Cryotherapy Machines and Chambers | Models, Prices, and ...

09 Sep.,2024


Cryotherapy Machines and Chambers | Models, Prices, and ...

1. Learn How Cryotherapy Machines Function

Cryotherapy machines work to produce dry cold air that can be pushed around users to experience various benefits.

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Precision in temperature control is paramount for safe and effective cryotherapy sessions. Contrary to popular belief, experiencing discomfort or pain during a session isn&#;t a reliable indicator of its effectiveness. This is because pain receptors lie deeper within the skin compared to cold receptors, which cease detecting temperatures slightly above freezing at 32°F (0°C). Therefore, assessing treatment success based on pain or discomfort is misleading.

The measure of a successful cryotherapy session lies in carefully reducing skin temperature, typically by 10%, 30%, or 50%.

The key to a successful cryotherapy session is gradually lowering the skin temperature, usually by 10%, 30%, or 50%. Yet, how each person responds to cold varies a lot, not just between individuals but also in different parts of the body. This is why the best machines can target different areas of the body with different temperature in real time [Book a consultation with me to learn more].

2. Discover the Different Types of Machines (the Big Picture)

Before diving into the world of cryotherapy machines, let&#;s first explore the different types available:

By Reach:

  • Localized Cryo Machines: These machines focus cool air on specific areas of the body, ideal for targeted relief or treatment.
  • Whole-Body Cryotherapy Machines: A whole-body cryotherapy machine looks like 3/4 of a fridge from the future where you stand tall, poke your head out of the top, and wait for 3 minutes.
  • Full-Body Cryotherapy Chambers: These look like a small room where the user is fully inside the machine, including their head &#; like a sauna, but cold instead of hot.

By Cooling Technology:

  • Electric: These machines utilize electricity to generate cold air, offering convenient operation and temperature control.
  • Nitrogen: These machines rely on liquid nitrogen for their cooling power, reaching potentially lower temperatures but requiring additional handling and maintenance.

In the next sections, we&#;ll delve into choosing the best option for your needs.

3. Choose Between Localized and Body Cryotherapy Machines

Body and localized cryotherapy offer very different experiences, cater to different needs, and come with varying costs.

Body Cryotherapy

Whole and full body cryotherapy machines are like giant walk-in freezers that can plunge your entire body into sub-zero temperatures. The intense cold is known to help with muscle recovery, reduce inflammation, and leave you feeling energized. These machines are designed to give you a full-body deep freeze, and they&#;re a great choice for people who want a powerful and invigorating treatment.

Whole-body and full-body cryotherapy machines typically cost between $30,000 and $280,000. You&#;ll often find them in wellness centers, sports facilities, and dedicated cryotherapy clinics.

Localized Cryotherapy Machines

Localized cryotherapy machines, on the other hand, target specific areas of the body that need attention. They deliver a more gentle and personalized treatment, focusing on localized concerns without subjecting the entire body to extreme cold.

If you&#;re looking for a targeted approach to address specific areas of pain or inflammation, localized cryotherapy is a good option. Instead of stepping into a chamber, you can receive treatment directly on the problem area. Localized cryotherapy machines can provide relief for sore joints, aching muscles, and nagging injuries.

Localized cryotherapy machines are typically more affordable than whole-body machines, with prices starting at around $7,500.

4. Weigh in the Pros & Cons of Electric vs Nitrogen Cryo Machines.

Choosing between electric and nitrogen doesn&#;t matter for localized cryotherapy machines as they are fairly similar in terms of pricing and efficiency. But when it comes to whole-body and full-body machines, the decision ultimately boils down to two key factors: the ability to tailor the temperature to individual users and, of course, budget.

We like to distinguish 3 types of machines:

  • Nitrogen machines (including hybrid machines)
  • Electric with active cooling
  • Electric without active cooling

Nitrogen Cryo Machines

Nitrogen cryo machines deliver a powerful blast of cold, reaching temperatures as low as -196°C. While this extreme cold might seem appealing, maintaining precise temperature control can be challenging due to the rapid expansion of nitrogen gas within these machines. Additionally, managing the nitrogen supply, often stored in large 220-liter tanks, can be labor-intensive and time-consuming.


