What are the advantages of natural cosmetics?

02 Apr.,2024


Cosmetics are defined as articles used for cleaning and beautifying and altering a person’s appearance to make it more appealing. 

These items can be applied to the human body in various ways, including rubbing, spraying, or pouring onto the skin. ‌

In this sense, the term “cosmetics” can be broadened to include everyday items such as moisturisers, shampoos, toothpaste, deodorants, hair colour, nail polishes, and perfumes.

Hi ! I’m Sampada Pandhare, a cosmetic science doctorate, and in this blog, we’ll talk about the advantages of using organic Natural Products over chemical cosmetics products.

Consumers widely use cosmetics and personal care products. Although most cosmetic chemicals are safe, some have been linked to serious health issues such as cancer, reproductive and neurological harm, and developmental delays. 

Cosmetic chemicals, like food chemicals, enter the body through the skin, inhalation, ingestion, and internal use. 

Cosmetics can be contaminated with heavy metals such as arsenic, cadmium, lead, mercury, and nickel, in addition to the risks posed by intentionally added ingredients.

Many cosmetics have also been linked to serious health risks, such as burns and infections. Hair straightening products containing formaldehyde, known as “keratin treatments,” have been linked to hair loss, rashes, blisters, nosebleeds, bleeding gums, and loss of taste and smell. 

Hair dyes and hair colourants containing para phenylene di amines or ammonia can cause allergic reactions, hair loss, and eye injuries.

Many of your daily makeup products contain harsh chemicals that can disrupt the functions of your skin’s protective barrier, making pathogens more likely to enter your skin. 

Using makeup on a regular basis can have a negative impact on your skin’s health and natural glow.

Before marketing, cosmetic companies are expected to ensure that their products and ingredients are safe. 

They must also properly label their products, avoid using prohibited ingredients and adhere to the agreed-upon limits on restricted ingredients.

You can feel safe about the products you put on your body when monitoring for its labels and keeping in mind the natural ingredients used in your personal care routine.

You can feel even more secure when you use natural organic products on your body as part of your personal care routine.

Man has used botanical materials for skin beautification and care since the dawn of time. 

It is impossible to cover every commercially available botanical extract used in cosmetics and skincare today. 

However, it is possible to provide some important benefits of natural organic skin care ingredients and  assist the formulator in exploring the potential of nature’s abundance.

Though the term “natural” is not legally defined, an undeniable definition would be “any material that is harvested, mined, or collected, and which may subsequently be washed, decolorized, distilled, fractionated, ground, milled, separated, or concentrated in order to leave a chemical or chemicals that existed in the original source material.” 

As an alternative, “the modification of natural plant-derived substances by the action of microorganisms, enzymes, or yeasts in order to modify or increase the yield of the desired material by this process” could be considered. 

The action of yeast on carbohydrates is a classic example of ethanol production.

Organic skincare products are made from natural ingredients and do not contain any chemicals. The ingredients are organically grown and contain no harmful genetically modified materials, synthetic residues, or chemicals. This is the reason why organic skincare products are healthier in every way. 

They keep your skin flawless, safe to use, and eco-friendly. Furthermore, finding brands that can provide you with organic eco-friendly skincare products is no longer a difficult task; you simply need to shift your focus.

Of course, switching from chemical to organic skincare products is always best only when you understand why it is a better way of life. 

As a result, here are some reasons why you should switch to organic skincare products.

 And we’re sure you’ll notice a difference once you incorporate organic into your beauty routine.

Here Are The Benefits Of Using Natural Products


They are less likely to cause skin irritation because they do not contain any harmful chemicals, artificial colours, or other by products.

Natural Nutritious:

Natural skincare is made from nutritionally dense natural ingredients. These ingredients are primarily beneficial to your health, so they are also beneficial to your skin. Herbal skincare, which is made with ingredients such as coconut oil, peppermint, and shea butter, is high in vitamins and antioxidants, making it highly nutritional and effective in treating skin problems.


Organic skincare ingredients adhere to the same standards as organic food. These include the absence of harsh chemicals, pesticides, and fertilizers. Cheap fillers frequently do more harm than good. 

Synthetic ingredients may make your skin appear brighter in the short term, but they can cause irritation, sensitivity, and clogged pores in the long run. Using organic skincare, we choose ingredients that work harmoniously with our bodies, allowing the skin to balance and recover.

Natural fragrance:

Organic products are perfumed with oils and have a natural, pleasant odour.


For centuries, natural and organic skin care provided by the earth has been effective as they penetrate deep into the skin and show visible results without any side effects. They are all that the skin requires for staying healthy. 


Because organic skin care products are made from natural ingredients, they do not have a negative impact on the environment. They do not leave chemical residue in the environment or pollute the soil or water when washed down drains.


Of course, the cost is the last factor in the case of cosmetics are concerned, still, when you compare synthetic cosmetics to natural cosmetics, you’ll see that natural ingredients don’t have to be expensive. 

Prevents premature aging of the skin:

 Skin degeneration is a natural process that occurs as we age. Premature skin aging, on the other hand, is a warning sign of serious underlying disorders. As a result, preventing premature skin aging is an important step that should be taken as soon as possible.

Though there are several products on the market to combat skin anti-aging, and some of them do work, they also contain a number of harmful and toxic chemicals. On the other hand, natural skincare products work more in sync with our bodies and help prevent premature aging without exposing our skin to potentially harmful substances.

Many other options, such as Jojoba Oil and Almond oil, vitamins A,C, and E, have been proven very effective.

