What To Consider Before Buying A Heavy Duty Wheelchair

13 May.,2024


What To Consider Before Buying A Heavy Duty Wheelchair

What To Consider Before Buying A Heavy Duty Wheelchair

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    Dec 24, 2021
The purpose of introducing a heavy-duty wheelchair in the market is to ensure that the users can use it on a daily basis. You can use it rigorously even if you weigh more compared to other people. A heavy-duty wheelchair is a multipurpose wheelchair that can support you in both a professional care setting and in your home. These kinds of wheelchairs are extra wide which is beneficial for people who are big in size. The majority of these chairs are made of steel frames instead of using aluminum. That’s what makes a heavy-duty wheelchair far more superior when it comes to strength and weight capacity. A typical heavy-duty wheelchair has a lot in common with a normal wheelchair. You can buy a powered or self-propelled heavy-duty wheelchair. Your caregiver can push you around if you get a manual version. A heavy-duty wheelchair can carry up to 700 pounds. Its seat widths vary from 20 to 30 inches which is far more than a regular wheelchair. A regular heavy-duty wheelchair comes at a reasonable price. When you select an upgraded version, you get many exciting features that also increase the wheelchair’s weight capacity. Its versatility is what makes it stand out among traditional wheelchairs. This is why they are popular in hospital settings since they can take patients with any weight.

How to Know If A Heavy-Duty Wheelchair Is the Right Option

A traditional wheelchair can only take up to 300 lbs. But what’s about the people who weigh more than that? Well, a Heavy-duty wheelchair is there to save the day. These wheelchairs are long-lasting, built on steel frames with high-quality wheels. So, it’s more than clear that the wheelchair has many benefits on its side but before committing to a wheelchair you must know if it fits you. Does the wheelchair have all the features that you require? Is it a good choice regarding your surroundings? These are the questions you need to ask yourself when you are thinking about getting a heavy-duty wheelchair. To ensure that you are the right match for a heavy-duty wheelchair go through the following information and see if it covers all your needs.

 The User

Before choosing a heavy-duty wheelchair it’s important you know how much the wheelchair weighs. A regular heavy-duty wheelchair can weigh up to 127kg or more. This will help you realize if you would like to have a manual heavy-duty wheelchair or an electric one.  You need to understand your own body and see if you have the strength to propel it. Again, if you have someone who will propel the chair for you then you must know if that person can actually do that. Another thing to consider is your daily activity. What are the things you plan on doing with your heavy-duty wheelchair? Your wheelchair is there to make your life easier. So, it is given that the wheelchair you chose would be able to do all those tasks and more for you.

The Surrounding

The second crucial thing you need to keep in mind is the environment you would be using the wheelchair. Where would you use your heavy-duty wheelchair? Is it in your house or where your office? Heavy-duty wheelchairs are exactly what the name suggests, heavy and wide. This is why their turning radius is also more than the other wheelchairs. Thus, it’s only logical that they would need or fit places with more space having straight lines. So, if your home or your office’s corridors and doorways fit the description then you can get yourself a heavy-duty wheelchair. For easy navigation, the floors carpet of your home or workplace plays an important role. Since we all know that these wheelchairs weigh much so when you have deep carpet in your home the movement process gets a bit difficult. These carpets create resistance which makes it hard to propel the wheelchair by you or even your caregiver.

The Wheelchair

The wheelchair you are buying has to be comfortable otherwise the things you are planning on doing with your wheelchair would turn out to be very discomforting. Choose a heavy-duty wheelchair that has a good quality wheelchair cushion. Having a high-quality cushion is not enough, they have to fit the chair perfectly. Many people prefer to propel their wheelchair than to depend entirely on their power chair. If you are someone like that then choose a that is lightweight. Lighter versions of these wheelchairs are also available in the market for you to pick. Special consideration should be given to the wheels too when you are shopping for a heavy-duty wheelchair. You can choose either PU or solid tires. Both of these types are based on plastic or rubber which is why you can sit back and relax since they would never puncture. Although you should know that choosing a solid tire means your selected chair would weigh more.

