13 May.,2024



Biodegradable plastic resins Biopolymer not only fully meet the outstanding features of regular plastic, but the product is also biodegradable, contributing to reducing the amount of plastic waste and being environmentally friendly.

You can find more information on our web, so please take a look.

What are biodegradable plastic resins Biopolymer ?

Biodegradable plastic resins Biopolymer are a material made from a combination of traditional PP and natural materials such as coffee grounds, starch, coir, bagasse, seaweed,…

The content of renewable materials in Biopolymer accounts for more than 60%, so that the product has optimal biodegradation. Specifically, after use, biodegradable plastic resins are buried or burned, under the impact of microorganisms in appropriate conditions, the product will be converted into CO2, CH4, water and biomass. So that they will not pollute the environment and are safe for health.

Biodegradable plastic resisn – Biopolymer

Besides, biodegradable plastic resins Biopolymer are resistant to heat and force. Therefore, they can apply the blow molding, extrusion molding, injection molding to create products such as mugs, cups, straws, knives,…

What is special about biodegradable plastic resins Biopolymer ?

What is special about biodegradable plastic resins Biopolymer ?
  1. Biodegradation: Biodegradable plastic resins – Biopolymer meet the strictest biodegradation standards from prestigious organizations around the world such as: DIN CERTCO, TUV AUSTRIA, USDA,…

2. Environmentally friendly: Biopolymer – biodegradable plastic resins, after being buried or burned, will decompose into biomass, water, CO2 or CH4, helping plants to grow and develop. They do not decay into microplastics and cause no harm to the environment. After that, the plants will continue to provide natural materials for the production of Biopolymer biodegradable plastic resins. Thus, the life cycle of the Biopolymer biodegradable plastic resins continues to rotate, forming an optimal cyclic process, contributing to positive effects on the environment.

3. 100% safety for health : Biopolymer biodegradable plastic resins are absolutely safe to contact with food, including food with hot temperatures (100 degrees Celsius), completely free of BPA or exposure to any toxins. In particular, with the main ingredients from nature, the product does not contain any harmful styrene substances, ensuring the most optimal safety.

4. Reasonable price: Biopolymer’s raw materials are less dependent on finite sources of raw materials such as petroleum. Ensuring prices are not affected by market fluctuations, we keep costs at a reasonable level

Biopolymer biodegradable plastic resins are the passion, the result of more than 10 years of research and development of a team of engineers with the desire to bring to the market the best quality source of biological materials but still bring positive value to the environment.

Current application of Biopolymer

  • Pens made from coffee grounds

Ballpoint pen from biodegradable plastic resins – Biopolymer Vietnam is a product with optimal green transition with uses and features not inferior to other ballpoint pens on the market.

With diverse design advantages, suitable for use, ballpoint pens made from coffee grounds Biopolymer confidently bring a new and satisfied experience to users. In addition, the inner ink core is replaceable, after using it, users do not have to throw it away but can reuse it.

Pens made from coffee bio-composite

Pens made from coffee grounds proudly passes the rigorous testing procedures for safety of famous organizations such as QUATEST 3, SGS, … The product does not contain toxic fillers, additives or BPA. , completely safe for children, adults or especially for those who have a habit of biting pens.


  • Spoons made from coffee bio-composite

The product is committed to not containing BPA – a substance capable of destroying the body’s hormones, causing many dangerous diseases such as cancer, affecting the nervous system, hypothyroidism … and other dangerous diseases. . In parallel with the above reasons, Coffee Bio-composite Vietnam spoons also possess many other outstanding features such as:

Spoons made from biodegradable plastic resins

-High strength, better heat resistance than traditional materials

– Smooth surface, creating a great experience when using and holding

– Suitable for foods such as yogurt, ice cream, …

-Possesses the natural mild aroma of coffee

-The price of the bioplastic coffee spoon is competitive and reasonable

  • Mugs made from coffee grounds

The capacity of the cup is 450ml (15oz), the diameter of the cup is 85mm, the height is 100mm, the width is 120mm (including the handle) – this is the right size and handy for all kinds of drinks.

