Sheet masks: the complete guide | BTY ALY

19 Aug.,2024


Sheet masks: the complete guide | BTY ALY

Bonnie is passionate about all things beauty. When she's not posting content on her Instagram , she's sharing her knowledge and expert advice here on BTY ALY.

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In this complete guide, I explain how I choose my sheet masks, how I use them and I also tell you about the ones I have tried and recommend!

Sheet masks are one of the steps that I really appreciate in my skincare routine. They are efficient, easy to use and there is now a huge choice of sheet masks available! It can be a little overwhelming at first! Today, I&#;m going to help you figure it out and better understand how to choose between all these different sheet masks.

If there&#;s one Korean product that really intrigued me before I knew more about K-Beauty, it was definitely sheet masks.

I tried regular sheet masks before (I think they were from Sephora, but I&#;m not even sure anymore), but they didn&#;t impress me.

I found them difficult to put on, they didn&#;t hold in place well and finally I wasn&#;t really convinced by the result either.

In short, I thought that it wasn&#;t for me,  that it was just a gimmick and useless anyway. It was mainly a funny mask to show in a selfie on Instagram, but nothing more.

But when I went to Korea in , I told myself that maybe I was missing something&#; They seemed to be so popular there!

There were tons of different ones in Seoul&#;s shops, at all prices, it was insane! And I saw people buying it in bulk there (I&#;m not even exaggerating, if you&#;ve ever been in the Incheon/ Seoul airport duty-free, you know what I&#;m talking about &#; people buying hundreds of them).

During my stay, I spent a little time browsing in the shops, and I played it safe by first figuring out which were the best-selling sheet masks. I bought a few of them and in the evening, I tried them on in my hotel room to get an idea and decide which ones I liked best.

You&#;ve probably already understood it, it was an eye-opening experience! I finally understood why sheet masks were so popular. And I became an addict myself.

In this article, I&#;ll tell you a little more about this category of products that is still quite unknown in the West or misrepresented. I&#;ll explain how I choose my sheet masks, how I use them and I also tell you about the ones I have tried and would recommend!

What&#;s a sheet mask:

A sheet mask consists of two elements:

&#; a pre-cut face-shaped material with holes for the eyes, nose, and mouth, made of various materials (fibers, cotton, bio-cellulose, coconut pulp, hydrogel&#;). It&#;s the &#;sheet&#; of the sheet mask.

&#; this material is infused with a liquid solution or essence (depending on the formula, it can be more or less thick) made with different skincare ingredients. This solution is generally quite similar to an essence or a serum when you look at the composition. Depending on the mask, this essence can be moisturizing, anti-aging, lightening, nourishing, purifying, etc.

When placed on the face, the sheet mask is directly in contact with the skin. In fact, the material allows the essence to stay in contact with the skin longer and without drying.

A sheet mask is for single use only and is usually individually packaged, to be practical and easy to travel with.

Clearly, this is not the most environmentally friendly product category, because it&#;s a lot of packaging for a product that is thrown away after one single use&#; That being said, cosmetics brands are increasingly committed to offering more environmentally friendly packaging, with the use of recycled materials for outer packaging and biodegradable materials for the sheet masks. More and more brands have taken note and less wasteful options are definitely coming!

Where do sheet masks come from?

Sheet masks come from South Korea, a country known for its big obsession with cosmetics and skincare.

They&#;ve been around for less than 10 years and have been very popular for about 5 years. So they&#;re still relatively new to the market.

Today, sheet masks are very popular throughout Asia, but not only. Sheet masks can also be found all over the world!

The vast majority  are still manufactured in South Korea because where the factories with the latest innovations in this field can be found.

In this product category, innovation is constantly happening! There are sheet mask &#;trends&#; and from one year to the next, you&#;ll find tons of new ones in the shops.

A person I know who lives in China told me that she tried to start a sheet masks business a few years ago and had to give up because the trends changed so often that she could no longer offer products that met her customers&#; needs.

Sheet mask trends change so much that they rapidly become outdated, and the companies that produce them must have a lot of machines and associated technology to be able to meet the huge and evolving market demand!

What&#;s the difference with a moisturizing rinse-off mask?

The sheet mask material forms a barrier that retains moisture for longer and therefore allows more time for the ingredients to penetrate deeper into the skin. This is why the skin often looks more plumped and luminous after using a sheet mask.

The results are generally more immediate than when you use a rinse-off mask.

A sheet mask is also much more like a treatment than a rinse-off mask. Indeed, it&#;s recommended to leave the essence of the sheet mask on the skin. A rinse-off mask only works for as long as it&#;s left on the skin. A sheet mask, on the other hand, works when it&#;s on the face, and also afterward.

Sheet masks allow you to give your usual skincare routine a boost whenever you feel the need.

Why use a sheet mask?

A sheet mask is:
&#; very relaxing (if you are not claustrophobic, of course &#; ),
&#; easy to use (you can really do it anywhere),
&#; extremely effective  (results are visible immediately after removal),
&#; and generally, it&#;s also quite affordable!