Types of heavy-duty wheelchairs to choose from


It is a specialized heavy-duty wheelchair designed to carry people who weigh more than a normal heavy-duty wheelchair can carry. They ensure that these people are safe in their wheelchairs while navigating however they want around places. They too come in an electric or manual version commonly made of steel-clad titanium. Even if you weigh 1000 pounds, a bariatric heavy-duty wheelchair can take up the challenge while ensuring a smooth and comfortable ride. You can customize them according to your needs. These chairs are usually much wider than a standard chair but you can make them even wider. Pros
  • Highly Customizable
  • Solid Rubber-Based Tires
  • Can Take Up To 1000 Pounds
  • Never Punctures
  • Not A Good Choice for Self-Propelling

Folding Heavy Duty Wheelchair

Folding heavy-duty wheelchairs are best for those who would like to travel around with their heavy-duty wheelchair. They would easily get fit in your car and are storage-friendly. If you want you can disassemble them. Foldability is a plus in this type of heavy-duty wheelchair but they are not exactly like other foldable chairs. You might face difficulty while transporting them. Pros
  • Can carry up to 500 lbs.
  • Easy to fold
  • Easy to store
  • Can cost you about $1000
  • Hard to transport

Individuals, Who Are the Best Fit for Heavy-Duty Wheelchairs?

When are thinking about getting a heavy-duty wheelchair you should know that these are quite beneficial if you have certain physical conditions. If you are buying this for a loved one then the following information would guide you in making the best decision. This wheelchair is for those who carry extra 30 pounds or more than their ideal weight. Following are the conditions that make a heavy-duty wheelchair the appropriate option available.
  • Heart Muscle Disease
  • Arrhythmias
  • Congestive Heart Failure
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Coronary Artery Disease
  • Heart Muscle Disease
  • Congenital Heart Disease
  • Emphysema
  • Heart Attack
  • COPD
  • Heart Failure
          Many of the above-listed conditions happen when you reach a certain age but they are not the only physical conditions that lead you to a heavy-duty wheelchair. People with extremely weak muscles can be benefited from this type of wheelchair. Take a look at the following condition and see if you or a loved one have any of them.
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Huntington’s disease
  • Muscular dystrophy
  • Encephalomyelitis Disseminata
A wrong wheelchair can increase your hardship and put your safety at risk. A heavy-duty wheelchair is introduced in the market when conventional wheelchairs were not enough for certain individuals. These chairs can eliminate a lot of your problems while making sure you are comfortable, safe, and secure eradicating all mobility challenges.

Features to Look for In A Heavy-Duty Manual Wheelchair

Following are the most basic feature that you should look for when you are sure that you want a manual heavy-duty wheelchair:


Wheelchair manufacturers would promise you many things but never believe whatever they say. Run your own inspection to make sure the best value of money. Find out extra welds around the joints to eliminate the chances of breaking. See if there is additional fabric on the back and on the chair seat for averting the chances of tearing. You should feel safe in your chair without any worries about toppling.


Since heavy-duty wheelchairs tend to be bulky thus you should check how well the chair can move. See if the selected model is easy to move. It’s always better to test the chair but in case you are making a purchase online go through reviews. Check what people have to say about it and then place your order. The selected model should have solid tires. You can go for inflatable tires too for better maneuverability.


If you are going to use the chair for long you cannot make any compromise when it comes to comfort. For that, check if the chair seat has heavy padding. Another thing to inspect is the quality of the pads. If the pads are not up to the mark, they would flatten after using the chairs for a few days. If you can get a model equipped with accessories like cup holders and such that would be even better.


Keep an eye open to find a wheelchair model that is adjustable. Heavy-duty wheelchairs are for heavy people. But the size still varies and your chair might not fit you well. If that happens then luckily many heavy-duty wheelchairs are highly adjustable.