  • Anyone can use these – People with sensitive skin understand how easily it can be irritated, and products containing chemicals and other unusual ingredients, such as Benzoyl Peroxide (used to treat acne), frequently leave skin feeling dry, red, and sore. 
  • Soothing – Natural ingredients such as Sandalwood powder, Coconut oil, and Turmeric are all wonderfully healing, natural ingredients that will leave your skin feeling smooth and nourished rather than sore and irritated like other products that contain harmful chemicals
  • Different Alternatives Available – Finding natural alternatives to all skin products is simple, whether you are looking to target spots, wrinkles, or simply want your skin to feel clean and healthy. Natural products are gentler on your skin and work just as well.
  • Suits Sensitive Skinned people – It is also suitable for people with sensitive skin.
  • Suits Everyone – It is also suitable for infants, children of any age, young and even old age people.
  • Evolved from Ayurveda – Many of the ingredients found in modern organic skincare products have been used for centuries, having evolved from ancient remedies known for their incredible skin benefits.
  • Time Tested- There is no better test than time, and these ingredients have proven their worth and shown to have no negative side effects, ensuring healthy and beautiful skin. 
  • Non-Toxic – Chemical toxins are extremely harmful, whereas natural products made from flower and plant extracts are intended to nourish our bodies and do nothing but good.

As we can see, natural cosmetics are beneficial to both humans and the environment. As a result, there should be no hesitation in purchasing natural cosmetics. 


Human skin has the ability to absorb materials that are applied to it. We use beauty products every day. 

We unknowingly expose ourselves to a wide range of unnecessary chemicals, that make their way into our bodies. 

Choosing organic and natural skincare should be a top priority if you are looking for a healthy lifestyle.

Your skin is the largest living, breathing organ on your body. Up to 60% of what you apply on your skin gets absorbed into your bloodstream, which then gets circulated around your whole body. But if you knew what toxins non-organic skin care products contained, you would think twice before you use it. So it's no surprise to see more and more people switching to organic skin care products.

If you're still using non-organic products, it's time to reconsider. Read on to learn the 7 benefits of organic skin care products to see how they can be better for you.

7 benefits of using organic skincare products

1. Non-organic skin care products contain harmful ingredients

Pick up a bottle of any non-organic skin care product and read its ingredients label. How many ingredients can you actually recognize? Chances are, if you don't recognize them neither will your body.

Non-organic skin care products contain synthetic, man-made chemicals such as sodium laurel, mineral oils, laureth sulphate, and toxins that could be residues of pesticides. Studies have also found that they can contain mineral oil, petroleum, parabens, and other chemicals that, with long term use, can cause skin irritation, hormone imbalance, organ toxicity, and even cancer. 


2. Organic skin care products are made of natural ingredients

Now read the ingredients label of any organic skin care product. You'd probably recognize most, if not all of the items there.

Certified organic products are derived from plants and other naturally occurring ingredients. More importantly, those organic ingredients are grown without the use of pesticides, herbicides, synthetic fertilizers, genetically modified organisms (GMOs), and other additives or chemicals. With that, you can be sure your skin and body absorb only real, natural ingredients that aren't harmful.


3. Organic products are non-allergenic

Without harsh chemicals, organic skin care products are less likely to cause allergic reactions, inflammations or irritations. If an allergic reaction does occur with the use of organic products, it would most likely be due to a natural ingredient (such as peanuts or strawberries), which would be easier to identify.


4. Organic skin care products work better

Plants grown organically are found to contain a higher level of vital antioxidant vitamins than non-organic plants. Because they are grown without herbicides and pesticides, their organic ingredients are also free from that contamination, which means the same for your skin and body.

Moreover, up to 95% of an organic skin care product's contents are active ingredients. In synthetic skin care products, on the other hand, active ingredients only make up 5 to 10% of its contents.


5. Going organic is better for your skin

The synthetic ingredients found in non-organic products may be fast acting, but they are also invasive, causing harm that cannot be seen. Their chemical ingredients may provide instant gratification and visible results, but most of these only help you aesthetically by smoothening out wrinkles, removing sunspots, and diminishing blemishes. 

With prolonged use, these chemicals may damage and weaken your skin as your body tries to cope with these foreign substances. As a result, oxygen exchange to the skin is reduced, causing premature aging and increased risk of developing sunspots.

Using natural, organic skin care products, though, ensure that you get the real nutritional benefits from its ingredients. Natural organic ingredients such as coconut oil, honey, aloe vera, and shea butter, for example, are known to soothe, nourish, moisturize and promote smooth skin. Even though the results may be slower, organic skin care products are gentle on your skin and won’t harm you in the long run.


6. You're supporting cruelty-free skin care products

The beauty industry has received backlash for conducting animal testing for their products to ensure that they are safe for human use. Organic products don't need to, because, with natural ingredients, they're safe and harmless!

When you buy organic skin care products, you are buying cruelty-free skin care products and also supporting the move towards abolishing animal testing in the industry.


7. You're helping to preserve the environment

Because organic products use naturally grown ingredients that are free from toxic pesticides and fertilizers, they don't leave a harmful footprint on the planet, particularly the soil, water, and air. 

Organic farming is also better for wildlife, causes lower pollution from pesticide and fertilizer sprays, and produces less carbon dioxide and less dangerous wastes. By using organic skin care products, you're helping to minimize your environmental impact and support the sustainability of our environment.

I hope this has helped you understand the benefits of organic skin care products and how they're better for your skin and health. Better yet, going organic is sustainable and better for the environment, too. So invest in your health today and make the change to organic skin care products if you haven't already done so.


What are the advantages of natural cosmetics?

7 Reasons Why Organic Skin Care Products are Better for You

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