  • Rapid cooldown
  • Starting at around $30,000


  • Requires sourcing and managing nitrogen supply
  • Temperature control can be tricky

Electric Cryo Machines with Active Cooling

Electric machines with active cooling take a different approach, offering real-time temperature adjustment based on the user&#;s skin temperature. They create a bone-chilling experience by chilling the chamber to around -4°F (-20°C)and utilizing powerful blowers to deliver the sensation of cold.


  • Gold standard in session quality
  • Cools down fairly quickly
  • Can be self-operated
  • Very safe
  • Low running cost


  • Costs between $80,000 to $100,000

Electric Cryo Machines without Active Cooling

Designed specifically for businesses or teams accommodating multiple users simultaneously, electric machines without active cooling maintain a stable temperature range, usually around -130°F to -166°F (-90°C to -110°C). They offer a highly safe environment for users and can handle multiple individuals during a single session. However, they come with their own set of challenges, including a complex installation process, lengthy cooldown times, and high reliance on the manufacturer for repairs and maintenance.


  • Very safe
  • Accommodate multiple users at the same time
  • Can be self-operated


  • Hard to install
  • Extreme dependability on the manufacturer
  • Take a long time to cool down
  • Mid-high running cost
  • Cost between $120,000 to $260,000

5. Set Clear Expectations Based on Your Budget

Cryotherapy machine cost from $7,000 to $280,000, depending on the model, brand, features, and technology incorporated. 

Let me save you some time with the following table that shows what you can afford based on your budget. I took in consideration the average cost of installation and the potentially required renovations/fittings to install machines. 

How Much Does Cryotherapy Cost?

Being physically active helps you live longer and healthier, but the more active you are, the higher chance you have of sustaining an injury. In fact, 3.7 million sports-related injuries send people to the emergency room each year. To be able to perform at peak levels, whether as an elite athlete or simply someone who wants to be as active as possible, more and more people are turning to cryotherapy machines to relieve inflammation, pain, swelling, muscle spasms, and overuse injuries. These issues can keep you sidelined from daily life activities and contribute to a higher risk for osteoarthritis.

Cryotherapy machines quickly reduce a user&#;s body temperature to deliver all-over treatment that not only benefits specific targeted areas, but for many users also provides immediate relaxation after a session. With athletes and celebrities increasingly including cryotherapy in their wellness routines, cryotherapy at home, as well as in gyms, spas, salons, and doctor&#;s offices are gaining popularity. 

If you are looking for more details, kindly visit Rejuvelab.

In addition to whole-body cryosaunas, there are also smaller cryotherapy machines with handheld nozzles that apply cold air to an injured or inflamed area; these are called localized cryotherapy machines. To treat skin abnormalities, liquid nitrogen can be used to address skin tags, lesions, scars, and warts.

How much do sessions at a cryotherapy clinic cost?

Depending on where you live and where you receive your treatment, sessions can cost between $40 and $100 each.

How many sessions of cryotherapy are needed?

You can usually expect to start feeling the benefits of cryotherapy after three or four consecutive treatments. Continuing with one to three sessions per week will enable you to continue enjoying these benefits.

How much does a whole-body cryotherapy chamber cost?

Depending on the features you choose, whole-body cryotherapy chambers cost an average of about $40,000, with lower-end models starting at around $34,000 and higher-end models costing $65,000 or more.

What is localized cryotherapy?

Localized cryotherapy is the application of extreme cold to a targeted area, usually to treat injuries or inflammation. Cold therapy stimulates oxygen-rich blood flow to tissues, muscles, and joints that are injured or overused, reducing inflammation, tension, and pain. Localized cryotherapy can also be used to improve the vitality and appearance of the skin.