Features to Look for In A Heavy-Duty Power Wheelchair

Heavy-duty power wheelchairs have some basic components that you should know of and they are:
  • Battery
  • Motor
  • Drive
  • Controller
These wheelchairs typically have 4-pole motor. They either have wet cells or dry batteries. If you want to drive the chair indoors, go for a rear-wheel power chair. For outdoor use choose a front-wheel-driven wheelchair. Heavy-duty power chairs navigate with the help of a joystick. It’s best for those who have little control over their body. You can pick a more advanced power chair in case of severe disability. These power chairs are built to ensure higher satisfaction to its users. Key Features of Heavy-Duty Power Chairs Mobility disabled people search for wheelchair options that can eliminate their mobility problems so they can go to places that might seem troublesome before. Heavy-duty wheelchairs are known for their versatility. They are a good choice to travel around with. You can select a power chair equipped with very helpful accessories which will enhance your wheelchair experience. A heavy-duty power wheelchair comes with the following features:
  • Many of the chairs have a foldable seat
  • Adjustable sizes
  • Easy navigation with the help of a joystick
  • Heavily padded seats
  • Spacious
  • Ample footrest
  • Can pick 4- or 6-wheel power chair
  • adjustable armrests
  • Comes in a different color
  • Can have a lap belt up to 60’’ or more
Some heavy-duty wheelchairs come equipped with many exciting accessories. You might see power chairs with cup holders, cushions for more comfort, phone holders, or a carrier for keeping necessary things. They make your traveling more enjoyable but of course, they would cost you more.

Ask These Questions Before Buying Heavy Duty Power Wheelchairs

To ensure that you are getting the very best offer with your hard-earned money being extra cautious is what you have to do. And to enhance your awareness, keep in mind the following questions.
  • Where would you like to take the chair?
  • Where would the chair mostly be outdoor or indoor?
  • Do you need a storage-friendly chair?
  • Does it have a foldable seat?
  • What is the exact weight of the heavy-duty chair?

Bottom Line

A heavy-duty wheelchair comes with many exciting features because of its versatility. Not just disabled bariatric people but also individuals with serious physical conditions are the perfect fit for this kind of wheelchair. They are designed to eliminate the drawbacks of conventional chairs. For mobility disabled person mobility is the most important fact but comfort and feeling secure in the chair is no less important. They create a sense of independence among bariatric people. They can go on traveling, shopping, visit their families and more. They get back to the life they once had with more social interaction. Though heavy-duty wheelchairs have a lot to offer that doesn’t mean it is a good fit for you. Whenever you are buying a wheelchair you need to consult with an expert. It can be a health care expert or someone with vast knowledge about wheelchairs. All the factors pointed above would guide you when you are considering to buy a heavy-duty chair for you or a loved one.

