinformation, please contact us. We will provide professional answers.

  • Peptides are building blocks of proteins that send signals to help build collagen.

    A 2019 study

    involving 22 women over 40 found that peptides in anti wrinkle treatments created "significant improvements in skin wrinkles" in just two weeks. 

  • Hyaluronic acid has an immediate plumping effect on dry skin as it hydrates the skin, improving its condition and moisture over time.

Some patches also contain a sun protection factor (SPF); however, applying sunscreen should be part of your daily skincare routine regardless. No matter which anti-aging products you use, they can only be effective in the long-term when combined with a broad-spectrum SPF 30 or higher to protect your skin from UV damage daily..

What Do the Experts Say?

Dermatologists generally agree that anti wrinkle patches can be an effective, non-invasive solution for fine lines and wrinkles if your goal is to reduce physical signs of skin aging. 

Products containing more than one active ingredient that stimulates collagen and elastin production, such as retinol, will provide the best results. These also help to delay wrinkle formation; however, the best treatment remains a daily skincare regimen that includes preventive steps, like an anti-aging moisturizer, a sunscreen with a high SPF factor, and a healthy lifestyle.

The sooner you start protecting your skin, the better.

Which Anti Wrinkle Patches Work Best?

When choosing the best wrinkle patch, it really depends on the area you want to treat and what your goal is. Here are just a few of the top anti-wrinkle patches currently available:

1. SiO FaceLift

These silicone patches cover all the bases and can work effectively for the forehead, neck, eye area, and smile lines around the mouth.

2. Dr. Jart+ Focuspot Line & Wrinkle Micro Tip Patch

Dr. Jart's Focuspot patches are intended for the eye area and smile lines and contain tiny tips that activate upon contact with the skin. The active ingredients are hyaluronic acid, antioxidant vitamin E, and specific neuropeptides that create “a Botox-like effect on the skin.”

3. Wrinkles Schminkles Chest Wrinkle Smoothing Patch

If the name of these patches doesn't make you smile, the effect may after wearing them. Wrinkles Schminkles is a silicone patch you apply at night, hydrating and boosting dry skin resulting from sun exposure.

4. Natura Bisse Inhibit High Definition Patches

For some of the most targeted wrinkle patches out there, you can't go wrong with Natura Bisse. A more expensive buy than other products, they fit snugly around the nose and mouth. These micro-needling patches are intended to ensure maximum hydration, and the neuropeptides to smooth wrinkles.

5. 111SKIN Meso Infusion Overnight Micro Mask Box

The active ingredients in this product are super-targeted. Hyaluronic acid and vitamin C are included to increase hydration, plump up the skin and stimulate collagen production.

6. Kiehl's Line-Minimizing Targeted Triangle Patch-Masks

These triangle patches sit comfortably on any area of the face and contain hyaluronic acid and dacetyl-hexapeptide-8, the “golden god” of neuropeptides according to Kiehl.

Alternatives to Anti-Wrinkle Patches?

Wrinkle patches can be a good alternative to invasive cosmetic treatments, and they’re much less expensive.

But you've got options beyond patches and peels. 

At Nava MD, we help men and women get prescription skincare formulas that include potent, effective ingredients like tretinoin (one of the most trusted skin-healers among dermatologists) and niacinamide, a high-quality anti-inflammatory and blemish-buster. Clindamycin helps with acne, and other ingredients are included depending on your intent.

You formula is personalized for your skin and your needs. Trying to smooth wrinkles? We have a formula for that. Reduce acne? Nava MD has that, too.

It starts with an online consultation with one of our licensed dermatologists. If approved, your custom formula is shipped straight to your door. It’s all done easily and affordably, with ongoing follow-up available with your clinician any time through the Nava MD Patient Portal. 

Get started with an online dermatology consult today, included with your first order.


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This article is intended for informational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice.
Consult a healthcare professional or call a doctor in the case of a medical emergency

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