The benefits for the skin:

Sheet masks are generally very moisturizing, and they allow the skin to take full advantage of the product&#;s active ingredients. While you leave the sheet mask on your skin, it&#;s really saturated with moisturizing, lightening or anti-aging ingredients.

Sheet masks allow you to give your usual skincare routine a boost whenever you feel the need. Indeed, for me, it&#;s more like an extra treatment.

In Korea, some people recommend using them every day for a deeper treatment. I personally find that it&#;s a lot, but sometimes, if I feel that my skin needs a little bit of help, I like to apply a sheet mask daily for a week and I must say that the results are indeed quite impressive!

For who:

The types of skin that will benefit the most from sheet masks are therefore dry, dehydrated and mature skins. In short, all the skin types that need a lot of hydration!

But a combination to oily skin can also benefit from them, especially if it&#;s dehydrated.

And of course, the sheet masks are totally gender neutral (my husband loves them, especially when I prepare them for him &#; ).

What&#;s in a sheet mask?

The material (= the sheet):

A good sheet mask material must be:
&#; large enough to cover the entire face (same for the openings for the eyes, nose, and mouth),
&#; soft on the skin (if it stings or itches, the waiting time seems very, very long),
&#; flexible and stretchy enough to be able to adhere properly to the skin. If the mask is too rigid, it will fold, won&#;t completely cover the skin and will, therefore, be less effective,
&#; it must also remain wet long enough. A good sheet mask remains wet for at least 20-30 minutes. If it&#;s dry after 10 minutes, it&#;s generally not good a good sign!

There are many different materials for sheet masks. This is one of the key factors that will affect the quality and also the price of the final product.

Some examples of different sheet masks materials:

&#; Non-woven fibers (or microfibers):
Non-woven fibers masks have a quite rigid texture, which feels a little like paper, resulting in them not being the most comfortable on the skin. They generally don&#;t have the stretch necessary to adhere properly to the skin and they can fall off easily if you don&#;t lie down. They dry rather quickly. However, they&#;re very inexpensive. Most low-end and very inexpensive sheet masks are made of this material. You probably understood it, they&#;re not my favorites!

&#; Cotton:
Cotton masks are made from natural cotton fibers. They have a finer texture than non-woven fibers masks, but they have the same characteristics. They don&#;t adhere very well to the skin and aren&#;t very flexible. They also dry rather quickly, but not as fast as with non-woven fibers masks. Cotton masks have a slightly better ability to correctly deliver serum to the skin. They&#;re also quite cheap.

&#; Biocellulose:
Bio-cellulose masks are made of woven cellulose fibers. They&#;re made from natural materials, such as fermented coconut water for example, and are generally biodegradable. They&#;re softer than the two previous materials and therefore adhere better to the skin. They generally remain wet long enough, which allows them to be more effective. However, they&#;re a little more expensive to produce, so the final product is a little more expensive.

&#; Hydrogel:
Hydrogel masks are mixtures of cosmetic serums with gelatin, which gives the mask the sensation of a very fresh gel-like film. They&#;re generally more effective than cheaper masks made of non-woven fibers and cotton. They&#;re easy to apply and adhere very well to the skin. They also don&#;t dry too quickly during the waiting time. On the other hand, they&#;re quite fragile. Generally, they&#;re rather thin and therefore rip quite easily. To counteract this inconvenience, they&#;re usually delivered with a separate lower and upper part. The main disadvantage of hydrogel masks is that they&#;re generally quite expensive.

&#; Foiled sheet masks:
Don&#;t worry, foiled sheet masks don&#;t consist of one single sheet of  foil that would be super uncomfortable on the skin! They&#;re generally made up of several layers, and the outer layer is the foiled one. The layer that adheres to the skin is usually made of bio-cellulose or cotton. The advantage of these foiled sheet masks is that they keep moisture longer than other materials and also able to slightly heat the skin. They therefore have a greater &#;insulating&#; power and heat can also be beneficial to promote the penetration of active ingredients! Of course, they&#;re also quite fun because you get to look like a C-3PO robot in no time at all &#;
They often consist of a separate lower and upper part. They tend to be a little stiff at first, which makes them slightly less comfortable than other materials. But generally, with the heat, they become more comfortable to wear. They&#;re quite expensive to buy, they&#;re often top-of-the-range masks.

&#; Infused with charcoal or clay:
These sheet masks are a little confusing. They&#;re indeed quite similar to the classic purifying rinse masks, often containing the same ingredients. On the other hand, they&#;re much more practical than the latter because the rinsing is really very fast. They dry less quickly than a conventional clay mask, so they are less drying than these. In general, they&#;re recognizable by their black or dark grey color. Price and quality vary a lot depending on the brands.