The purpose of introducing a heavy-duty wheelchair in the market is to ensure that the users can use it on a daily basis. You can use it rigorously even if you weigh more compared to other people. A heavy-duty wheelchair is a multipurpose wheelchair that can support you in both a professional care setting and in your home. These kinds of wheelchairs are extra wide which is beneficial for people who are big in size. The majority of these chairs are made of steel frames instead of using aluminum. That’s what makes a heavy-duty wheelchair far more superior when it comes to strength and weight capacity. A typical heavy-duty wheelchair has a lot in common with a normal wheelchair. You can buy a powered or self-propelled heavy-duty wheelchair. Your caregiver can push you around if you get a manual version. A heavy-duty wheelchair can carry up to 700 pounds. Its seat widths vary from 20 to 30 inches which is far more than a regular wheelchair. A regular heavy-duty wheelchair comes at a reasonable price. When you select an upgraded version, you get many exciting features that also increase the wheelchair’s weight capacity. Its versatility is what makes it stand out among traditional wheelchairs. This is why they are popular in hospital settings since they can take patients with any weight.A traditional wheelchair can only take up to 300 lbs. But what’s about the people who weigh more than that? Well, a Heavy-duty wheelchair is there to save the day. These wheelchairs are long-lasting, built on steel frames with high-quality wheels. So, it’s more than clear that the wheelchair has many benefits on its side but before committing to a wheelchair you must know if it fits you. Does the wheelchair have all the features that you require? Is it a good choice regarding your surroundings? These are the questions you need to ask yourself when you are thinking about getting a heavy-duty wheelchair. To ensure that you are the right match for a heavy-duty wheelchair go through the following information and see if it covers all your needs.Before choosing a heavy-duty wheelchair it’s important you know how much the wheelchair weighs. A regular heavy-duty wheelchair can weigh up to 127kg or more. This will help you realize if you would like to have a manual heavy-duty wheelchair or an electric one. You need to understand your own body and see if you have the strength to propel it. Again, if you have someone who will propel the chair for you then you must know if that person can actually do that. Another thing to consider is your daily activity. What are the things you plan on doing with your heavy-duty wheelchair? Your wheelchair is there to make your life easier. So, it is given that the wheelchair you chose would be able to do all those tasks and more for you.The second crucial thing you need to keep in mind is the environment you would be using the wheelchair. Where would you use your heavy-duty wheelchair? Is it in your house or where your office? Heavy-duty wheelchairs are exactly what the name suggests, heavy and wide. This is why their turning radius is also more than the other wheelchairs. Thus, it’s only logical that they would need or fit places with more space having straight lines. So, if your home or your office’s corridors and doorways fit the description then you can get yourself a heavy-duty wheelchair. For easy navigation, the floors carpet of your home or workplace plays an important role. Since we all know that these wheelchairs weigh much so when you have deep carpet in your home the movement process gets a bit difficult. These carpets create resistance which makes it hard to propel the wheelchair by you or even your caregiver.The wheelchair you are buying has to be comfortable otherwise the things you are planning on doing with your wheelchair would turn out to be very discomforting. Choose a heavy-duty wheelchair that has a good quality wheelchair cushion. Having a high-quality cushion is not enough, they have to fit the chair perfectly. Many people prefer to propel their wheelchair than to depend entirely on their power chair. If you are someone like that then choose a that is lightweight. Lighter versions of these wheelchairs are also available in the market for you to pick. Special consideration should be given to the wheels too when you are shopping for a heavy-duty wheelchair. You can choose either PU or solid tires. Both of these types are based on plastic or rubber which is why you can sit back and relax since they would never puncture. Although you should know that choosing a solid tire means your selected chair would weigh more.It is a specialized heavy-duty wheelchair designed to carry people who weigh more than a normal heavy-duty wheelchair can carry. They ensure that these people are safe in their wheelchairs while navigating however they want around places. They too come in an electric or manual version commonly made of steel-clad titanium. Even if you weigh 1000 pounds, a bariatric heavy-duty wheelchair can take up the challenge while ensuring a smooth and comfortable ride. You can customize them according to your needs. These chairs are usually much wider than a standard chair but you can make them even wider.Folding heavy-duty wheelchairs are best for those who would like to travel around with their heavy-duty wheelchair. They would easily get fit in your car and are storage-friendly. If