How To Pass A Mouth Swab Drug Test: Your 101

19 Mar.,2024


How to pass a mouth swab drug test? With the increasing popularity of cannabis, more and more people are starting to use it. Various users have reported several potential health benefits. Thus, cannabis has become a widespread alternative relief. However, you also need to be aware of the possible consequences of using it – one of them is abuse.

According to a study, approximately 3 in 10 cannabis users have a marijuana disorder or addiction. A mouth swab test is a standard drug test used by different establishments. It is less invasive, cheaper, and more accurate in detecting specific drug components.

In this article, we will explain how to pass this test, what methods you should use, and talk about the role of mouth detox products, including Toxin Rid Rescue Wash Mouthwash, which will help you easily mask the presence of THC metabolites in your mouth and pass the drug test quickly.

Toxin Rid Rescue Wash Mouthwash

  • This specially formulated mouth wash allows you to rid your mouth of detectable drug toxins left in the mouth moments before the drug test is to occur.

  • The small 1-ounce bottle makes it easy to dispose of or hide in the moments before the test

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Why Are Mouth Swab Drug Tests So Common?

Mouth swab drug tests are so common because they’re affordable. Some companies prefer using it as a drug test method because it results faster.

  1. Relatively Accurate – Mouth swabs are almost as accurate as other drug tests. Besides, an administrator conducts the tests with strict supervision. Thus, it’s more difficult for a person to tamper with the specimen.
  2. Affordable – A company can save more bucks if they need to do massive mouth swab drug tests.
  3. Quick – This type of drug test can detect most drugs in the saliva from the past 24 to 48 hours. It’s an excellent method of identifying active heavy users. In addition, it provides fast results.
  4. Non-invasive – Mouth swab tests don’t need special facilities, which makes it more common. It’s easier to administer, even in different workplaces.

Understanding the Mouth Swab Drug Test

If you’re a frequent user of THC products and you have an upcoming drug test – you’re probably wondering how to pass a drug test with weed in your system. Before we dig deeper, let’s further understand mouth swab drug tests.
A cannabis swab drug test or oral fluid test involves collecting a saliva sample. It can test traces of THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) and other drug remnants present in the saliva for the past 24 to 48 hours.

  1. The first part is getting a sample from the user. A common collection method is using a swab stick with an absorbent pad. The supervisor will swab the inside of the cheek or under the tongue.
  2. Other methods are spitting, draining, and suction. Then, the collector will put your sample in a safe and sanitized container.
  3. Depending on the swabber’s guidelines, you can get the results within minutes to a day.

If you are concerned about passing a mouth swab drug test, there are a few things you can do. First, you can use a mouthwash like Toxin Rid Rescue Wash to help remove THC from your saliva. Second, you can try to avoid using THC products for a few days before your test. Finally, you can drink plenty of water to help dilute your saliva.

Types Of Drug Tests

There are several types of mouth swab drug tests:

  • 4-Panel Saliva Drug Test – It screens the five most commonly abused drugs, which are marijuana (THC), cocaine, opiates, and methamphetamines.
  • 12-Panel Saliva Drug Test – A more comprehensive saliva drug test for screening the four components mentioned above, along with benzodiazepines, barbiturates, methadone, methaqualone, PCP, and propoxyphene, amphetamine, phencyclidine.
  • Custom Panel Saliva Drug Test – Some laboratories offer customizable saliva drug tests if an organization wants to test the presence of specific drug remnants.
  • Rapid Saliva Drug Test – This test offers the quickest results, often within minutes. It is common in workplaces for random drug testing or post-accident testing.

Cut-Off Levels of Drugs Detectable in Saliva

Cut-off levels represent the minimum concentration of a substance that must be present in the specimen that may lead to a positive result. These levels ensure unbiased reports and avoid false positives.For instance, the Toxin Rid Rescue Wash Mouthwash, a popular detox mouthwash, contains ingredients that can potentially interfere with drug test results. While the mouthwash is not specifically designed to pass drug tests, its ingredients may temporarily mask the presence of certain drugs in saliva.