The product is uniquely engraved on the side of the cup and has a power-operated handle button design, helping to bring comfort to the user. In particular, during use, you will feel the characteristic light and gentle aroma of coffee.

HuaWei contains other products and information you need, so please check it out.

Mugs made from coffee grounds

In addition, the cup made from biodegradable plastic coffee bio-composite Vietnam has good heat retention, high strength and heat resistance up to 125 degrees Celsius, can be used in microwave ovens and dishwashers

  • Cosmetic bottles
Cosmetic bottles made from biodegradable plastic resins

Set of bottles of various sizes and uses such as jars, vacuum bottles, upside down bottles, bottles with faucets, etc. All bottles, jars, tubes are made from Vietnam coffee bio-composite bioplastic. , meet the standard of biodegradation.

Flexible bottles for a variety of soaps and cosmetics, ensuring that the quality and scent of the nutrients and solvents inside are not affected, ensuring that there are no spills and leaks. The surface of the product is rough, with a natural coffee brown color, bringing a luxurious and unique feeling.

  • Plant pots made from biodegradable plastic resins

Plant pots made from Vietnam’s Coffee Bio-composite bio-plastics derived from coffee beans are the perfect alternative to conventional plastic planters.

The product is engraved with natural texture, providing a solid feeling when holding without creating a slippery feeling.

After use, you can either bury or burn. When the right conditions are met, the bio-plastic pot will biodegrade into water, CO2 and biomass – completely harmless to the soil or polluting the environment.

Purchasing policy.

Please visit Biopolymer Website, then click “Contact Us” and leave the necessary information. Our Biopolymer team will counsel sizes and price quotations as soon as possible.

Products from biodegradable plastic resins are on the rise with the aim of bringing more purpose for the future, especially with the living environment and human health. Therefore, the use of biodegradable plastic products is not only with the usual use of a must-have item, but it also brings a future without plastic waste, for the health of the next generation! Please stop by our fanpage for more information about our products.

100% Nature Biomass Based Biodegradable Resin: Nano ...

Possible applications

  • Replace petroleum-based plastic material and products.
  • Utilize local biomass waste such as waste wood, wastepaper, starch etc.
  • Prevent from plastic pollution on land and in the ocean.
  • Technology is roughly all established so that they can apply general injection molding machine, film machine, blow molding machine etc. with normal procedure. Normal extrusion machine can be utilized for biodegradable resin pellets production too.

    Competitive advantage

                                                Table 1. Comparison of biodegradable resin with competitors

    1. Other competitor’s biodegradable resin is made of petroleum or partly petroleum. Our resin is made of 100% nature biomass and no petroleum is used.
    2. By making composite with nano cellulose, molding property can be improved as well as biodegradability, mechanical strength, foaming properties etc.
    3. Biodegradable molded products are normally made of petroleum or partly biomass materials. Despite our resins consist of 100% nature raw  material, people can manufacture molded products with conventional machines and procedure with our resin in mass production level, because of the improved molding property.
    4. Some of biomass wastes cost money to discard or dispose. We utilize various type of biomass waste resources such as waste wood, paper, bamboo, rice husk, coconut shell, bagasse, cassava, sugarcane leaf, starch etc. By doing this procedure, we can reduce discard cost and resin cost, and also recycle these types of biomass resources efficiently.
    5. Some biodegradable resins can be made of 100% nature material; PLA and starch based biodegradable resin. However, they derive from foodstuffs such as corns, sugar canes, potatoes etc. and it might be a problem when food shortage occurs in the future due to population explosion. However, one of our biodegradable resin can be made from cellulose, non-edible biomass. Not to mention this cellulose-based biodegradable resin does not derive from petrochemical, but 100% nature raw material.
    6. We make resin material, nano cellulose, composite material as resin pellets and molded products all by ourselves. So that our technology and knowledge have become better than other companies.


    1. By making composite with nano cellulose, mechanical strength of biodegradable resin becomes stronger. For example, tensile strength of starch based biodegradable resin is approximately 8 MPa. When about 23% of nano cellulose is mixed to make composite, tensile strength becomes approximately 20 MPa. In addition, bending strength, elasticity increases. In contrast, MFR and impact strength decreases which needs to be improved with further challenge and research.