&#; Bubbly sheet masks:
A variation of the previous ones, they also often contain coal and detoxifying ingredients, with sparkling water. They also contain foaming ingredients such as those found in cleaning products. When applied to the face, they start to form a foam on the top of the mask, which should be used to massage the skin at the end of the mask application time. These masks must be rinsed and used at the beginning of the routine, instead of your cleansing product.
Depending on the brands, they&#;re more or less drying, it&#;s not recommended to use them every day. These are probably the most &#;fun&#; sheet masks because the foam really looks quite impressively on the face, creating a pretty funny effect to look at! Price and quality levels vary according to the brands.

&#; Micro-current sheet masks:
One of the latest trends in the market. On each side of the mask there is an electrode, there are small circuits that conduct the micro-current to stimulate the facial muscles and optimize the penetration of the active ingredients. Clearly, it&#;s still fairly confidential and of course, they&#;re rather expensive sheet masks (it&#;s quite technical!). I&#;m not sure you can find them outside Korea at the moment.

I probably forgot a lot&#; In this product category, innovation is constantly happening and there are tons of new releases all the time!

The material of the sheet masks can also be printed, for a more funny effect. There are sheet masks with cat faces, cartoon characters, floral motifs, lace&#; The possibilities are endless!

The essence:

The essence is the product that impregnates the material of the sheet mask.

I&#;m not even going to try to make a list of all the different categories of essence that can be found in a sheet mask because it&#;s almost endless! Each sheet mask has its own particularity, this essence can be moisturizing, nourishing, anti-aging, lightening, calming, purifying&#;

Essences can be very liquid and light or much thicker, almost like a liquid cream or even an oil in some cases.

The amount of essence in a good sheet mask is generally between 20 and 30ml. Less than that and the sheet mask may dry too quickly.

Skincare Do you need an essence?

Recently, and probably thanks to the influence of Asian beauty, a new type of product appeared on most skincare addicts radar: essences. Like a kind of &#;beauty water&#; or &#;liquid skincare&#;, an essence is a hybrid liquid product that is a cross between a toner and a serum. Can it replace them or do you have to add it to them? I&#;ll tell you everything you want to know about essences!

Read more

Note about the essence quantity in sheet masks:

At the moment, I see more and more advertisements indicating that the sheet mask contains the equivalent of &#;one month&#;s worth of serum&#;, or even &#;a whole bottle of serum&#; with a demo to support it where you see a person pressing a sheet mask over a bottle to show that it will fill it.

Technically, if you refer only to the weight of the product, it&#;s true that a sheet mask contains as much product as a bottle of serum.

But this argument is very far-fetched and often used by some brands for its psychological impact. In reality, this information is of little interest: it&#;s not really possible or interesting to compare a single-use product which purpose is to have an immediate effect on the skin with a product that is used on a daily basis, and is a long-term treatment.

It&#;s not really a piece of interesting information to give, IMO. It would probably make more sense to measure the skin&#;s hydration level before and after using the sheet mask if you want to provide impactful data.

So, in short, check that your sheet mask contains a minimum of 20ml of essence (it&#;s indicated on the bag) to be sure that it will not dry too quickly and forget about the serum bottle information which is useless anyway &#;

The ingredients list for these essences is often indicated in English on the back of the sheet masks packaging.

Personally, I avoid sheet masks that contain a concentration of alcohol and/or fragrance that is too high. Alcohol, when present in large quantities (= in the first three ingredients), can be irritating, even for the fragrance (in addition to being suffocating in this format). A little bit is fine, but a lot is definitely not great for the skin.

But honestly, especially if you buy Korean sheet masks, it&#;s usually OK. In Korea, these are highly regulated and the ingredients lists are generally intended for the most sensitive skins.

How and when to use it:

How to:

You apply your sheet mask on a cleansed, ideally exfoliated skin.

&#; Open the mask package and before taking out the mask, pour the essence that is often at the bottom of the bag into the palm of your hand. Apply the essence on your face.

&#; Then remove the mask from its packaging.

&#; Unfold the mask and place it on your face, aligning the holes with your eyes, nose, and mouth. If the mask is on a grid because it&#;s very thin, use the grid to apply the mask more easily and remove it once your mask is correctly placed on your face.

&#; Smooth out air bubbles and mask folds. A mask that is not properly applied will not perform as well. The mask is only effective if it&#;s in contact with the skin &#;

&#; If there is still essence left in the bag, you can apply this additional essence onto your neck, arms, elbows, knees, etc.

&#; Relax for 15-25 minutes. Or you can just get on with your own business (I often cook with my sheet mask on my face &#; ). Some masks can be kept longer (maximum 45 minutes) but if you feel that after 20 minutes, it&#;s already starting to dry, you should remove it. Keeping a mask on your face for too long can have a dehydrating effect; less is often more with sheet masks!

&#; Remove the mask from your face and discard it (sheet masks are always for single use).

&#; Gently tap the essence on your face for maximum absorption.

&#; Personally, I don&#;t think you should rinse out your sheet mask. It&#;s a treatment, it would be a shame not to keep it on the skin for as long as possible!

