Some questions and answers on hydroxypropyl ...

13 May.,2024


Some questions and answers on hydroxypropyl ...

8、HPMC in the application of putty powder, what is the main role, whether the chemical?

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--A: HPMC in the putty powder, play a thickening, water retention and construction of three roles. Thickening: cellulose can be thickened to play the role of suspension, so that the solution to maintain a uniform up and down the same role, anti-flow hanging. Water retention: make putty powder dry slower, assist the reaction of gray calcium under the action of water. Construction: cellulose has a lubricating effect, can make the putty powder has good constructibility. hpmc does not participate in any chemical reaction, only play an auxiliary role. Putty powder with water, on the wall, is a chemical reaction, because there is the generation of new substances, get the putty powder on the wall off the wall, grind it into powder, and then use it again, it does not work, because it has formed a new substance (calcium carbonate). Gray calcium powder is the main component: Ca (OH) 2, CaO and a small amount of CaCO3 mixture, CaO + H2O = Ca (OH) 2 - Ca (OH) 2 + CO2 = CaCO3↓ + H2O Gray calcium in the water and CO2 in the air, the generation of calcium carbonate, and HPMC is just a water retention, to assist the better reaction of gray calcium, itself HPMC is just to keep water and assist the better reaction of gray calcium, it does not participate in any reaction.

9, HPMC is non-ionic cellulose ether, so what is non-ionic?

--A: Commonly speaking, non-ionic is in water, will not ionize the material. Ionization is the process by which an electrolyte is dissociated into charged ions that can move freely in a specific solvent (e.g., water, alcohol). For example, sodium chloride (NaCl), the salt you eat every day, dissolves in water and ionizes to produce freely moving positively charged sodium ions (Na+) and negatively charged chloride ions (Cl). That is to say, HPMC in water, will not dissociate into charged ions, but in the form of molecules.

10、 What is the gel temperature of hydroxypropyl methylcellulose related to?

--Answer:The gel temperature of HPMC is related to its methoxyl content, the lower the methoxyl content ↓, the higher the gel temperature ↑ .

11, putty powder powder and HPMC have no relationship?

--A: The powder of putty powder is mainly related to the quality of gray calcium, and HPMC has no great relationship. The low calcium content of gray calcium and the ratio of CaO and Ca(OH)2 in the gray calcium is not suitable, which will cause powder fall. If it has something to do with HPMC, then it is the poor water retention of HPMC, which will also cause powder fall.

12、 What is the difference between the cold water soluble type and hot soluble type of hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose in the production process?

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--Answer: The cold water instant type of HPMC is treated with ethylenedicarboxaldehyde surface treatment, put in cold water and quickly dispersed, but it is not really dissolved, the viscosity comes up, and then it is dissolved. The hot soluble type is not treated with glyoxal surface treatment. Glyoxal put a large amount, it is dispersed quickly, but the viscosity comes up slowly, put a small amount, it is the opposite.

13, hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose (HPMC) has a smell is how it is?

--Answer:The HPMC produced by solvent method uses toluene and isopropyl alcohol as solvent, if the washing is not very good, there will be some residual flavor.

14、 How to choose the right Hydroxypropyl Methyl Cellulose (HPMC) for different applications?

--Answer:Putty powder application: lower requirements, viscosity 100,000, can be, the important thing is to retain water to be good. Application of mortar: higher requirements, high viscosity is required, 150,000 is better. Glue application: need quick dissolving type products, viscosity should be high.

15, hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose has what alias?

-A: Hydroxypropyl Methyl Cellulose, English: Hydroxypropyl Methyl Cellulose Abbreviation: HPMC or MHPC Alias: Hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose; Cellulose Hydroxypropyl Methyl Ether; Hypromellose, Cellulose, 2- Hypromellose, Cellulose, 2-hydroxypropyl methyl Cellulose ether. Cellulose hydroxypropyl methyl ether Hyprolose.

16、HPMC in putty powder application, putty powder out of the bubble what reason?

--A: HPMC in the putty powder, play the role of thickening, water retention and construction. It does not participate in any reaction. Reasons for bubbles: 1, too much water put. 2, the bottom layer is not dry, scrape another layer on top, also easy to bubble.

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