you want you can disassemble them. Foldability is a plus in this type of heavy-duty wheelchair but they are not exactly like other foldable chairs. You might face difficulty while transporting them.When are thinking about getting a heavy-duty wheelchair you should know that these are quite beneficial if you have certain physical conditions. If you are buying this for a loved one then the following information would guide you in making the best decision. This wheelchair is for those who carry extra 30 pounds or more than their ideal weight. Following are the conditions that make a heavy-duty wheelchair the appropriate option available.Many of the above-listed conditions happen when you reach a certain age but they are not the only physical conditions that lead you to a heavy-duty wheelchair. People with extremely weak muscles can be benefited from this type of wheelchair. Take a look at the following condition and see if you or a loved one have any of them.A wrong wheelchair can increase your hardship and put your safety at risk. A heavy-duty wheelchair is introduced in the market when conventional wheelchairs were not enough for certain individuals. These chairs can eliminate a lot of your problems while making sure you are comfortable, safe, and secure eradicating all mobility challenges.Following are the most basic feature that you should look for when you are sure that you want a manual heavy-duty wheelchair:Wheelchair manufacturers would promise you many things but never believe whatever they say. Run your own inspection to make sure the best value of money. Find out extra welds around the joints to eliminate the chances of breaking. See if there is additional fabric on the back and on the chair seat for averting the chances of tearing. You should feel safe in your chair without any worries about toppling.Since heavy-duty wheelchairs tend to be bulky thus you should check how well the chair can move. See if the selected model is easy to move. It’s always better to test the chair but in case you are making a purchase online go through reviews. Check what people have to say about it and then place your order. The selected model should have solid tires. You can go for inflatable tires too for better maneuverability.If you are going to use the chair for long you cannot make any compromise when it comes to comfort. For that, check if the chair seat has heavy padding. Another thing to inspect is the quality of the pads. If the pads are not up to the mark, they would flatten after using the chairs for a few days. If you can get a model equipped with accessories like cup holders and such that would be even better.Keep an eye open to find a wheelchair model that is adjustable. Heavy-duty wheelchairs are for heavy people. But the size still varies and your chair might not fit you well. If that happens then luckily many heavy-duty wheelchairs are highly adjustable.Heavy-duty power wheelchairs have some basic components that you should know of and they are:These wheelchairs typically have 4-pole motor. They either have wet cells or dry batteries. If you want to drive the chair indoors, go for a rear-wheel power chair. For outdoor use choose a front-wheel-driven wheelchair. Heavy-duty power chairs navigate with the help of a joystick. It’s best for those who have little control over their body. You can pick a more advanced power chair in case of severe disability. These power chairs are built to ensure higher satisfaction to its users.Mobility disabled people search for wheelchair options that can eliminate their mobility problems so they can go to places that might seem troublesome before. Heavy-duty wheelchairs are known for their versatility. They are a good choice to travel around with. You can select a power chair equipped with very helpful accessories which will enhance your wheelchair experience. A heavy-duty power wheelchair comes with the following features:Some heavy-duty wheelchairs come equipped with many exciting accessories. You might see power chairs with cup holders, cushions for more comfort, phone holders, or a carrier for keeping necessary things. They make your traveling more enjoyable but of course, they would cost you more.To ensure that you are getting the very best offer with your hard-earned money being extra cautious is what you have to do. And to enhance your awareness, keep in mind the following questions.A heavy-duty wheelchair comes with many exciting features because of its versatility. Not just disabled bariatric people but also individuals with serious physical conditions are the perfect fit for this kind of wheelchair. They are designed to eliminate the drawbacks of conventional chairs. For mobility disabled person mobility is the most important fact but comfort and feeling secure in the chair is no less important. They create a sense of independence among bariatric people. They can go on traveling, shopping, visit their families and more. They get back to the life they once had with more social interaction. Though heavy-duty wheelchairs have a lot to offer that doesn’t mean it is a good fit for you. Whenever you are buying a wheelchair you need to consult with an expert. It can be a health care expert or someone with vast knowledge about wheelchairs. All the factors pointed above would guide you when you are considering to buy a heavy-duty chair for you or a loved one.