                                      Table 2. Introduction of CNF (nano cellulose fiber) to biodegradable resin

    2. For cutlery manufacturing as example, with just PLA, people can manufacture PLA molded products less than 100 pieces per day. However, with our PLA + nano cellulose based biodegradable resin, they can manufacture over several thousand per day due to the improved molding property.

                                                   Fig. 5 Increase of production capacity by nano cellulose

    3. Compared to PLA itself, by making PLA + nano cellulose composite, biodegradability increases more than twice in the measurement time over a month.

                                                    Fig. 6 Increase of biodegradability by nano cellulose

    4. By mixing concentration of 1-2 % of nano cellulose with PLA, foaming property increases. Foam (gas bubble) size of 30-80 μm were observed with only PLA. With 1-2 % of nano cellulose, foam size became approximately 10μm and moreover, distributed uniformly in the resin. Bubble can be observed where nano cellulose trace can be seen. This means nano cellulose may have functioned as foam nucleating agent.
                                                        Fig. 7 Images of gas bubbles generated in resin

    Technical maturity / Past record of introduction

    From 2017, we have been selling our biodegradable resin products mainly as pellets form. We have sold more than several hundred kilograms in total, to over 70 customers in Japan and to many countries including Thailand, Vietnam, Philippines, India, China, Spain, Netherland, France, USA. We have been selling mainly as samples to several ~ dozens of kilograms to each country. Sold products are mainly PLA and starch based biodegradable resins composite with nano cellulose and biomass waste. Cellulose based biodegradable resin is made very recently although we start supplying this material too recently.  
    We started to obtain more repeat orders and order quantity. These are increasing every month.
    We also started to sell several pieces of molded products (spoons, forks, knifes, plates, cups etc.) in 2020, which have been strongly demanded.

    Information on patent related to this technology

    5 patents have been applied in Japan.


    Biodegradable plastic resins Biopolymer not only fully meet the outstanding features of regular plastic, but the product is also biodegradable, contributing to reducing the amount of plastic waste and being environmentally friendly.

    What are biodegradable plastic resins Biopolymer ?

    Biodegradable plastic resins Biopolymer are a material made from a combination of traditional PP and natural materials such as coffee grounds, starch, coir, bagasse, seaweed,…

    The content of renewable materials in Biopolymer accounts for more than 60%, so that the product has optimal biodegradation. Specifically, after use, biodegradable plastic resins are buried or burned, under the impact of microorganisms in appropriate conditions, the product will be converted into CO2, CH4, water and biomass. So that they will not pollute the environment and are safe for health.

    Biodegradable plastic resisn – Biopolymer

    Besides, biodegradable plastic resins Biopolymer are resistant to heat and force. Therefore, they can apply the blow molding, extrusion molding, injection molding to create products such as mugs, cups, straws, knives,…

    What is special about biodegradable plastic resins Biopolymer ?

    What is special about biodegradable plastic resins Biopolymer ?
    1. Biodegradation: Biodegradable plastic resins – Biopolymer meet the strictest biodegradation standards from prestigious organizations around the world such as: DIN CERTCO, TUV AUSTRIA, USDA,…

    2. Environmentally friendly: Biopolymer – biodegradable plastic resins, after being buried or burned, will decompose into biomass, water, CO2 or CH4, helping plants to grow and develop. They do not decay into microplastics and cause no harm to the environment. After that, the plants will continue to provide natural materials for the production of Biopolymer biodegradable plastic resins. Thus, the life cycle of the Biopolymer biodegradable plastic resins continues to rotate, forming an optimal cyclic process, contributing to positive effects on the environment.

    3. 100% safety for health : Biopolymer biodegradable plastic resins are absolutely safe to contact with food, including food with hot temperatures (100 degrees Celsius), completely free of BPA or exposure to any toxins. In particular, with the main ingredients from nature, the product does not contain any harmful styrene substances, ensuring the most optimal safety.