Substance Cutoff Level (ng/mL) Marijuana (THC) 50 Cocaine 300 Opiates 2000 Amphetamines 1000 Alcohol Varies by test; usually 0.02-0.04% BAC

Toxin Rid Rescue Wash Mouthwash

  • This specially formulated mouth wash allows you to rid your mouth of detectable drug toxins left in the mouth moments before the drug test is to occur.

  • The small 1-ounce bottle makes it easy to dispose of or hide in the moments before the test

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Detection Time for Different Substances

How long does weed stay in your system after a couple of puffs? The detection time of different drug substances varies depending on other factors. Even if the effects wear off, drug remnants can still be detectable in the saliva.

It’s essential to know how long a drug lasts in a person’s body to help you pass a mouth swab drug test. Some of the most significant factors that influence the detection time of drugs are:

  • Weight and Body Mass
  • Physical activity
  • Metabolism
  • Type and amount of drugs
  • Frequency of use
  • Type of dosage
  • Tolerance to the substance
  • Hormonal levels

Most substances are detectable between 12 to 72 hours after the last consumption. For instance, THC, the psychoactive compound in marijuana, can be detected in saliva for up to 72 hours after last use. However, this timeline may be a bit longer for heavy users. To increase your chances of passing a mouth swab drug test, consider using a mouthwash like Toxin Rid Rescue Wash Mouthwash. This product is specifically designed to help eliminate toxins from saliva, potentially reducing the detection window of certain substances.

DRUG TYPE LENGTH OF STAY IN SALIVA Alcohol up to 24 hours Opioids such as oxycodone, hydrocodone, codeine, and morphine 4 days Heroin 5 to 24 hours Fentanyl 3 to 7 hours Benzodiazepines such as Xanax, Valium, Klonopin, and Ativan 3 days or more Ecstasy (MDMA) 24 to 48 hours Methamphetamine 24 to 48 hours Prescription stimulants like Adderall and Ritalin 1 to 2 days Cocaine and crack cocaine 1 to 2 days Marijuana (THC) 1 to 3 days PCP up to 3 days

Attempted Tricks to Beat a Mouth Swab Drug Test

Do you have an upcoming saliva swab test? Here are some tricks to help you pass a mouth swab drug test. These tips work well after a few puffs of weed. It may not work for frequent heavy users.

Consuming High-Fat Foods

According to some users, high-fat foods may influence the results of mouth swab drug tests. High-fat foods may absorb and metabolize these remnants faster. There is still limited scientific evidence to support this method, but there’s no harm in trying.

In addition, these foods may stimulate bile production. It is essential for the digestion and excretion of THC metabolites. Here are some high-fat food suggestions:

  • Avocados
  • Nuts and Seeds
  • Oily Fish
  • Cheese and Full-Fat Dairy
  • Eggs
  • Olive Oil and Coconut Oil
  • Dark Chocolate

Maintaining Saliva Production

The production of saliva is significant for both oral well-being and the detection of drugs. Sufficient saliva flow plays a key role in neutralizing acids, preventing bacterial growth, and maintaining a clean oral environment, thereby lowering the chances of drug detection. Toxin Rid Rescue Wash Mouthwash is a specifically designed mouthwash that supports saliva production and encourages oral hygiene. Consistent usage, coupled with adequate hydration, can contribute to sustaining a healthy saliva flow, potentially aiding in achieving a negative result in drug tests.

Toxin Rid Rescue Wash Mouthwash

  • This specially formulated mouth wash allows you to rid your mouth of detectable drug toxins left in the mouth moments before the drug test is to occur.

  • The small 1-ounce bottle makes it easy to dispose of or hide in the moments before the test

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Oral Hygiene

How to pass a saliva drug test home remedies? Maintaining healthy oral hygiene religiously may help reduce the chances of having a positive test result. Brushing may reduce lingering oral fluids. So, brush your teeth thoroughly at least twice daily and floss to remove any THC residues in the mouth.