&#; Then apply a cream moisturizer and/or a facial oil to seal the moisture provided by the sheet mask. This step is optional if the sheet mask you applied is rich enough (oil or cream texture). In this case, you can stop there.

Et voilà, look at your beautiful plumped skin in the mirror!


You can use a sheet mask at any time: morning, evening, during a flight (I have done it many times!)&#;

The only condition is to have clean skin underneath!

I prefer to do my sheet masks in the evening, they replace my essences and even some of my serums! It allows me to simplify my skincare routine a lot &#;


Generally, I use a sheet mask once or twice a week but if my skin is very dehydrated or if I want a boost, I use one every night for a week!

There are no real rules in this area. You can use a sheet mask when you feel the need! &#;

The different types of sheet mask:

Generally the price and brand of sheet masks are really a quality indicator, especially for the Korean ones!

Very affordable sheet masks:

In Korea, these are often the sheet masks you can find in high street cosmetics shops, those on the streets of Seoul(like Tony Moly, Innisfree, Etude House, Skinfood, The Face Shop, Missha&#;).

There is usually a huge choice in these shops and their sheet masks are usually very affordable, often at $1 each.

This category also includes sheet masks that are availble in supermarkets (Garnier, for example) or even the ones from the Sephora brand&#; The price rarely exceeds $5.

They&#;re not the most qualitative. You have to look at the list of ingredients because they&#;re sometimes very rich in alcohol and fragrance, with a poor quality material, not flexible enough and that dry too fast. They don&#;t contain many active ingredients, so their effects are quite limited.

That being said, some of them are very good and at this price, it allows you to try a lot of different ones!

In this category, I liked the ones from Missha, a Korean brand I like a lot.

Middle range sheet masks:

My favorites ones! You can definitely find gems in this category if you look around a bit.

Their price is a little higher, usually between $5 and $10 for one sheet mask.

In Korea, they&#;re usually made by brands specialized in sheet masks, who do only these  kind of products and who have a monumental choice in their catalog!

There is something for everyone and it&#;s generally in this category that you can find the most innovative ones. Trends change very frequently and it&#;s often these brands that offer a lot of new and original formats.

In Korea, you can find them in drugstores like Olive Young, or Lobh&#;s, which are a kind of mix between Sephora and a pharmacy (for me, it&#;s heaven lol). Fortunately, they can also be found quite easily online!

The choice is so huge that it&#;s quite overwhelming at first. So personally, when I was there, I played it safe by first trying the most popular of them.

Korean consumers are so highly-educated in cosmetics that the products they enjoy are often very good. So you don&#;t take too many risks when you go for the Korean bestsellers.

Then I tried everything I thought was funny, innovative or interesting and in general they were pretty good too! As I said earlier, in this category, you can just go to town and try everything!

My favorite brands in this category are all Korean: Mediheal, Papa Recipe, JayJun, Dr. Jart, 23years Old, A. by Bom, SNP, Make P:rem&#; There are too many to list them all!

I haven&#;t explored much the western options of these sheet masks so I don&#;t know if they&#;re good or not. But some of them look great!

Luxury sheet masks:

High-end sheet masks are generally those made by luxury skincare brands.

Generally, they are quite conventional, but the essence makes the difference here regarding the quality of the finsih product.

The prices are clearly higher in this category, it can go up to $25-$30 for a single sheet mask.

These masks are rather a treatment to used on special occasions, given their price!

Among the best known are those of the Japanese brand SK-II, the Korean brand Sulwhasoo, or the Estée Lauder or Lancôme ones&#;

I have bought and used some of them, I&#;ll try to do detailed reviews in the future!

Organic sheet masks:

A fairly recent category that responds to an increasing demand from consumers!

These sheet masks are generally made from natural material (like coconut pulp or seaweed leaves for example) and are also completely biodegradable, from the material to the packaging.

For me, this is THE category that will probably grow a lot in the future.

I haven&#;t tried many of them but if you want to explore this category, look at the Korean brand Whamisa or the ones from Les Poulettes (made in France)!

Other sheet masks (body, eyes, lips):

There are also more and more specialized sheet masks for other parts of the body: neck, eyes, feet, hair, boobs (yup!)&#;

I haven&#;t tried many either in this category but I must say that I&#;m quite a fan of the hydrogel patch masks that you can use for your eyes contour. I think they work well, especially if I use them in the morning after I have just woken up!

Regarding the Korean ones, I like the ones from Heimish, Shangpree , SNP, JayJun&#; There&#;s a wide choice!

How to choose a sheet mask?

I choose my sheet masks the same way I choose the rest of my skincare products: I always look at the list of ingredients and I try to find reviews from people who tried them already.

Regarding the list of ingredients, I&#;m not a fan of sheet masks that contain too much alcohol and synthetic fragrance that can be irritating. So if the alcohol is in the first 5 ingredients and/or the perfume is too high on the list, I&#;ll pass.