How to choose the right wheelchair: NHS, hire or buy your ...

If you or a loved one has limited mobility, a wheelchair can improve your quality of life by allowing you to stay active and do the things you enjoy. 

From manual and electric, to more specialist chairs designed for sports and all terrain, there are plenty of types to pick from. We list the pros and cons of each to help you choose, but it's worth speaking  to a GP, physiotherapist or occupational therapist for personalised advice too.

We also cover how and where to rent or buy a wheelchair, as well as information on how to access a free wheelchair from the NHS. 

Please note that we haven't tested any wheelchairs but we do have lots of useful, expert buying advice to get you started. 

Best mobility scooters: we've tested mobility scooters from CareCo, Pride, Livewell and more

Types of wheelchairs

Wheelchairs can be divided into two main categories: manual wheelchairs and powered or electric wheelchairs.

Manual wheelchairs

If you require a wheelchair all or most of the time for mobility, or can walk – perhaps with a walking stick or frame – but are unable to cope with longer distances, a manual wheelchair might be your best option. The most common types are self-propelled or attendant-propelled. 

Self-propelled manual wheelchairs are designed to be propelled by the user. They have larger back wheels, each with an outer ‘pushrim’ that you turn to control and propel the chair. These wheels generally make for a bulkier chair, which may be trickier to pack into the boot of a car. For this reason, if you’re choosing a self-propelled chair, it's worth looking for one with quick-release wheels. 

Attendant-propelled wheelchairs are designed to be pushed from behind by another person. They generally have smaller back wheels, so are often lighter and easier to transport. They're also easier to navigate and control for the person pushing, although they can prove more challenging than larger-wheeled chairs to mount obstacles such as kerbs.

  • Pros: Generally much lighter than electric wheelchairs, good option for those who can walk but need extra support on longer journeys.
  • Cons: You’ll need sufficient strength and movement in your arms to use a self-propelled wheelchair. 

Electric wheelchairs

Electric wheelchairs - also known as power, electric-assisted or motorised wheelchairs - can be a good investment if you don't have the strength or stamina to use a self-propelled wheelchair, but don’t want to rely on being pushed. They're also useful if you want to take longer journeys in your wheelchair. 

Typically divided into three categories: 'indoor/portable', for use at home or in places with smooth, even flooring such as shopping centres or garden centres. 'Outdoor', with larger wheels and enhanced suspension for dealing with uneven terrain. And 'indoor/outdoor,' which are designed to offer the best of both worlds - these will not be as light as some models, nor as robust as others, but may provide a good balance of features.

The most common type of ‘drive control’ on an electric wheelchair is a joystick mounted on one of the armrests. In theory, these are very simple, although they can sometimes prove difficult to get the hang of.  Some companies offer other types, such as handlebar-style drive controls (similar to a scooter’s, but smaller).

  • Pros: If you have limited mobility, or more complex needs, an electric wheelchair could give you more independence. There are also a variety to choose from, depending on how you intend to use it.
  • Cons: Tend to be more expensive than manual chairs, and also heavier - this is because the frame has to be robust enough to support the motor. You'll need to make sure they are charged - this can take up to 10 hours. some of the larger outdoor-type wheelchairs may need to be stored outside the home – in a garage, for example. 

Lightweight wheelchairs 

You might want to consider a lightweight wheelchair. These tend to be easy to fold and lighter, making them more convenient to transport in a car. 

Both electric and manual folding and lightweight options are available - but what is right for you depends on your own unique circumstances. 

  • Pros: easy to transport, generally much lighter than most manual and electric wheelchairs.
  • Cons: can be less robust than fixed frame chairs, may not cater to more complex needs. 

Transit wheelchairs

You may also consider a transit wheelchair - which is essentially a lightweight wheelchair with a narrower frame and small wheels. Generally, they are pushed by an assistant to transport someone short distances, rather than being self-propelled.

  • Pros: easier to manoeuvre, lift, fold, and store than other models because they aren't as heavy and have smaller wheels.
  • Cons: you'll need someone to push you and they aren't as convenient for longer journeys.

Other types of wheelchair

There are other types of wheelchair available, too - which may be worth considering:

  • Sports and active wheelchairs are lightweight and have a wider range of maneuverability. They also come with special features, such as an anti-tip design that comes in handy for sports like wheelchair basketball.
  • All terrain wheelchairs tend to be robust with larger wheels that aim to let you seamlessly drive from one terrain to the next, including on grass, sand and snow. 
  • Custom wheelchairs are essentially made to measure models. Designed to fit exactly with your body and your needs, you can pick specific features and designs as well as the colour and finish.

Best riser recliner chairs: find the perfect chair using our top picks and expert advice. 

What is the height and width of a standard wheelchair?

Typically, an adult wheelchair will measure around 25 inches wide and 36 inches tall but because there is such a wide range of options, there's no set wheelchair size. 

If you need a chair that's narrower or wider then it's worth talking to a specialist before buying. 