    4. Reasonable price: Biopolymer’s raw materials are less dependent on finite sources of raw materials such as petroleum. Ensuring prices are not affected by market fluctuations, we keep costs at a reasonable level

    Biopolymer biodegradable plastic resins are the passion, the result of more than 10 years of research and development of a team of engineers with the desire to bring to the market the best quality source of biological materials but still bring positive value to the environment.

    Current application of Biopolymer

    • Pens made from coffee grounds

    Ballpoint pen from biodegradable plastic resins – Biopolymer Vietnam is a product with optimal green transition with uses and features not inferior to other ballpoint pens on the market.

    With diverse design advantages, suitable for use, ballpoint pens made from coffee grounds Biopolymer confidently bring a new and satisfied experience to users. In addition, the inner ink core is replaceable, after using it, users do not have to throw it away but can reuse it.

    Pens made from coffee bio-composite

    Pens made from coffee grounds proudly passes the rigorous testing procedures for safety of famous organizations such as QUATEST 3, SGS, … The product does not contain toxic fillers, additives or BPA. , completely safe for children, adults or especially for those who have a habit of biting pens.


    • Spoons made from coffee bio-composite

    The product is committed to not containing BPA – a substance capable of destroying the body’s hormones, causing many dangerous diseases such as cancer, affecting the nervous system, hypothyroidism … and other dangerous diseases. . In parallel with the above reasons, Coffee Bio-composite Vietnam spoons also possess many other outstanding features such as:

    Spoons made from biodegradable plastic resins

    -High strength, better heat resistance than traditional materials

    – Smooth surface, creating a great experience when using and holding

    – Suitable for foods such as yogurt, ice cream, …

    -Possesses the natural mild aroma of coffee

    -The price of the bioplastic coffee spoon is competitive and reasonable

    • Mugs made from coffee grounds

    The capacity of the cup is 450ml (15oz), the diameter of the cup is 85mm, the height is 100mm, the width is 120mm (including the handle) – this is the right size and handy for all kinds of drinks.

    The product is uniquely engraved on the side of the cup and has a power-operated handle button design, helping to bring comfort to the user. In particular, during use, you will feel the characteristic light and gentle aroma of coffee.

    Mugs made from coffee grounds

    In addition, the cup made from biodegradable plastic coffee bio-composite Vietnam has good heat retention, high strength and heat resistance up to 125 degrees Celsius, can be used in microwave ovens and dishwashers

    • Cosmetic bottles
    Cosmetic bottles made from biodegradable plastic resins

    Set of bottles of various sizes and uses such as jars, vacuum bottles, upside down bottles, bottles with faucets, etc. All bottles, jars, tubes are made from Vietnam coffee bio-composite bioplastic. , meet the standard of biodegradation.

    Flexible bottles for a variety of soaps and cosmetics, ensuring that the quality and scent of the nutrients and solvents inside are not affected, ensuring that there are no spills and leaks. The surface of the product is rough, with a natural coffee brown color, bringing a luxurious and unique feeling.

    • Plant pots made from biodegradable plastic resins

    Plant pots made from Vietnam’s Coffee Bio-composite bio-plastics derived from coffee beans are the perfect alternative to conventional plastic planters.

    The product is engraved with natural texture, providing a solid feeling when holding without creating a slippery feeling.

    After use, you can either bury or burn. When the right conditions are met, the bio-plastic pot will biodegrade into water, CO2 and biomass – completely harmless to the soil or polluting the environment.

    Purchasing policy.

    Please visit Biopolymer Website, then click “Contact Us” and leave the necessary information. Our Biopolymer team will counsel sizes and price quotations as soon as possible.

    Products from biodegradable plastic resins are on the rise with the aim of bringing more purpose for the future, especially with the living environment and human health. Therefore, the use of biodegradable plastic products is not only with the usual use of a must-have item, but it also brings a future without plastic waste, for the health of the next generation! Please stop by our fanpage for more information about our products.

    100% Nature Biomass Based Biodegradable Resin: Nano ...

