Praziquantel | Page 10 - Reef2Reef

09 Sep.,2024


Praziquantel | Page 10 - Reef2Reef

Praziquantel (de-wormer)

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What It Treats &#; Flukes (Monogeneans), Black Ich (Turbellarians), and intestinal worms.

How To Treat &#; There are a few aquarium products which contain praziquantel:



API General Cure


Thomas Labs Fish Tapes

. Follow the dosing instructions for whatever product you are using. If using straight powder praziquantel powder, dose @ 2.5 mg/L (or 9.5 mg/gal). Powder praziquantel is not easily water soluable and it often helps to mix your dose in a small amount of ethyl alcohol or even common vodka before dosing your tank.

With prazi dose once, wait about a week, do a 20-25% water change and then repeat dosage. (

If you are treating a known prazi sensitive species (e.g. wrasse), you can run carbon or perform a water change 24 hours after dosing in order to limit exposure time. While praziquantel does remain active in the water column for up to 72 hours, only 24 hours are needed for it to eradicate external worms. Don&#;t forget to still do the second round though!


is generally considered reef safe, although it may kill any tube worms/feathers dusters you have. It may also eradicate bristle worms. If you have mass quantities of these, the resulting die-off can lead to an ammonia spike. After treatment is done, activated carbon may be used to remove any residuals (if you need to use a different medication next). This is important because the Oxybispropanol (solubilizing agent) Prazipro contains will sometimes cause a bacterial bloom (cloudy water) when mixed with other meds. If using a protein skimmer post-treatment, be advised that it will &#;over skim&#; for at least a week or so.

API General Cure

contains both praziquantel and metronidazole, and is an effective substitute for using Prazipro. (Just don&#;t follow the 48 hour repeat dosage instructions; Redose 5-7 days later instead.) But where

General Cure

really shines is when soaked in food to treat both intestinal worms and internal parasites (flagellates). Both maladies share one classic symptom: White stringy feces. You can also food soak

Thomas Labs Fish Tapes

or just straight praziquantel powder; but be aware that prazi only treats intestinal worms. (You would need to food soak metronidazole for internal flagellates.) I recommend feeding the medicated food daily for 2-3 weeks, or until symptoms are no longer present. My formula for food soaking prazi (and metro) can be found below:

Using a shot glass:
1 scoop (~ 1/8 teaspoon) of medication
1 scoop Seachem Focus (this makes it reef safe)
1 tbsp food (preferably pellets or frozen food)
A pinch of Epsom salt to help expel dead worms/parasites
A few drops of saltwater or fish vitamins
Stir until a medicated food slurry has been achieved
Feed after soaking for 30 mins
Refrigerate or freeze any leftovers for future use

Pros &#; Reef safe, effective dewormer that is relatively gentle on most fish.

Cons/Side Effects &#; Mild appetite suppression, moderate oxygen depletion, wrasses are sensitive to overdosing. Prazi resistant worms (both external and internal) do exist, so sometimes an alternative treatment must be used instead. This includes hyposalinity or formalin (to treat external worms), and food soaking Fenbendazole to deal with prazi resistant intestinal worms.

Flukes (Monogeneans), Black Ich (Turbellarians), and intestinal worms.There are a few aquarium products which contain praziquantel:and. Follow the dosing instructions for whatever product you are using. If using straight powder praziquantel powder, dose @ 2.5 mg/L (or 9.5 mg/gal). Powder praziquantel is not easily water soluable and it often helps to mix your dose in a small amount of ethyl alcohol or even common vodka before dosing your tank.With prazi dose once, wait about a week, do a 20-25% water change and then repeat dosage. () The reason for the second dose is to eradicate the &#;next generation&#; of worms before they can lay eggs of their own. Because while Prazi does kill worms, it doesn&#;t eliminate any eggs they might leave behind.If you are treating a known prazi sensitive species (e.g. wrasse), you can run carbon or perform a water change 24 hours after dosing in order to limit exposure time. While praziquantel does remain active in the water column for up to 72 hours, only 24 hours are needed for it to eradicate external worms. Don&#;t forget to still do the second round though!is generally considered reef safe, although it may kill any tube worms/feathers dusters you have. It may also eradicate bristle worms. If you have mass quantities of these, the resulting die-off can lead to an ammonia spike. After treatment is done, activated carbon may be used to remove any residuals (if you need to use a different medication next). This is important because the Oxybispropanol (solubilizing agent) Prazipro contains will sometimes cause a bacterial bloom (cloudy water) when mixed with other meds. If using a protein skimmer post-treatment, be advised that it will &#;over skim&#; for at least a week or so.Reef safe, effective dewormer that is relatively gentle on most fish.Mild appetite suppression, moderate oxygen depletion, wrasses are sensitive to overdosing. Prazi resistant worms (both external and internal) do exist, so sometimes an alternative treatment must be used instead. This includes hyposalinityformalin (to treat external worms), and food soaking Fenbendazole to deal with prazi resistant intestinal worms.