Ideally, I prefer that my sheet masks contain ingredients that are interesting for the skin (natural or not, I don&#;t mind, I just want them to be effective). If I see that most of the essence is made up of water, alcohol, perfume, silicone, with a tiny bit of glycerin and hyaluronic acid for good measure, it doesn&#;t make me want to try it&#;

When the sheet mask material is made of cotton or microfibers, I&#;m not very keen on trying either.

I also trust the specialized blog reviews for sheet masks. There are not many of them and they are run by passionate people who test a lot of them!

A few examples: maskpedia, maskaddict (her Instagram account), fifty shades of snail (her blog and her Instagram) and this meejmuse&#;s video was also super useful!

And when in doubt, I just try it! This is still the best way to know if a sheet mask is right for you. And as I said earlier, I mainly focus on Korean sheet masks at the moment, but I know there are plenty of cool options out there!

If you want to learn more, please visit our website the best anti-wrinkle mask.

Where to buy sheet masks?

If I can&#;t go and get supplies on the spot (it&#;s ideal but I don&#;t spend every weekend in Seoul, unfortunately lol), I usually shop a lot online.

My favorite places to shop sheet masks: 
&#; YesStyle,
&#; IHerb,
&#; Beautytap,
&#; Amazon,
&#; and also Sephora!

5 sheet masks brands to try:

I focused on Korean brands, they&#;re the ones I used the most in the recent years!

Papa Recipe:

You know, I have a thing with honey. So a range of honey-based sheet masks, obviously, I couldn&#;t miss it!

The Papa Recipe Bombee Honey Mask is a cult favorite in South Korea since being launched 4 years ago and I immediately understood why when I tried them!

They are super moisturizing, full of natural active ingredients, they smell so good that you could eat them and they give a pretty glow to your complexion. What more could you ask for!

There are several variations of these honey masks.

My favorite is the original version, the Papa Recipe Bombee Honey Mask

But I also really like the Bombee Ginseng Red Honey Oil Mask Pack with ginseng,

and the Bombee Black Honey Mask with Manuka honey!


Mediheal is an institution in South Korea. The brand is known to be specialized in sheet masks and they&#;re among the market leaders in this field. Chinese customers love them and in duty-free, they are by far the best selling masks!

As its name suggests, Mediheal is a dermo-cosmetic brand, the company that produces them is a pharmaceutical company.

The products are mostly distributed in drugstores but also in dermatology practices (in Korea, dermatologists/ plastic surgeons practices are absolutely everywhere!).

If you count the limited editions of their best-sellers, they have not far from 80 different sheet masks references. Now that&#;s a wide choice! There is something for everyone, clearly!

Regarding the ingredient list, they are fairly well balanced with many active ingredients, and relatively little or no alcohol and fragrance. These are probably the most effective masks I have ever tried!

I haven&#;t tried them all (but I will someday &#; ) but I really like their 3 best-sellers:

&#; Mediheal N.M.F Aquaring Ampoule Mask EX : a must if you have dehydrated combination skin. It hydrates while balancing, it&#;s one of my absolute must-haves!

Mediheal Teatree Care Solution Essential Mask EX : this one is perfect if your skin is acne prone. It calms and purifies the skin while moisturizing it. It contains Tea Tree essence, chamomile extract and Centella Asiatica. I try to always have some on hand for one of these days! &#;

&#; Mediheal Pharmslab W.H.P White Hydrating Black Mask LX : one of the most effective brightening masks I have tried (it contains a lot of niacinamide). I totally understand that it&#;s a best-seller in Asia!


JayJun Cosmetic is a skincare brand founded in by a team of dermatologists, cosmetologists and plastic surgeons to offer a solution for people with skin issues.

The brand is famous for its products made with very high quality materials and ingredients. They are a little more expensive compared to other brands.

Fun fact, the American actress Drew Barrymore teamed up with the brand for a collection of exclusive sheet masks a few months ago!

I discovered them more recently and I haven&#;t had the opportunity to try them all yet but if I had to recommend one, it would have to be their best seller, the JayJun Real Water Brightening Black Mask . In Korea, it&#;s a cult favorite for its anti-aging and radiance action.

Concentrated in mineral-rich Jeju mineral water for a deep hydration, it also contains betaine, beta-glucan, ceramides to smooth and moisturize the skin, as well as niacinamide and adenosine to give radiance. It&#;s super effective and brightens the complexion immediately!

A nice thing about it: it also contains a cleanser and an essence that you can use before applying your mask. This is the perfect sheet mask if you&#;re traveling!

JayJun sheet masks are usually a little more expensive but online, you can find them at very good prices!

23 years old:

One of my big crushes this year!

23 years old is, as its name suggests very subtely, a brand that is rather oriented towards anti-aging. But apart from this ridiculous name, the products are really worth discovering.

The brand has a rather professional aspect IMO with masks that remind me of those you could find in beauty salons.

My favorite is the 23 years old Cocoon Willow Silky Mask , which is probably the most moisturizing mask I ever tried (and probably the scariest looking too lol)!