Gargling with water before your mouth swab drug test can be a changer. It’s a small addition to your routine that may help you get a negative result.

There are some types of mouth swab drug test mouthwash that may eliminate traces of cannabis. It may help to neutralize THC metabolites temporarily. Thus, you can get a brief window of opportunity to pass the test.

The Most Reliable Way to Pass a Mouth Swab Drug Test

If you have been using THC products, it can be a challenge to pass a mouth swab drug test. Here are other reliable ways of passing a swab test.

Sour Candies

Sucking on hard candies may help increase the acidity of the saliva. Sour candies have acidic substances that may temporarily lower the pH of saliva, making it more acidic.

Chewing Gum

Chewing gum may stimulate saliva production. More saliva may dilute the concentration of drug molecules present in the mouth. No specific flavors are ‘more’ effective in passing a swab drug test. Although, if there are sour chewing gums that you can buy, you should stick to that flavor.

High-Fat Foods + Hydrogen Peroxide Rinse

Using hydrogen peroxide as an adulterant may help break down or alter the drug molecules. It can be risky, though, as it may cause irritation and damage to the mouth and gums. In addition, there are legal considerations in using this substance before a drug test.

Mouthwashes To Pass A Saliva Drug Test

If you are looking for ways to pass a mouth swab test in 12 hours, there are THC detox mouthwashes. These products have unique formulas to mask drug remnants in the saliva for hours.

Toxin Rid Rescue Wash

It is one of the most popular options for THC consumers who need to pass a mouth swab drug test. It contains a unique formulation that may help eliminate detectable drug toxins left in the mouth.

Put one-third of Toxin Rid Rescue Wash Mouthwash and hold it in your mouth for 3 minutes. Spit it out, and repeat the same process two more times. However, it would help if you used it a few minutes before your mouth drug test. So ensure you bring it and rinse it before entering the testing center.

Pros and Cons

Pros Cons Easy to use Its effectiveness may vary depending on the user type. Works fast

Toxin Rid Rescue Wash Mouthwash

  • This specially formulated mouth wash allows you to rid your mouth of detectable drug toxins left in the mouth moments before the drug test is to occur.

  • The small 1-ounce bottle makes it easy to dispose of or hide in the moments before the test

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Stinger Detox Mouthwash

Some THC users prefer using it as a last-minute solution. It contains natural ingredients to boost the process of THC removal in the mouth. The only difference is that you can swallow this mouthwash for an all-body detox.

Put a small amount of Stinger Detox Mouthwash in your mouth to use, and swirl it in your mouth for about 1 minute. Then, swallow the mouthwash after. Repeat this process until you finish the entire bottle. Make sure not to brush or drink after using the product.

Pros and Cons

Pros Cons Convenient for last-minute options May be effective for light users only. Can detox the body, too


Here are more common questions about mouth swab drug tests.

What should I do before a mouth swab drug test?

It’s essential to abstain from any cannabis products before a mouth swab test. Refrain from using any days before the test. There are also THC mouthwashes like Toxin Rid Rescue Wash Mouthwash, that you can use to boost your chances of having a negative result.

What does it mean if your mouth swab drug test turns blue?

If your mouth swab drug test turns blue, it is functioning correctly. So, what color does a saliva drug test turn if you fail? The color of a self-saliva drug test typically does not change according to results. Instead, these tests have specific regions on the testing device where lines appear to indicate the results.

How accurate is a saliva drug test for THC?

Saliva drug tests are accurate depending on certain factors. Testing long-term users may not be as accurate as urine tests. However, it is precise for active users since it can detect drug remnants within 48 to 72 hours of last consumption.


How to pass a drug test with THC in your system? The answer depends on your preparation. Some THC mouthwashes can help you pass a mouth swab drug test. However, the best way will always be abstinence. Refrain from consuming any cannabis products days to weeks before your drug test.

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