    Possible applications

    • Replace petroleum-based plastic material and products.
    • Utilize local biomass waste such as waste wood, wastepaper, starch etc.
    • Prevent from plastic pollution on land and in the ocean.
    • Technology is roughly all established so that they can apply general injection molding machine, film machine, blow molding machine etc. with normal procedure. Normal extrusion machine can be utilized for biodegradable resinbiodegradable resin pellets production too.

      Competitive advantage

                                                  Table 1. Comparison of biodegradable resin with competitors

      1. Other competitor’s biodegradable resin is made of petroleum or partly petroleum. Our resin is made of 100% nature biomass and no petroleum is used.
      2. By making composite with nano cellulose, molding property can be improved as well as biodegradability, mechanical strength, foaming properties etc.
      3. Biodegradable molded products are normally made of petroleum or partly biomass materials. Despite our resins consist of 100% nature raw  material, people can manufacture molded products with conventional machines and procedure with our resin in mass production level, because of the improved molding property.
      4. Some of biomass wastes cost money to discard or dispose. We utilize various type of biomass waste resources such as waste wood, paper, bamboo, rice husk, coconut shell, bagasse, cassava, sugarcane leaf, starch etc. By doing this procedure, we can reduce discard cost and resin cost, and also recycle these types of biomass resources efficiently.
      5. Some biodegradable resins can be made of 100% nature material; PLA and starch based biodegradable resin. However, they derive from foodstuffs such as corns, sugar canes, potatoes etc. and it might be a problem when food shortage occurs in the future due to population explosion. However, one of our biodegradable resin can be made from cellulose, non-edible biomass. Not to mention this cellulose-based biodegradable resin does not derive from petrochemical, but 100% nature raw material.
      6. We make resin material, nano cellulose, composite material as resin pellets and molded products all by ourselves. So that our technology and knowledge have become better than other companies.


      1. By making composite with nano cellulose, mechanical strength of biodegradable resin becomes stronger. For example, tensile strength of starch based biodegradable resin is approximately 8 MPa. When about 23% of nano cellulose is mixed to make composite, tensile strength becomes approximately 20 MPa. In addition, bending strength, elasticity increases. In contrast, MFR and impact strength decreases which needs to be improved with further challenge and research.

                                        Table 2. Introduction of CNF (nano cellulose fiber) to biodegradable resin

      2. For cutlery manufacturing as example, with just PLA, people can manufacture PLA molded products less than 100 pieces per day. However, with our PLA + nano cellulose based biodegradable resin, they can manufacture over several thousand per day due to the improved molding property.

                                                     Fig. 5 Increase of production capacity by nano cellulose

      3. Compared to PLA itself, by making PLA + nano cellulose composite, biodegradability increases more than twice in the measurement time over a month.

                                                      Fig. 6 Increase of biodegradability by nano cellulose

      4. By mixing concentration of 1-2 % of nano cellulose with PLA, foaming property increases. Foam (gas bubble) size of 30-80 μm were observed with only PLA. With 1-2 % of nano cellulose, foam size became approximately 10μm and moreover, distributed uniformly in the resin. Bubble can be observed where nano cellulose trace can be seen. This means nano cellulose may have functioned as foam nucleating agent.
                                                          Fig. 7 Images of gas bubbles generated in resin

      Technical maturity / Past record of introduction

      From 2017, we have been selling our biodegradable resin products mainly as pellets form. We have sold more than several hundred kilograms in total, to over 70 customers in Japan and to many countries including Thailand, Vietnam, Philippines, India, China, Spain, Netherland, France, USA. We have been selling mainly as samples to several ~ dozens of kilograms to each country. Sold products are mainly PLA and starch based biodegradable resins composite with nano cellulose and biomass waste. Cellulose based biodegradable resin is made very recently although we start supplying this material too recently.  
      We started to obtain more repeat orders and order quantity. These are increasing every month.
      We also started to sell several pieces of molded products (spoons, forks, knifes, plates, cups etc.) in 2020, which have been strongly demanded.

      Information on patent related to this technology

      5 patents have been applied in Japan.