Its material is super thick and stretchy, it&#;s really comfortable to wear (it weighs 90g and is made of microfibers, it&#;s much more than the average sheet masks but it still fits on the skin and doesn&#;t fall when you wear it).

There is no hole for the mouth, which can be a little bit weird at first but it&#;s so effective that it doesn&#;t bother me (and if really, you don&#;t like it, you can make a notch with a pair of scissors, and it&#;s fixed!). It&#;s also larger and covers more skin surface area. I just love it!

Dr Jart +:

This Korean brand is probably the most famous of the lot, its products are distributed all over the world!

Rather innovative brand, it offers in its catalog a lot of sheet masks I like. I left out their creepy rubber masks that I don&#;t find very practical (they&#;re not very flexible) and instead focused on the classic fabric masks that I find very good. My husband is an absolute fan, by the way; the stock of Dr Jart + masks that is at home belongs to him, I&#;m not allowed to go near it!

From time to time, I manage to convince him to leave me one and in this case, it&#;s necessarily the Dr Jart + Ceramidin Facial Sheet Mask which is very effective in moisturizing, repairing and nourishing the skin without weighing it down. I like it very much in winter, it&#;s great to comfort my skin which is no longer used to the cold!

It is rich in shea butter, ceramides, hyaluronic acid, and essential fatty acids&#; In short, only good  skin repairing ingredients!

Dr Jart + sheet masks aren&#;t the most affordable but at least they&#;re easily accessible (you can find them at Sephora) and the quality is definitely there!

The essential in summary:

&#; a sheet mask is an extra treatment to your usual care routine, once or twice a week,
&#; it can be used as a treatment, one a day for 1 to 2 weeks if you feel the need,
&#; a sheet mask is for single use only, it cannot be reused several times,
&#; if you have sensitive skin (or even in general), avoid formulas that contain a lot of alcohol and fragrance,
&#; don&#;t forget to smooth your sheet mask on the skin. If there are too many folds and/or air bubbles, it won&#;t be in contact with the skin as well as it should be and will be less effective,
&#; feel free to use the remaining essence in the bag by applying it on the neck, décolleté, hands, arms&#;
&#; don&#;t leave your sheet mask too long on your skin. If it starts to dry, it may dehydrate your skin,
&#; do not rinse your sheet mask (except for cleansing sheet masks). It&#;s a treatment so it can continue to work after the waiting time,
&#; in general, it&#;s better to apply a cream and/or a facial oil after the sheet mask to properly seal the hydration provided by the latter. But if the essence of the sheet mask is already very rich, it is not necessary.

In conclusion:

If you&#;re still here, you definitely deserve a pat on the back!

Sheet masks are definitely a very inspiring topic for me, I definitely appreciate them for their practicality and great efficiency.

Of course, I&#;m well aware that sheet masks are not the best regarding respect for the environment, and brands must continue and increase their efforts to offer packaging that is easier to recycle. Some brands now offer packages containing several sheet masks in a biodegradable material, but these initiatives are still quite rare.

There&#;s a lot of innovation in this category, so let&#;s hope that the consumer pressure will push brands to be more ethical in the future!

Best Anti-Aging Face Masks for Women Over 50

With the changes our skin undergoes as we age, it&#;s important to find a beauty routine that can replenish mature skin &#; and masking is a great place to start. Using a face mask a few times a week will add a boost to what your skincare is already doing, help target your specific needs, and offer a relaxing respite from the day &#; something we could all really use from time to time! Whether you&#;re looking to plump or firm, have sensitive skin or rosacea, or just trying to minimize the appearance of fine lines, keep scrolling for our picks for the 13 best anti-aging face masks for women over 50.

What ingredients should you look for when buying face masks?

Before we get into the masks themselves, let&#;s talk about ingredients real quick. Whether your skin is sensitive or not, it&#;s always important to understand exactly what you&#;re putting on your face. Generally, for women over 50, there are three skin concerns that are the most prevalent: hydration (or lack thereof), inflammation, and wrinkles. If one of these skin concerns hits home for you, choose a face mask full of skin-saving ingredients that properly treat those conditions. So, what ingredients should you keep an eye out for? Check out our handy guide below!


What are the best anti-aging face masks for women over 50?

Like many skincare products, there is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to the best face masks for mature skin. Rather, it&#;s most beneficial to determine your skin&#;s specific needs and find the mask that will best cater to you. For instance, maybe you have dry, dulling skin that could use a little boost. For that, we love Drunk Elephant&#;s F-Balm Electrolyte Waterfacial Mask ($54, Sephora), which contains ceramides and antioxidants to help deliver some much-needed hydration for a glowy complexion.

There are also face masks to help reduce the effects of common conditions like psoriasis, such as Pure Body Naturals&#; Dead Sea Mud Mask ($14, Amazon). No matter what type of skin you have, you can rest assured there&#;s a face mask out there to help enhance your complexion&#;s natural beauty so you can get your glow on!

