Stone Veneer - Community Forums

19 Aug.,2024


Stone Veneer - Community Forums

Thank you all.


I guess I came to the right place. It seems like there are some knowlegable folks here. I will do some more research on materials. I am still not clear on what kind of concrete mix I should use, should I decide to do this. I live in Tennessee, so the weather varies. I want to use the same kind of mix that the big guys use.

I might start off with a few square feet of molds to see if I can do it right. I have seen some on eBay and they are fairly inexpensive. I got a few indoor projects that I might be able to use veneer on. That way I really know if it will look right. I am a fairly handy guy so I think I could pull it off. But like I said, if I can't do it I can just sell the molds again on eBay or in the paper.

I will make the small batches so I will not have to invest in a mixer. They make paddles for drills for that, right ?


You make a good point with the amount of molds I will need to hide repeating patterns. I actually am a good jigsaw puzzler, but should probably still opt for an extra 10-20sqft in molds if I decide I can do this. That way I can hide repeating stones for sure. How many should I have for an open space of 150sqft.

As far as what my time is worth goes, I think you might have missed the point. The value of my time is not a relfection of my DIY skills. I have taught myself all kinds of neat stuff over the years from all kinds of sources. Now that I found this place, I am going to try to pick your brains for as much info as I can (LOL).

My point is that I am not at my day job during the time that I make these stones. I cannot really count my time as an expense. If I call out of work for a day to do this, than yes, I have to count that as a loss. I hope I am not over explaining myself. My work time is definetly worth more than $20/hr. But I am wanting to do this for fun and experience. I am not interested in laying stones for a living.

Dont' get me wrong, I still appreciate the hell out of your advice.

If you guys can get back to me on the mix I should use, that would be great.


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