Wheelchair features and accessories

Wheelchairs can often be customised to suit the user. Here are a few of the most common features and accessories: 

  • Seats are often available in different lengths, widths and firmness. Cushioning can also be added to give more postural support.
  • Footplates and armrests can be adjusted to help you find a comfortable seating position.
  • Headrests which provide additional support for your head and neck and offer more comfort. 
  • Storage bags are available in different styles, although they’re generally not suitable for carrying large amounts of shopping.
  • Wheelchair cushions can provide support and relieve pressure for a more comfortable ride.
  • Protection against the elements: a range of wheelchair-specific items are available, such as waterproofs in various styles and leg warmers that cover the lower half of the body like a half-length sleeping bag. The Disabled Living Foundation (DLF) has information about

    special clothing for wheelchair users

  • Wheelchair power packs: It’s possible (and relatively easy) to attach a power pack to most manual wheelchairs. This might be useful if you use a self-propelled chair but need to take some of the strain out of manually pushing from time to time. If you do decide to add a power pack, you'll still be able to drive the chair manually when you want to.
  • Tyres: There are three main types of tyre: solid; air-filled pneumatic and flat free, which are pneumatic tyres filled with a semi-solid material. Solid tyres tend to be longer lasting, but can give a less comfortable ride than other types. Pneumatic tyres tend to give a more comfortable ride but require more maintenance, including keeping them pumped up. And flat free tyres are designed to be less vulnerable to punctures but they're heavier and can be difficult to change.

Personal alarms at home can help people who live alone feel safer and more secure by providing contact to the outside world in the event of an emergency.

NHS wheelchairs

Most people who need to use a wheelchair all the time have an NHS wheelchair. An NHS wheelchair is loaned, rather than given to you, and the NHS is responsible for its maintenance and repairs.

The NHS wheelchair service offers assessments to determine what type of wheelchair or mobility equipment you may be entitled to. 

In most cases, you’ll be referred to the service by a hospital, doctor, consultant or occupational therapist. However, the specific criteria to determine who is eligible will vary depending on where you live.

Many NHS wheelchair services have a waiting list, so you may have to wait several weeks after referral before you get an assessment. 

In Northern Ireland, wheelchairs that are needed on a day-to-day basis are managed through the occupational therapist services of the local Health and Social Care (HSC) Trust.

How to buy the best adjustable bed - from selecting the right mattress and frame to understanding your consumer rights.  

Wheelchair hire

If you need a wheelchair for a shorter time following an operation or injury, you might want to think about wheelchair hire.

You may be able to apply for a wheelchair for short-term use from your local NHS wheelchair service, but they don’t generally hire out wheelchairs for occasional days out.

The Motability Scheme

The not-for-profit Motability Scheme allows people to hire a powered wheelchair, mobility scooter or car for up to three years. To qualify you must receive a government-funded disability allowance – either the Disability Living Allowance, if you already receive that particular benefit; or the Personal Independence Payment (PIP) if you are applying now.

You will receive your wheelchair or mobility scooter in exchange for all or part of your allowance. 

Anyone getting the enhanced-rate mobility component of the PIP can take part in the scheme, providing they have at least 12 months of the award remaining. It’s also open to people receiving the War Pensioners’ Mobility Supplement.

If you want to learn more, please visit our website Custom Broadening Waist Belt.

How Shopmobility could help

Shopmobility is a charity set up to assist people with mobility difficulties – whether through disability, illness or injury – to continue to get around town and city centres.

Anyone who has problems with mobility can access shops and other services through the Shopmobility scheme. Equipment available for hire can include manual and electric wheelchairs, mobility scooters and rollators.

Red Cross wheelchair hire

The Red Cross provides short-term loans of mobility aids such as wheelchairs at almost 1,000 UK outlets, and is known as being the main wheelchair-hire scheme.

As the service is run by volunteers, the Red Cross asks for a donation, and may also require a refundable deposit. Get in touch as early as you can, as your local branch may have a waiting list.

Other short term wheelchair hire options

Many companies, from Center Parcs and zoos to gardens and National Trust properties, also have wheelchairs available to hire on a daily and short term basis, too. They’re usually light, manual wheelchairs that are adequate for a day out where there’s a lot of walking. You’ll need to phone ahead to reserve a wheelchair, as there’s often limited availability.