  • Hydration. If dry skin is your chief concern, look for a face mask filled with ingredients like ceramides, hyaluronic acid, lactic acid, glycolic acid, different kinds of oils, aloe, and urea to ease the plight of dehydrated skin.
  • Inflammation. Whether it&#;s rosacea or occasional redness, inflammation is never fun. So if you&#;re looking for a face mask to soothe your skin and ease your inflammation, reach for one containing ingredients like centella asiatica, green tea extract, chamomile, cucumber, niacinimide, vitamin E, and aloe.
  • Wrinkles. For smooth, supple, and wrinkle-free skin, choose a mask containing ingredients like alpha lipoic acid, collagen, retinol, vitamin C, niacinimide, hyaluronic acid, and vitamin E.

Best face mask for neck

Lipofix Intense Lifting & Hydration Neck Treatment

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Did you know that there are masks available specifically for your neck? For many women, necks are a sensitive subject. Years of neglecting moisturizer and sunscreen may leave sensitive skin vulnerable, wrinkled, and now, in need of some special attention. Enter the Intense Lifting and Hydration Neck Treatment from Lipofix. This mask works wonders on the skin thanks to its powerful blend of collagen, hyaluronic acid, and botanical extracts. Working to help to lift the skin to tighten and create firmness, this mask set comes with five or seven masks, making it one of the best face mask deals around. 

  • Specifically designed for the neck area
  • Includes collagen, hyaluronic acid, and botanical extracts
  • Available in sets of 5 or 7

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Best hydrating face mask

Drunk Elephant F-Balm Electrolyte Waterfacial Mask

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While it varies for each woman, dry skin is one of the biggest skin concerns facing women over 50. So, if you&#;re looking for a face mask to put the bounce back in your skin, try Drunk Elephant&#;s F-Balm Electrolyte Waterfacial Mask. Formulated with a combination of ceramides, vitamins, antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory ingredients, this mask will deliver the intense hydration you&#;re looking for, while also keeping redness and puffy skin at bay.

  • Made of a 4-electrolyte blend
  • Includes vitamin F for soothing hydration
  • Ideal for all skin types

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Best face mask for psoriasis

Pure Body Naturals Dead Sea Mud Mask

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Looking for an easy way to soothe your sensitive skin, especially during a psoriasis flare-up? Reach for a face mask made with Dead Sea mud, like natural skincare powerhouse Pure Body Naturals&#; Dead Sea Mud Mask. Research has shown that Dead Sea mud, known for its healing and detoxifying properties, can effectively help reduce symptoms associated with psoriasis, like redness and inflammation. Complete with shea butter, jojoba seed oil, and sunflower seed oil, this mask will leave skin supple and calm.

  • Over 6,500 5-star Amazon ratings
  • Ideal for sensitive, acne-prone skin
  • Helps clear pores and remove dead skin cells

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Best face mask for older skin

LA MER The Lifting and Firming Mask

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If there&#;s one brand known for making exquisite skincare for mature skin, it&#;s La Mer. Thanks to their trademark &#;Miracle Broth,&#; made with a special blend of sea kelp and other nutrients, La Mer&#;s products are known for delivering on their promises. This mask is no exception. Made with maturing skin in mind, the Lifting and Firming Mask is made for skin experiencing wrinkles, dullness, and a loss of elasticity. A luxurious refreshment to the skin, if you&#;re looking for the best face mask for mature skin, you&#;ve found it.

  • Helps improve dark circles, fine lines, and wrinkles
  • Firms the skin
  • Free of parabens and phthalates

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Best face mask for problem skin

Clinique City Block Purifying Charcoal Clay Mask & Scrub

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Adult acne, blackheads, and clogged pores &#; there an array of skin problems that many of us face. While commonly thought of as a younger woman&#;s plight, the problematic skin has no age limit, but it does have solutions. Enter Clinique&#;s City Block Purifying Charcoal Clay Mask + Scrub. Made with a combination of natural bamboo charcoal and kaolin clay, this mask clears the skin of impurities and excess oils while also gently refining texture, leaving skin clearer and smoother.

  • Unscented
  • Made of natural bamboo charcoal and kaolin clay
  • Gently exfoliates for smoother skin

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Best face mask for radiant skin

Supermood Youth Glo Babyface

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Has your skin been looking a bit dull lately? Bring back its radiance with the Youth Glo Babyface mask by Supermood. Made with a mixture of powerhouse ingredients including vitamin C, sea buckthorn juice, and natural retinol alternative Moth bean, this mask penetrates deep to properly nourish while restoring a youthful glow to the skin.

  • Made with spearmint and sea buckthorn juice
  • Cools and clarifies skin
  • Helps increase collagen production

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Best face mask for rosacea

ORIGINS Dr. Andrew Weil For Origins Mega-Mushroom Relief & Resilience Soothing Face Mask

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One of the most prevalent skin issues among older women is rosacea. Primarily affecting the face, especially the cheek area, rosacea presents itself in the form of redness, pimples, and sometimes a swollen nose. While there&#;s no cure for rosacea, there are various ways of treating it &#; including this Mega-Mushroom Relief & Resilience Soothing Face Mask from Dr. Weil for Origins. Creamy and soothing, this mask&#;s star ingredient is the reishi mushroom, known to reduce the appearance of redness. One of the most nutrient-rich masks on this list, in just 10-minutes flat, your skin will do a 180° from red and dry to supple and even.

