Hepatitis risk assessment tool

02 Sep.,2024


Hepatitis risk assessment tool

  • Description:

    With competitive price and timely delivery, Accu-Tell sincerely hope to be your supplier and partner.

    "Hepatitis" means inflammation of the liver and is usually caused by a virus. In the U.S., the most common types are Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, and Hepatitis C. Millions of Americans are living with viral hepatitis but most do not know they are infected. People can live with chronic hepatitis for decades without having symptoms.

    This assessment will help determine if you should be vaccinated and/or tested for viral hepatitis by asking a series of questions. Depending on your answers, you will be given a tailored recommendation that you should discuss with your doctor or your professional healthcare provider. Any information received through the use of this tool is not medical advice and should not be treated as such.

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  • Hepatitis Panel: MedlinePlus Medical Test

    What is a Hepatitis Panel?

    A hepatitis panel is a group of blood tests that checks whether you have a viral hepatitis infection now or had one in the past. It may also show that you are immune to certain types of hepatitis because you had a vaccination.

    Hepatitis is a type of liver disease that causes inflammation of the liver. The most common cause of hepatitis is a group of viruses called hepatitis A, hepatitis B, and hepatitis C. A hepatitis panel is a blood test that checks to see if you have a hepatitis infection caused by one of these viruses.

    Hepatitis viruses spread in different ways. They affect your health in different ways, too:

    • Hepatitis A is commonly spread by eating or drinking food or water that has been contaminated with even the tiniest traces of stool (poop) from an infected person. This may happen if an infected person doesn't wash their hands after using the bathroom.

      Most people recover from hepatitis A on their own without any lasting liver damage.

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    • Hepatitis B is spread by contact with body fluids from an infected person, such as blood, semen, and saliva (spit). The contact usually happens from having sex with an person who has the infection or by sharing needles or other items used for injecting drugs.

      Most people recover from a hepatitis B infection on their own with no lasting liver damage. But some people may have a chronic (long-term) infection, which can lead to chronic liver disease and liver cancer. Anti-viral medicine may help chronic cases.

    • Hepatitis C is spread by contact with blood from an infected person. This usually happens through sharing needles or other items used for injecting drugs.

      Most people who get hepatitis C will have a chronic infection. In most cases, medicine can cure hepatitis C. Without treatment, chronic hepatitis C may lead to cirrhosis or liver cancer.

    A hepatitis panel includes tests for hepatitis antigens and antibodies:

    • Hepatitis antigens are substances in the hepatitis virus that trigger your immune system to fight the virus.
    • Hepatitis antibodies are proteins that your immune system makes to help fight a hepatitis infection.

    Hepatitis antigens and antibodies can be found in your blood even if you don't have symptoms of an infection.

    Other names: acute hepatitis panel, viral hepatitis panel, hepatitis screening panel

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