Long term wheelchair hire

A range of specialist mobility shops also offer long-term wheelchair rentals. You'll need to work out whether that makes sense for you financially though - if you're likely to use it for years, it may be more cost effective to buy. This is especially true of manual chairs, which tend to be more affordable.

Retailers who offer long-term hire include Mobility Hire, Wheel Freedom and RossCare. Bear in mind that if a store is not local to you, you may need to shop online.

Bathroom aids and adaptations - the benefits and how to apply for financial help.

Buying a wheelchair

Rather than loaning you a wheelchair directly, some NHS wheelchair services will give you a non-taxable voucher that you can put towards buying your own wheelchair. The voucher is for the amount you would have been given after your assessment and is designed to give you more choice.

If the maintenance of the wheelchair is the responsibility of the NHS, you’ll have to return it when you no longer need it. But you could opt to pay for wheelchair maintenance privately and keep the chair permanently. 

If you opt to buy a wheelchair without using the NHS, and you’re chronically sick or disabled, you don’t have to pay VAT. You may also be able to get help towards paying for it from charities or your local authority - so it's worth speaking with them first to see if you're eligible.

How much should you spend on a wheelchair?

For an entry level manual wheelchair you can expect to pay around £150.

For a powered wheelchair, you're looking at around £2,000 for a basic model. 

The more functionality and extra features the chair has, the more you'll pay. For example, wheelchairs that offer an 'all terrain' driving experience can cost £10,000 or more. 

Where to buy a wheelchair

You can buy wheelchairs online but, while you might get a good price, you’ll need to be sure you can set up and use it safely. It's also worth trying out the specific type of wheelchair in the place you’re going to use it – for example, at home, on the pavement, or on more challenging terrain. 

Disabled Living Centres have a wide range of equipment that you can test out. They can also give advice on the different styles of wheelchairs for sale. 

Some popular wheelchair retailers include: 

  • Argos

    sells competitively priced manual wheelchairs from just £140. At the time of writing there were 20 different models in stock online, including manual and electric powered wheelchairs

    with warranties between one and five years. 

  • WheelFreedom

    is a specialist retailer that offers a wide range of manual, electric and active wheelchairs. Prices start at around £270 for a basic manual wheelchair and go up to £13,000 for an outdoor electric wheelchair. 
  • CompleteCare

    stocks manual and electric wheelchairs. Prices range between £100 for entry level models and £24,000 for powered premium models. 
  • EssentialAids

    sells brands including Aidapt, Travelite and Permobil, among others. Prices start from £230 and go up to around £20,000.
  • Fenetic Wellbeing

    has a large range of electric, lightweight, folding, self-propelled, bariatric and transit wheelchairs starting from £144, as well as a huge range of wheelchair parts, accessories and ramps.

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Home adaptations for wheelchair users

If you’re a new user, you may need to make some changes to your home to make it wheelchair accessible. An occupational therapist (OT) can advise you on what adaptations might be necessary - but as a general guide, here's what to consider: 

  • Widening your door frames: doors can be awkward for wheelchair users, especially if they have to be approached at an angle. A suitable width is usually 800mm-1,000mm (depending on the size of your chair) but the wider the door width, the easier the access will be.
  • Installing a ramp: you may benefit from having a permanent ramp installed outside for access purposes. Or you could consider a portable ramp, which is made of lighter materials and usually less expensive. Find out more about the

    types of ramps for the home

  • A downstairs bathroom: If you live in a house with two or more floors, having a properly equipped downstairs bathroom that can accommodate a wheelchair will be very important. Find out more about

    bathroom adaptations

  • Installing a lift: If your home is on more than one floor, a lift installation may be an option. The space requirements for a lift are usually significant, though.

Ramps and rails for t he home - grab rails provide extra confidence when moving about the house and fitting a ramp could help you get around around more freely.

If you are looking for more details, kindly visit cervical traction chair wholesale.