How Does Robotic Surgery Work?

15 Jul.,2024


How Does Robotic Surgery Work?

Robotic surgery is a surgical procedure that is performed with the assistance of a robot. It is a minimally invasive surgery option that offers many benefits such as less pain, blood loss, and scarring, and a shorter recovery time. Here are the steps involved in robotic surgery:

Step 1: The Preparation.

Before the surgery, the surgeon creates a plan that includes the location of the incisions and the instruments that will be used during the surgery. The patient is placed under general anesthesia and the robotic surgical system is positioned over the patient.

Step 2: The Incision.

The surgeon makes a small incision, or several small incisions, in the patient's body. The size and location of the incisions are determined by the surgical plan. The robotic arms are inserted into the incision(s).

Step 3: The Control Console.

The surgeon sits at a control console that is typically located in the same room as the patient. The console is connected to the robotic arms using a computer system. The surgeon uses hand and foot controls to manipulate the robotic arms.

Step 4: The Camera.

A camera is inserted into one of the incisions to provide the surgeon with a view of the surgical site. The camera provides a 3D image on a monitor at the control console.

Step 5: The Instruments.

The robotic arms hold surgical instruments that are controlled by the surgeon at the control console. These instruments are designed to move in ways that are not possible for human hands.

Step 6: The Surgery.

The surgeon uses the robotic arms to perform the surgery. The surgeon manipulates the instruments using the controls at the control console and watches the surgical site on the monitor. The robotic system provides a high degree of precision and control, which allows the surgeon to perform delicate procedures with greater accuracy.

Step 7: The Closing.

At the end of the surgery, the instruments are removed and the incisions are closed. Robotic surgery typically results in smaller incisions, which means less scarring and a shorter recovery time.

In conclusion, robotic surgery is a state-of-the-art surgical procedure that offers many benefits over traditional surgery. Robotic surgery is performed with the assistance of a robot, which provides a high degree of precision and control. With less pain, blood loss, and scarring, and a shorter recovery time, robotic surgery is quickly becoming the preferred surgical option for many procedures.

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