What are the benefits of cryotherapy?

Cryotherapy reduces musculoskeletal aches and pain from inflammation, decreases swelling, and lessens the occurrence of muscle spasms and overuse injuries. It can also rejuvenate damaged skin.

How much is a cryotherapy machine?

A handheld localized therapy machine costs about $10,000, and a cryosauna costs an average of about $40,000. If you paid $50 per session and went to 4 sessions per week, you&#;d spend $10,400 a year on cryotherapy. For people who regularly enjoy the benefits of cryotherapy, a home full-body or handheld machine is a cost-effective way to schedule regular treatments at times that are most convenient for you. In addition, a cryotherapy machine at home allows multiple family users to enjoy the benefits of cryotherapy too!

Are there other methods of receiving cryotherapy?

Although we are often referring to machines when we talk about cryotherapy, the actual definition of cryotherapy is the therapeutic use of cold. Smaller-scale devices like cold compression sleeves, cold compression therapy, ice baths, ice packs, and coolant sprays are great, budget-friendly options for people who are interested, but not ready for a full commitment. Cryotherapy can also be delivered via liquid nitrogen to freeze off warts and skin tags.

Can I afford cryotherapy at home?

If you are suffering from inflammation, swelling, injuries, muscle tension, and spasms or pain, it&#;s more a question of whether you can afford not to take advantage of some kind of cryotherapy for relief. Cold therapy is a valuable tool to counteract aches and pains by numbing the area and increasing blood flow to relieve any pain. Easy ways to utilize cryotherapy at home include compression sleeves, cold blankets, ice packs, ice baths, and cooling wraps. If a cryotherapy machine is out of reach financially, there are less expensive ways to get the benefits of cold therapy.

Is Cryotherapy at home effective? What are the benefits?

Cryotherapy machines for home use deliver treatments that reduce aches and pains from inflammation and injury and decrease muscle tension. In addition to the physiological benefits of cryotherapy, one of the most significant benefits of cryotherapy at home is the ability to enjoy it whenever you want without having to make an appointment during business hours.

Am I Missing Out by Forgoing the Chamber?

Although cryosauna chambers deliver holistic treatment and benefits, targeted cold therapy products for home use are viable alternatives. Handheld cryotherapy machines, compression sleeves, ice packs, and cooling wraps are examples of cold therapies that can be applied for relief in smaller areas of the body.

Final Thoughts

For anyone suffering from muscle spasms and pain,or joint disorders like arthritis, swelling, and inflammation, cold therapy is a recommended treatment choice. When daily life activities are limited or even halted because of pain and inflammation, cryotherapy can be the tool that helps you get back to living your life. 

Since it&#;s most beneficial when used regularly, cryosauna use can get expensive at spas, salons, gyms, and medical offices. Having a machine at home will pay for itself with long-term regular use. Smaller cryotherapy devices designed for targeted use are great choices when a whole-body chamber isn&#;t an option, and provide relief through improvement in circulation, decreased swelling, and reduced pain

Thank you for your time in reading this article on cryotherapy! Visit Caregiver University for more information on cryotherapy machines, whole-body cryotherapy, localized cryotherapy, and cryosaunas and how to make the best purchasing decision to meet your needs.


Amanda Lundberg, BSN, RN

Amanda is a registered nurse with over a decade of experience in hospital, clinic, and healthcare management settings. Her primary focus has been collaborating with patients to manage disease processes. Aiming at continuing active lifestyles for her patients, Amanda has become an expert in adjunct therapies.

Amanda incorporates a holistic approach to heal the body from within. She has completed extensive research in remedial treatments using oxygen, as well as becoming a professional light therapy specialist. Her reparative ethos to health has sparked engaging conversations and teaching opportunities nationwide.

Amanda has taken her passion for articulating technical medical language and transitioned to freelance writing. She enjoys bringing a clinical voice to health and wellness brands.

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If you want to learn more, please visit our website Cryotherapy Chamber For Sale.