  • Good for sensitive skin
  • Improves redness
  • Calms and soothes skin

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Best collagen face mask

Mario Badescu Collagen Mask

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When it comes to anti-aging products, you&#;d be hard-pressed to find a more popular ingredient than collagen. Collagen is a protein naturally produced in the skin, responsible for the elasticity and suppleness we all know and love. However, as we age, collagen production slows down, leading to a need for supplementation &#; and Mario Badescu&#;s Collagen Mask is a great place to start. Purifying and pore-refining, this mix of collagen and nourishing botanicals work together to smooth and hydrate, giving the skin a much-needed pick-me-up.

  • Good for sensitive, dry skin
  • Firms and tightens skin
  • Made with oatmeal to improve redness and avoid irritation

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Best face mask for rejuvenation

Youth To The People Superberry Hydrate & Glow Dream Mask

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Sometimes your skin just needs some extra pampering &#; and the Superberry Hydrate & Glow Dream Mask from Youth to the People is the perfect way to do it. A rejuvenating reset button for the skin, this mask is made with a combination of antioxidant-rich super berries and radiance-boosting vitamin C to support hydration, plumping, and brightening for all skin types. And with an added dose of hyaluronic acid to lock in moisture, your skin will look fresh, firm, and vibrant.

  • Includes vitamin C and hyaluronic acid
  • Seals in moisture to hydrate dry skin
  • Vegan and cruelty-free

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Best face mask for sensitive skin

Florapy Beauty Assorted Sheet Mask Set

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For the most sensitive skin, finding an anti-aging face mask that isn&#;t irritating can be a struggle &#; or, at least, it used to be. Looking for a fun and natural way to hydrate the skin while also actively preventing wrinkles? Infused with anti-inflammatory ingredients like calendula and sage oil, Florapy&#;s Anti-Aging Sheet Mask gets to the problem, treating and hydrating skin. Cool to the touch and made of 100 percent coconut fibers, this mask is the easiest (and most natural) way to show your skin a good time. We love that this mask comes in a set of five, which also includes deep hydration and clear complexion masks. 

  • Comes in an assorted set of 5 masks
  • Calendula and sage help protect aging skin
  • Masks are infused with flowers and essential oils

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Best face mask for younger-looking skin

Estee Lauder Re-Nutriv Ultimate Diamond Transformative Massage Mask

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Looking for a spa-grade anti-aging facial from the comfort of your own home? You&#;re going to love this set from iconic beauty brand Estee Lauder. Complete with a warming stone massager for a hot stone spa experience at the drop of a hat, the Re-Nutriv Ultimate Diamond Transformative Massage Mask is luxurious in every sense of the word. Formulated with Estee Lauder&#;s Black Diamond Truffle Extract, collagen, and other advanced hydrating ingredients, this mask restores skin&#;s bounce and luster while actively preventing loss of firmness, wrinkles and other signs of aging, leaving skin radiant and youthful.

  • Contains concentrated Black Diamond Truffle Extract
  • Includes a warming ceramic stone massager
  • Hydrates and firms skin

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Best firming face mask

Origins Plantscription Powerful Lifting Overnight Mask

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For a mask that&#;ll tighten up sagging skin, reach for natural skincare brand Origin&#;s Plantscription Powerful Lifting Overnight Mask. This gel-cream mask quickly absorbs into the skin to firm, tone, and lift, thanks to a blend of Anogeissus and Commiphora, botanical ingredients which help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. To add a youthful plumpness to the skin, this formula also includes red algae and sweet almond extract, and best of all, it works while you sleep, so you&#;ll wake up feeling nice and refreshed.

  • 100% vegan
  • Firms and tightens skin
  • Fast-absorbing formula

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Best clay face mask

Sand & Sky Australian Pink Clay Porefining Face Mask

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If you&#;re a fan of clay masks and natural skincare, then you&#;re going to love Sand & Sky&#;s Australian Pink Clay Face Mask. Using a selection of skin-friendly ingredients including vitamin C-rich kakadu plum, soothing aloe vera, collagen-boosting pomegranate, and its star Australia pink clay, this mask breathes new life into skin in as little as 10 minutes. Buttery and antioxidant-rich, for brighter skin, clear pores, and calmed skin that glows, trust this fan favorite straight from the Outback. Bonus: it comes with a brush for easy application. 

  • Helps revive dull complexions
  • Detoxes and purifies pores
  • Includes aloe vera, pomegranate, and kakadu plum

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Want even more amazing skincare? Keep reading!

How To Get Rid of Acne Fast & Safe: Geologie&#;s Clear System Treatment

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14 Dermatologist Recommended Products for Fighting Aging Skin in the Cold Winter Weather

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