Praziquantel | Medication

PetMD&#;s medications content was written and reviewed by veterinary professionals to answer your most common questions about how medications function, their side effects, and what species they are prescribed for. This content shouldn&#;t take the place of advice by your vet.

What is Praziquantel?

Praziquantel is a type of medication called an anthelmintic, meaning that it treats parasitic worms. Praziquantel is effective in the treatment of tapeworms. There are a number of tapeworm types that can affect dogs and cats and this product takes care of several including Dipylidium caninum and Taenia pisiformis/taeniaeformis. In dogs it is also used in the treatment of a rarer species of tapeworms (Echinococcus granulosus and Echinococcus multilocularis).

How Praziquantel Works

The way in which praziquantel works against tapeworms is not entirely known, but it is suspected that it interferes with integrity of the worm's skin and causes paralysis. The deceased worms will either be defecated out or be digested with the rest of the ingested in the pet's digestive tract.

Praziquantel can be used as a standalone medication but is also used in combination with other products, like other anthelmintic products, but also in combination with flea or heartworm preventatives. Praziquantel and praziquantel combination products are available in many forms such as tablets, chews, topicals and as an injectable.

Praziquantel as a sole medication is available as a tablet (Droncit®) and as an injection (Praziquantel®). Common products that contain praziquantel along with other medications include: Interceptor Plus®, Sentinel®, Iverhart Max®, Profender®, Centragard®, Drontal®, and Virbantel®.

Praziquantel Directions

Because praziquantel is utilized in many different types of products, it is important to follow the directions on the drug label or as provided by your veterinarian. Your veterinarian may recommend giving this medication once for the treatment of tapeworms and they may recommend giving it twice&#;several weeks apart due to the nature of the tapeworm lifecycle in dogs and cats. If praziquantel is part of your pet's heartworm prevention medication&#;these medications are typically given orally once per month.

Dogs with an MDR-1 gene mutation (also called ABCB1) are at a slightly greater risk for an overdose. This product is safe for pets with this gene mutation at normal doses.

Missed a Dose?

If you forget to give a dose of praziquantel or a praziquantel containing product, give it when you remember. However, if it is almost time for your next dose, skip the missed dose and resume your normal dosing schedule. Do not give extra or double doses.

Praziquantel Possible Side Effects

Most pets do quite well with this medication. When seen, side effects may include:

  • Lack of appetite

  • Vomiting

  • Diarrhea

    Contact us to discuss your requirements of Fish Tapes Praziquantel. Our experienced sales team can help you identify the options that best suit your needs.

  • Lethargy

  • Drooling

  • Weakness

In addition to those symptoms, those pets receiving the injectable version of this medication can have soreness in the area the injection was given.

You may see dead tapeworms in your pet's stool if this medication was used to treat an active tapeworm infection; however it is more likely that you will not see any tapeworms in your pet's stool.

Human Side Effects

While praziquantel is also used as a human prescription medication there are different dosages and side effects that can occur in humans.  If you accidentally ingest a pet medication, call your physician or the national Poison Control Center hotline at 800-222-.


No specific monitoring is required for this medication, but your veterinarian may recommend routine testing depending on your pets' individual needs, other medications they may be on and/or the issue that initially caused your pet to be placed on this medication.

Call Your Vet If:

  • Severe side effects are seen (see above) or persistent vomiting or bloody diarrhea

  • You see or suspect an overdose

  • You have additional questions or concerns about the use of praziquantel

Praziquantel Overdose

Praziquantel overdoses are quite rare as this medication has a large margin of safety. Dogs with an MDR-1 gene mutation (also called ABCB1) are at a slightly greater risk for an overdose. This product is extremely safe for pets with this gene mutation at normal doses.

With large overdoses, in dogs and cats, vomiting, drooling, lethargy, trouble walking and even death can be seen if the overdose is large enough.

If you suspect an overdose, immediately contact your veterinarian or an animal poison control center. Consultation fees often apply.

Pet Poison Helpline (855) 764-

ASPCA Animal Poison Control (888) 426-

Praziquantel Storage

Storage recommendations will greatly depend on the product or combination product being used. Stand alone tablet versions of this medication are generally recommended to be stored below 77 F. With all tablet medications please keep the container tightly closed in order to protect from moisture and light.  

Keep out of reach of children and pets.

No vet writer or qualified reviewer has received any compensation from the manufacturer of the medication as part of creating this article. All content contained in this article is sourced from public sources or the manufacturer.

Featured Image: ignjatovic


Stephanie Howe, DVM


Dr. Stephanie Howe graduated from the University of Florida College of Veterinary Medicine in , after receiving a Bachelor of Science...

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