Wooden different types of hospital beds for home care

29 Apr.,2024


Wooden different types of hospital beds for home care

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If you want to learn more, please visit our website Different types of wooden hospital beds.

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If the shipment is delayed or product quality differs from what are specified in the online order, you can claim for a refund. Quick refund: If you can apply for a refund within two hours of making a payment, you will receive a refund immediately.

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If over 500pcs, mass production will start until pre-production sample has been approved.

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Adjustable Home Hospital Beds

The best home hospital bed for you depends on your specific health needs, which is why we offer a variety of home hospital beds with different features. Our premium Supernal Sleep System offers the functionality of traditional hospital beds with a look that blends with any bedroom décor. The Supernal 5 strikes the ultimate balance between style and function. All of our Supernal beds are available in twin, full, and queen sizes.

Learn more about how to choose the right size and weight capacity for your home hospital bed.

For patients with specific mobility or health issues, we also offer a rehab line that includes the Night Rider, New Valiant, and Companion.

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